
Terms containing 式样 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三维镶嵌式样three-dimensional panelling pattern
tech.不放回抽样方式sampling scheme without replacement
tech.串联瓶式采样器series bottle sampler
busin.二项双样本模式binomial two-sample model
econ.交易会上她穿的是最新式样的衣服She dressed in the latest mode in the trade fair
adv.产品样式product form
tech., fr.亨利二世时代式样Henri II style
gen.今天晚上去跳美国式的方舞怎么样?How'd you like to go to an American style square dance tonight?
econ.从各种式样中选择select among various patterns
expl.他的思维方式就是那个样子That is typical of his way of thinking
gen.以各种各样的方式工作operate with extraordinary variety of action
gen.以同样方式处理treat alike
law以同样的方式in like manner
gen.以最流行式样做标准standardize with the most popular styles
gen.as to + inf.以这样的方式即in such a way that
tech.仿真式样realistic testing specimen
tech.侧门式取样器door-type sampler (取砂砾岩样品)
tech.便携式尘埃取样器portable dust sampler
China, polit.倡导发展模式多样化advocate diversity in development models
tech.倾箱式取样机tilting-box sampler
tech.典型样式typical sample
tech.典型样式typical pattern
multimed.内嵌样式inline stylesheet
tech.内燃式夯样机petrol compacting and finishing screed
tech.冲击式取样管punch corer
tech.冲击式采样器impact sampler
tech.几何式样geometrical stye
tech.几何式样geometric stye
tech.几何形式样geometrical decorated style
tech.几何形式样geometric decorated style
econ.几年来,这些式样一直非常流行These styles have been a great vogue for years
econ.凭指定式样出售sale by pattern
tech.英国凯尔待式纹样Celtic ornament
tech.凯尔特式纹样Celtic ornament (英国)
tech.击入式土样drive sample
busin.分析式抽样analytic sampling
econ.分析未来式样之趋势analyze trends in styles
busin.刘易斯样式Lewis Pattern
shipb.包装式样form of packing
shipb.包装式样packing style
tech.匣式取样器box type sampler
tech.十字形式样cruciform pattern
math.单式抽样,单一抽样unitary sampling
math.单式抽样,单一抽样unit stage sampling
math.单式抽样,单一抽样single sampling
math.单式抽样计划,单一抽样计划single sampling plan
tech.卧式试样磨机horizontal type sampling mill
desert.压入式取样器pressed sampler
tech.压力式取样筒pressure-type core barrel
tech.压力式钻芯取样机pressure corer
tech.压力式钻芯采样机pressure corer
tech.压差式底沙采样器pressure difference type bed-load sampler
tech.压差式底沙采样器pressure difference bed-load sampler
tech.压差式底河床质采样器pressure difference bed material sampler
math.双重抽样,复式抽样double reversal design
tech.取样型式sampling pattern
econ.可从别处以比你低得多的价格购到与你方式样相仿的优质产品The quality similar to your pattern can be bought at much lower price than yours from other places
avia.可扩展样式语言extensible style language
multimed.可扩展样式语言extensible stylesheet language
avia.可扩展样式语言转换extensible style language transformation
tech.可拆卸式取样管removable sampling tube
busin.各式各样multi forms
gen.各式各样的all descriptions of
gen.各式各样的of all makes
pejor.各式各样的manner of...
