
Terms for subject Wrestling containing | all forms
侧握名踝和臂翻near ankle and cross face
名腿inside trip
侧脚contralateral foot
名腿opposite leg
名臂opposite arm
名踝抱抓cross-ankle pick
名踝摔cross-leg pull
名腿后绊one-leg pick-up and inside trip
抱腿勾名腿摔single leg-hold and inside leg-trip
抱腿勾绊名腿leg hold and back heel
抱腿钩名腿摔single leg-hold and inside leg trip
抱腿钩绊名腿leg hold and back heel
名臂抱躯干摔side hold wrestling
名臂抱躯摔side hold wrestling
握腿侧抱名腿翻leg pick-up with rear crotch
握腿侧面搂名腿翻leg pickup with rear crotch