
Terms for subject Space containing 开 通 | all forms | in specified order only
先断后通开关break-before-make switch (一种双掷开关)
全套开通测试full line up
变开闭比通气壁variable porosity porous wall
可展开的战区通信theater deployable communications
国际通信开发计划inter national programme for the development of communication
带通收发开关band pass TR switch
开放式通信平台open communication platform
永久开通的最大电流限流器permanent on latching current limiter
简易开通测试abbreviate line-up
读通道开始read channel initialize
轻型可展开的通信light-weight deployable communication
选通脉冲转换开关strobe switch
通常打开normally open
通断开关on-off switch
通道开销path overhead