gen.各式各样的of all descriptions
gen.各式各样的of every description
gen.各式各样的a wide range of
busin.各式各样的multi various
econ.各式各样的标本sundry specimen
commer.各式各样的汽车在展出Cars of all makes are on display
busin.各式各样的顾客sundry customers
econ.各种样式a nice selection
tech.金刚石在钻头唇部的同心圆排列式样concentrical pattern
tech.金刚石在钻头唇部的同心圆排列式样concentric pattern
tech.启发式判读样式associative key
tech.吸入式取样器suction type sampler
tech.吸入式泥沙采样器suction type sediment sampler
tech.哥特式样尖拱Gothic arch
busin.商品式样变化频繁frequency of styling changes
commer.商品的式样已经过时了The style of the commodity is outdated
tech.喷水式清底螺旋土样钻bottom cleaning jet auger
tech.回转式取样器rotary sampler
tech.园林风格式样style of landscape architecture
tech.固定活塞式取样器stationary piston sampler
tech.固定活塞式取样器fixed piston sampler
tech.圆盘式判读样片disk key
tech.圆锥式采样器conical sampler
tech.圆锥式采样器conic sampler
tech.圆锥高丘式样sugar-loaf fashion
tech.16世纪后期西班牙建筑师埃列拉式样文艺复兴式样Herrera Juan de style
tech.基本式样basic form
AI.塔式抽样pyramidal sampling
tech.墙体式样walling pattern
tech.复合式取土样器composite sampler
tech.复式取样double sampling
tech.复式取水样器multiple water sampler
econ.复式抽样double sample
tech.复式抽样double sampling
busin.复式抽样法double sampling
tech.复式浮游生物采样器multiple plankton sampler
tech.复式采样器multiple water sampler
earth.sc.多层漂浮式采样器multi-layer floating sampler
tech.多层漂浮式采样器multilayer floating sampler
mil., air.def.多样式multi-pattern
tech.多样式排气manifold exhaust
econ.多样式日记账analytical journal
tech.多样形式diversity pattern
busin.多样灵活的经营方式multiple flexible forms of operation
busin.多样灵活的经营方式multiple flexible forms of business
tech.多盘式采样器multiple plate sampler
tech.多盘式采样器multiple disc sampling apparatus
tech.多级式取样器multistage sampler
tech.多级式采样器multistage sampler
busin.多项式仿样分布滞后polynomial spline distributed lags
busin.多项式抽样模型multinomial sampling model
gen.大大小小各式各样的in all sizes and styles
tech.奥斯特柏格式取样器Osterberg sampler
econ.如果你公司对其他新式商品有需求,我们将非常高兴能获得机会向你公司显示一下创造新式样的能力We would be very glad to have an opportunity to demonstrate our ability of making a creative design if you have requirement for any other sorts of new style
multimed.字符样式character style
tech.定型式样permanent form
China, polit.实行定期与不定期的灵活多样合作方式adopt a variety of flexible means for cooperation at regular or irregular intervals
tech.家具的设计样式Empire style
tech.对开式取样器split-tube sampler
tech.对开式取样器split spoon sampler
tech.对开式取土样split spoon sample
tech.对开式土壤取样器split spoon sampler
tech.对开管式取样器split-tube sampler
tech.对开管打入式取样器split-tube drive sampler
gen.对我来说,绘画是一种治疗方式,但同样,它也悄悄地成了一种激情For me, drawing is a form of therapy, but also, quietly, it has become a passion
tech.射击式侧壁取样器gun sampler
tech.射弹式取样器projectile sampler
gen.尽管尽力推广牛仔衫的新式样,但其销量依然不佳The new style in cowboy shirt did not take on, despite all attempts to popularize it
multimed.层叠样式表cascading style sheet
adv.巢式抽样法cluster sampling
busin.工业样式与模型industrial model and pattern
tech.布尔选择样式Boolean choice pattern
tech.带半合管压入式取样器drive-type split-tube soil-sampling device
railw.常见式样conventional type
tech.常见式样garden variety
gen.帽的样式styles of headgear
tech.干式取样dry sampling
tech.干式取样器dry sampler
tech.干式取样器dry sample barrel
tech.干式取样筒dry sample barrel
tech.干式撞击取样器dry impinger
tech.干式撞击取样器dry impactor
mil., air.def.干扰信号样式jamming signal mode
mil., air.def.干扰样式jamming style
mil., air.def.干扰调制样式jamming modulation type
adv.广告设计式样stylebook of advertisement-design
tech.建筑式样construction phase
