
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
三极三刀three pole switch
三级three step switch
三路3-way switch
不规则形irregular pattern type cracking
东大阪宇宙发协同组合Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association (日本技术试验微小卫星)
中频关矩阵intermediate frequency switch matrix
临界伞动压critical parachute open dynamic pressure
临界伞速度critical parachute open speed
临界伞高度critical parachute open altitude
main switch
二进制binary switch
优先次序priority switch
伞形可展天线umbrella deployable antenna
伞衣展直径canopy flat diameter
伞衣展面积canopy flat area
传输换接transfer switch
传输transport overhead
传输线转换transmission line switch
低污染动力系统low pollution power systems development
作战能力operational capability development
停机halt switch
傅里叶有限级数展Fourier finite transformation
傅里叶级数余弦展Fourier cosine transformation
傅里叶级数展Fourier expansion
傅里叶级数指数展Fourier exponential transformation
傅里叶级数正弦展Fourier sine transformation
允气air-filling valve
先断后通break-before-make switch (一种双掷开关)
先进发模型advanced development model
先进发硬件advanced development hardware
先进可展数字成像系统advanced deployable digital imagery system
先进合成孔径雷达系统展处理站Asars Deployable Processing Station (美国空军)
先进成像advanced imagery exploitation
先进技术发火箭advanced technology development rocket (日本)
optical switch
光电多路转换optoelectronic multiplex switch
光耦合半导体light-coupled semiconductor switch
光触发light-activated Silicon-controlled rectifier (元件)
全国能源研究发与论证委员会National Energy Research Development and Demon strati on Council (澳大利亚)
全套通测试full line up
全直径full-diameter opening
密钥public key
密钥加密public key encryption
的故障报告open failure report
竞争投标open competitive tender
资源情报open source intelligence
分阶段phased development
切断isolating switch
forward slot
北京航天测控技术发公司Beijing Aerospace Measurement & Control Technology Development Co. (中国)
半圆woodruff key
缝的single slotted
单刀双掷single pole double throw switch
卸弹reject pushbutton switch (从发射装置上取下火箭的信号)
压力关组件pressure switch assembly
压力关组件pressure switch package
压力选择pressel switch (手动输入的)
合同始日期contract start date
合同研究和contract research and development
同步展synchronous deploying
同轴coaxial switch
同轴槽天线slotted coaxial antenna
同轴转换coaxial-line switch
后端全full-open aft end (压力容器)
向日葵形可展天线sunflower deployable antenna
启动start switch
在轨展释放on-orbit deployment
地球科学家国际发协会Association of Geoscientists for International Development
地球资源发研究所Earth Resources Development Research Institute
地面站系统-任务ground station system-mission exploitation
备份选择redundancy selection switch
复射线展complex ray expansion
口封头multiported dome
多信道选择multichannel selector
大型可展反射器试验large-scale deployable reflector experiment (日本技术试验卫星)
大型可展天线large deployable antenna
天线关矩阵antenna switching matrix
天线展机构antenna deployment mechanism
天线收发转换anti-T-R switch
天线收发转换antenna duplexer
天线转换transmitting blocking switch
天线转换antenna switch
太阳sun switch
太阳电池阵展solar array deployment
太阳电池阵展机构solar array deployment mechanism
太阳阵展solar array deployment
夹具放clamp release
奇点展singularity expansion method
套筒式展机构telescope mast deployment mechanism (展开式航天器太阳电池阵结构中的)
宇宙飞船的development of spacecraft
射击控制关板fire control switchboard
射前检查prelaunch checkout switch on
射束关管gated-beam tube
射频关矩阵RF switch matrix
小行星asteroid mining
动力学模型deploy dynamics model
extended diagram
expansion equation
式吸气发动机deployable air-breathing engine
式太阳电池deployable solar wing (航天器上的)
式太阳电池deployable solar array (航天器上的)
式桁架deployable truss
式气动力减速器deployable aerodynamic decelerator
