
Terms for subject United States containing | all forms
先进反射镜技术发计划advanced mirror technology development program
先进图像需求和发系统advanced imagery requirement and exploitation system
使用卫星教育业务open access satellite education services
大型展式粒子阵列探测器large deployable particle detector array
导弹研究与发司令部Missile Research and Development Command
创性科学技术计划innovative science and technology program
普勒火星轨道飞行器Kepler Mars orbiter
极地研究与发中心Polar Research and Development Center
海军研究与发分部Naval Research and Development Division
科学研究与发处Office of Scientific Research and Development
空间发有限公司SpaceDev Inc.
空间服务发协议space service development agreement
空间材料发集团Consortium for Materials Development in Space (CMDS)
纳星星座拓者计划nanosat constellation trailblazer
联合能力集成和发系统joint capabilities integration and development system
能源研究和发局Energy Research and Development Administration
航天飞机大型展式天线实验large deployable antenna shuttle experiment
航空研究与发院Avrada Aviation Research and Development Activity
载人轨道发站manned orbital development station
陆军可展图像利用能力army deployable imagery exploitation capability
陆军空间发验证计划army space exploitation demonstration program