tech.建筑式样architectural style
tech.建筑圆柱式样architectural order
tech.开叉式砖土取样器split spoon sampler
tech.开叉式钻土取样器split spoon sampler
China, polit.开展形式多样的执法检查conduct various types of examinations of law enforcement work
agric.式样type (typus)
lat., econ.式样species
agric.式样分析type analysis
busin.式样卡片aspect card
tech.式样开发stylistic development
busin.式样pattern book
tech.式样特征stylistic feature
tech.式样的纯净purity style
avia.式样翻新配套件retrofit kit
agric.式样设计fashion design
econ.式样过时的服装目前在市场上很难销售The market for clothes out of fashion is very difficult at present
tech.弹簧式土芯取样器spring core catcher
busin.形式多样性diversity in form
tech.悬挂式点积采样器cable-suspended point-integrating sampler
tech.悬挂式积点采样器cable-suspended point-integrating sampler
tech.悬钟式采样器suspension clock sampler
busin.我们产品的颜色和样式都很丰富We have a wide selection of colors and designs
econ.我们已寄目录及各个款式草样We have sent you our catalogue with the respective design sketches
tech.戴尼松式轴向活塞取样器Denison sampler
econ.所有客户对式样和质量都无异议All the customers accepted the style and the quality without demur
tech.手提式泥沙采样器hand sediment sampler
sport.打——个电话就可以把健身教练叫到家,他还随身带有各式各样的健身器材One phone call will also bring a fitness coach to your house, bringing all manner of fitness equipment with him
tech.打入式取样drive sampling
tech.打入式取样器drive tube
tech.打洞的式样perforation pattern
tech., fr.1795~1799年法国革命政府执行内阁时代式样Directoire style
multimed.扩展样式表转换语言XSL transformation
tech.抓式采样器snapper sampler
tech.抓斗式采样器grab sampler
tech.抛射式取样机projectile sampler
earth.sc.抽吸式侧采样器suction side sample catcher
tech.抽吸式悬移质采样器suction type suspension load sampler
tech.抽吸式悬移质采样器pumping type suspension load sampler
tech.抽样多项式sampling polynomial
tech.抽样数据方式sampled-data mode
busin.抽样方式type of sampling
busin.抽样方式mode of sampling
tech.拉毛粉刷式样stucco pattern
tech.拖曳式采样器towed sampler
tech.拖筒式取样器drag-bucket sampler
tech.振动式取样器oscillating sampler
tech.振动式取样器取样sampling by vibro-sampler
nautic., tech.振动活塞式取样管shock piston type corer
gen.插人式取样器bayonet sampler
tech.金刚石在钻头上的摆放样式spacing pattern
tech.摇槽式全流取样机rocking whole-stream sampler
tech.摇槽式全流取样机rocking whole-stream cutter
busin.支票的特性样式model attribute of the cheque
multimed.文档样式语义和规范语言document style semantics and specification language
tech.16 世纪中期法国文艺复兴式样Henri II style
tech.斜角圬工模样斜角圬工形式oblique-angled masonry pattern
busin.式样new style
commer.式样new model
tech.式样new design
construct.新样 〔形〕式new mode
tech.新样式new mode
construct.新样式〔形式,方法〕new mode
econ.新样式new style
econ.新样式novel type
tech.新样式new style pattern
gen.синхр.плав. 新样式nova
anim.husb.新英格兰式样火腿香肠New England ham-style sausage
tech.旋转式采样器rotary type sampling tube
tech.日式构造样式construction of Japanese style
tech.日本式样Japanese style
tech.日本绳纹文化建筑式样Jomon style
tech.时代式样Period style
busin.时髦式样fashion style
tech.普通式样ordinary form
tech.曲线式样精简数据法curve-pattern compaction
mil., air.def.最佳干扰样式optimal jamming type
commer.最新式样latest pattern
gen.最新式样dernier cri
busin.最新式样latest word
busin.最新式样last work
econ.最新式样last word
econ.最新式样an up-to-date 作表语时写作 up to date style
tech.最新式样up-to-the-minute styling
gen.最新式样the last shout
gen.最新式样all the cry
econ.最新式样已受到广泛的欢迎The latest fashions have already gained wide popularity
busin.最新样式up-to-the-minute styling
tech.最新样式new look
tech.最新流行的式样time of day
gen.最时新的式样the latest fashion
gen.最流行式样the latest fashion
tech.朱红图像式样red-figure style
tech.条纹式样stripped-down style