式结构deployable structure
式辐射器deployable radiator (航天器上的一种主动热控装置)
断面截面developed section
时间deployment time
机构deployment mechanism
deployment boom
deployed ring
的外形构型deployed configuration
立体图open cube display
节点deployed node
嵌入式软件发工具embedded software development tool
嵌入式软件发环境embedded software development environment
带宽选择转换bandwidth switch
带通收发band pass TR switch
normally open (的)
normally opened
继电器normally open relay
阀门normally open valve
平台闭锁检查platform switch lock check
并联关控制parallel switch control
parachute actuation
伞下降open parachute descent
伞冲击parachute opening shock
伞冲击耐力parachute opening shock tolerance
伞冲击过载opening shock load
伞动载opening shock
伞拉绳自动分离装置automatic ripcord release set
伞系统parachute deployment system
伞袋deployment bag
伞试验parachute deployment test
伞高度parachute deployment height
伞高度opening altitude
switching (操作)
关元件switch element
Q 关固态激光器Q-switched solid-state laser
关室switching house
关式固定节流孔喷嘴on-off fixed-orifice injector
关式控制on-off control
关式控制on off control
关式控制器on-off controller
关式火箭发动机on-off rocket engine (不可调推力或可多次启动的火箭发动机)
关指令switch command
关指示器switch indicator
关损耗switching loss
关控制律switching control laws
关放大器switching amplifier
关时间比on-off ratio
关晶体管switching transistor
关检波器switch detector
关特性switch characteristic
关电源变压器switching mode power supply transformer
关电路switching circuit
关电路on-off circuit
关的隔离损耗isolation loss of switch
关矩阵switching matrix
关计算机switching computer
关运算放大器switched operational amplifier
关键控on-off keying
发利用和分析exploitation and analysis
发方法学development methodology (编制软件的一种系统方法)
发阶段development stage
孔径型天线效率aperture type antenna efficiency
口三角形连接,V形open delta
口天线aperture antenna
口式镍镉蓄电池vented cadmium-nickel battery
口式风洞open-jet tunnel
口式风洞open-jet wind tunnel
口式风洞open jet wind tunnel
口环split ring
口环snap ring
口蓄电池open cell
口补强open-hole strengthening
口销crack pin
启压力opening pressure
启压力cracking pressure
启电压cut-in voltage
头符号first symbol
头项first term
导弹始导引相位gathering phase
始年度价格zero year price
始接触的频率initial contact frequency
始服役日期in-service date
始服役日期first-service date
始步骤kick-in step
始跟踪点pursuit initial point
孔壁perforated wall
孔泡沫open-cell foam
尔文Kelvin (绝对温度单位K)
工率operating factor
式冷却系统open cooling system
式加注opened loading
式加注推进剂propellant opened filling
式动力循环open power cycle
式回路open loop
式控制电路触点open-type control circuit contacts
式滑油系统open oil system
式热管open loop heat pipe
式生保系统open cycle life support system
式转注opened transferring
start photographing
拓者Trailblazer (美国新型军用试验卫星)
系统互连体系结构open systems interconnection architecture (国际标准化组织规定的一种网络体系结构)
系统结构open systems architecture (一种网络模型)
放图形库open graphic library
放型系统互连open system interconnection
放型系统互连参考模型open system interconnection/reference model (国际标准化组织提岀的计算机网络协议)
放实系统real open system
放式中心open centre
放式呼吸回路open breathing circuit
放式存储单元open memory location
放式数据链界面open datalink interface
放式系统open system
放式系统互联参考模型open system interconnect reference model
放式系统体系结构open systems architecture
放式系统环境open system environment
放式系统结构open system architecture
放式通信平台open communication platform
放接入业务open access service
放数据库连接open data base connection
放数据系统open data system
放系统opening system
放系统互连open systems interconnection (国际标准化组织规定的终端之间数据通信的参考模型)
放系统数据交换open system data interchange
散列定义open hash definition
散列技术open hash technique (软件用)
散列法open hash method (软件用)
普勒Kepler (卫星,美国国家航空航天局天文卫星,又称开普勒天文望远镜)
普勒定律Kepler laws
普勒方程Kepler's equation