tech.构造样式tectonic style
tech.构造样式法method of structural style
tech.柱的式样columnar style
econ.标准式样standard type
tech.标准螺纹样式standard screw thread form
tech.栏杆式样handrail shape
tech.校样方式proof-copy mode
tech.样品加工公式sample processing formula
tech.样品包装方式packing manner of sample
tech.样式摄影术fashion photography
commer.样式时新The style is up to date
busin.产品样式更换model change
tech.样式概念idea of style
multimed.样式表style sheet
earth.sc.样本记录格式sample registration scheme
tech.样板式振动器screed vibrator
tech.样板式振动器screed board vibrator
shipb.楔形式样wedge pattern
tech.槽孔式推移质采样器slot-type bed load sampler
tech.槽孔式采样器slot-type sampler
tech.槽探取样器槽式底砂采样器pit sampler
tech.模块式多层采样器modular multilevel sampler
tech.模式图样mode pattern
tech.模式花样mode pattern
tech.模样花式mode pattern
anim.husb.正式采样officially drawn sample
econ.正规样式提单regular long form bill of landing (B/L)
sport.比赛样式pattern of the match
tech.水定时式取样机water-timed sampler
tech.水平式采样器horizontal sampler
tech.沉积构成样式depositional architecture pattern
tech.沉降式样sedimentation pattern
tech.活塞式水样器stopcock water bottle
tech.活塞式取样器piston core sampler
tech.活塞式岩芯取样piston coring
commer.流行式样fashionable style
gen.服饰流行时兴,时新 式样fashion
tech.流行样式regnant fashion
commer.测试样式test patter
tech.海罗特式取样器Heyroth sampler
tech.深度累积式取样器depth-integrating sampler
tech.深水复式采样器deep-sea multiple sampler
tech.滤纸式空气取样器tape air sampler
tech.漏斗式钻粉取样器chance cone silt skimmer
China, polit.灵活多样的合作方式a variety of flexible means for cooperation
China, polit.灵活多样的方式flexible and varied modalities
tech.点积式取样器point-integrating sampler
tech.烧杯式取样器beaker sampler
tech.现代样式modern style
tech.现代派式样modern style
econ.现随函附上目录,详细介绍最新式样的运动用品The enclosed catalogue will give you all the latest models of sporting goods
tech.瓶式悬移质取样器bottle type suspension load sampler
tech.瓶式淤泥取样器bottle silt sampler
tech.瓶式采样器bottle sampler
tech.用开叉式钻土取样器钻取的士佯spoon sample
gen.用这样的方式the way
gen.用这样的方式in such a manner
econ.由于需求增加,我们正努力加速生产最新式样的服装As the demand increases, we are taking great efforts to step up production of garments of the latest fashions
tech.电动钻进式井壁取样器electrically driven rotary sidewall sampler
gen.M M的最新式样the latest thing in
tech.皮带式取样器conveyer type sample
tech.盆地充填样式basin-fill pattern
tech.盘式底砂采样器pan-type bed-load sampler
tech.盘式推移质采样器tray-type bed-load sampler
tech.盘式推移质采样器pan-type bed-load sampler
tech.盘式河底推移质采样器tray-type bed-load sampler
tech.盘式河砂釆样器pan-type sampler
tech.盘式采样器tray-type sampler
tech.盘式采样器pan-type sampler
commer.目前我公司可以供应各式花样的此类商品At present, our corporation can supply these commodities in a wide range of designs
tech.真空式气体取样器vacuum gas sampler
tech.矩阵式打样机matrix proofer
tech.砖砌面式样surface pattern
tech.破坏样式failure pattern
AI.确定式采样选择deterministic sampling
tech.积时式取样time-integration sampling
tech.积时式取样time-integrating sampling
tech.积时式取样器time-integrating sampler
tech.积时式采样time-integration sampling
tech.积时式采样time-integrating sampling
tech.积时式采样器time-integrating sampler
tech.积深式水样depth-integrated sample
tech.积深式釆样器depth-integrated sampler
tech.积深式采样器depth-integrating sampler (测含沙量)
tech.积深式采样法depth-integrated sampling
tech.积点式泥砂采样器point-integrating sediment sampler
tech.式样systematic sample
tech.式样systematic sample
tech.立管式悬移质采样器vertical pipe type suspension load sampler
tech.竖瓶积深式采样器vertical bottle depth-integrating sampler
tech.竖管式悬移质采样器vertical pipe suspension load sampler
tech.竖管式悬移质采样器standpipe suspension load sampler
China, law签名 式样specimen of signature
tech.签字式样证明书letter of indication
commer.信用证签字式样证明书letter of identification
commer.信用证签字式样证明书letter of indication
tech.签字式样证明书letter of identification
tech.简洁式样severe style
tech.管式取样品tube-type sample
tech.管式取样品pipe-type sample
tech.管式取样器tube-type sampler
tech.管式取样器pipe-type sampler
tech.管式采样pipe-type sample
tech.管式采样器tube-type sampler
busin.管理新样式new pattern of management
anim.husb.箱式取样器box corer
tech.箱式取样器取样sampling by box
tech.系统采样格式systematic sampling scheme
tech.累积式采样器integrating sampler
tech.累积式采样器accumulating sampler
multimed.级联样式表cascading style sheets, level 1
tech.纯净式样purity style
busin.线式抽样法line sampling
busin.线性统计抽样模式linear statistical sampling model
tech.线条式样line pattern
gen.经〔作出〕 官样文章式批准的rubber-stamp
tech.结晶式样crystalline pattern
tech.结构式样structural style
tech.结构样式structural pattern
tech.美国式底质采样器United States bed material sampler
tech.17~18世纪美国独立前建筑式样Colonial style
busin.式样old pattern
agric.聚合模式样cluster pattern sample
tech.自动式底层水取样器free vehicle bottom water
tech.自由式底层水取样器free vehicle bottom-water sampler
tech.自落式取芯器取样sampling by free fall coring
tech.自落式抓斗取样sampling by free fall grabber
tech.英国18世纪安娜女王时代的建筑家具式样Queen Anne style
tech.荷花抓斗式采样器orange-peel sampler
tech.落锤式取样器drop coring sampler
tech.落锤式取样器drop coring device
tech.蒸发液体式试样放射性测量计evapourated liquid activity meter
tech.蒸发液体式试样放射性测量计evaporated liquid activity meter
tech.虹吸式釆样器siphon water-sampler
tech.蚌式采样器clamshell sampler
tech.蚌式采样器bottom grab
tech.蟹爪敞口式取样器crab claw open-type sampler
tech.袋式取样bag sampling
tech.袋式采样bag sampling
tech.袋式采样器bag sampler
tech.装潢式样ornamental form
tech.17世纪初期英国詹•姆斯一世时代建筑式样James I style
tech.设计竞赛式样对缺乏生气的 “中央为穹窿圆顶两侧为对称体部''的建筑式样的称呼competition style
commer.货物必须按上批货物同样的方式包装The goods must be packed after the manner of last shipment
tech.美国建筑师赖特式样Wright style
CNC车身式样body type
tech.轮式取样器wheel-type sampler
tech.过渡式样transition style
gen.式样不流行this fashion does not take
commer.这两种式样几乎完全相同These two designs are almost identical
commer.这些是当前流行的式样These patterns are the vogue of the day
commer.这种装置的式样已落伍了This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market
anim.husb.连续多式样氨基酸分析仪sequential multisample analyser for amino acid
math.逆多项式抽样inverse multinomial sampling
tech.通式取样pitcher barrel sampler
tech.造园凤格式样style of landscape architecture
AI.采样模式sampling scheme
tech.采购式样purchasing pattern
tech.重力式采样管gravity core sampler
nautic., tech.重力活塞式取样管gravity piston type corer
commer.钢锭式样ingot pattern
tech.钻头式采样器drill sampler
multimed.链接样式linked stylesheet
tech.链斗式采样器chain bucket sampler
tech.销售方式多样化diversification of sales
tech.锹式采样器spade sampler
tech.防松螺纹样式locking thread form
tech.阶式低速碰撞采样器cascade impacter
tech.阶式冲击采样器cascade impactor
tech.阶式向心取样器cascade centripetal sampler
tech.阶式喷嘴碰撞采样器cascade jet impactor
chem.阶式碰撞取样器cascade impactor
tech.阶式碰撞采样器cascade impactor
adv.集成样式integrated format
math.雪球式抽样snowball sampling
tech.雪球式抽样snowball sampling
tech.静电式尘粒取样器static electric dust sampler
gen.鞋的样式styles of shoes
tech.颠倒式采样器reverse sampler
avia.飞行式样type of flight
angl.鱼钩式样design of fishing hook
tech., fr.鸡腿式样搂房架空、底层开敞、用柱支承的建筑式样桩基pilotis
tech.18世纪后半期英国黑波怀特家具样式Hepplewhite style
tech.鼓式采样器drum-type sampler
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