普勒椭圆Kepler ellipse
普勒要素根数Kepler element
普勒轨道Keplerian trajectory
普勒轨道Keplerian orbit
普勒轨道Kepler orbit
普勒运动Kepler motion
普勒问题Kepler problem
机时间turn-on time
杯闪点open-cup flash-point
杯闪点flash point in open cup
标委员会proposal opening board
槽喷管notched nozzle
槽壁slotted wall
槽天线notch aerial
槽管形药柱slotted-tube grain
槽线slotted line
槽脊形波导slotted ridge wave guide
氏温度Kelvin temperature
波纹结构open-corrugation structure
漂移轨道open drift orbit
blaze away
环传递函数open loop transfer function
环功率控制open-loop power control
环加成聚合ring opening polyaddition
环定时open-loop timing
环式制氧系统Ologs open-loop oxygen generating system
环式瞄准open-loop pointing
环指向open-loop pointing
环权值预测open-loop weight prediction
环极点open loop pole
环测试open-loop test
环电压增益open loop voltage gain
环稳定open-loop stabilization
环跟踪open-loop tracking
环过程控制open loop process control
环遥控系统open-loop remote control system
环遥测系统open loop telemetering system
环阻尼open loop damping
环零点open loop zero
窗区域window area
窗检索retrieval by window
符号open symbol (软件用)
系统open system (计算机的)
裂缝天线leaky antenna
缝波导天线leaky-waveguide antenna
opening modules
舱盖传动装置hatch drive system
舱盖缓冲器hatch cushion
open string (软件用)
语句open statement
路天线open end antenna
路控制open-loop control
路灵敏度open-loop sensitivity
路线open-end line
路线open-circuit line
路终端open circuit termination
路脉冲open-circuit pulse
销位overhead bit
锁时间uncaging time (陀螺的)
锁装置unlocking device
锁零位uncaging zero (陀螺的)
门码opening code
阔测试场地open-area test site
颈气球open-neck balloon
颈气球open balloon
引信fuze switch
引信天线转换antenna transfer switch of fuze
引信应急断fuze emergency off
弹簧spring switch
弹翼展wing expander
弹道末段terminal phase initiation
to be developed
master switch
总线bus switch
感应存储器inductive storage switch
成列直插封装in-line package switch
战术tactics development
手控关存储器manual-switch storage
手控存储manual storage switch
保险的弹药armed ammunition
减速伞drag chute
机构blow-out mechanism
扭簧铰链式展机构spring-hinge deployment mechanism (展开式航天器太阳阵结构中的)
技术研发计划technical development plan
技术发任务technology development mission
技术发和验证technology development and demonstration
指挥所command post establishment
指示indicator switch
按钮push switch
按键key switch
按键bey switch
换向revering switch
换向关整流器reverse switching rectifier
收一发转换transmit-receive switch
收发转换RT switch
收口伞顺序reefing sequence
攻击前散preattack disperse
放气air-relief cock
式升降台open cherry-picker (美国航天飞机的)
式发射井open silo
数字存取交联系统/digital access cross-connect system/switch
数据data start
最佳关函数optimum switch function
最佳关线路optimum switching line
最大伞冲击peak opening shock
最小伞动压minimum opening dynamic pressure
有源关器件active-switch device
朝内inward opening
末端关遥控机构start-switch tele-control mechanism (导弹离机的电磁机构)
机外快速花对抗措施rapid-bloom off board counte measures
机电式盖机构electromechanical cover-opening mechanism
标准关板standard switch panel
楔形口加载wedge opening loading
模型研制model development
模式选择mode selection switch
模态展modal expansion method
欧洲航天软件发环境European space Software Development Environment
欧洲航空航天研究和发处European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (美国空军)
欧洲航空航天研究和发处European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (美国空军)
正常normally opened
正常启器件normally on device
步进stepping switch
步进step switch
气体展gas deployed skirt (延伸喷管的)
气压barometric switch
气爆air-blast switch (一种断路器)
水银mercury level
永久通的最大电流限流器permanent on latching current limiter
流体关元件fluid switching element
流压启阀flow-to-open valve
salt water switch (降落伞的)
海洋ocean exploitation
线曲线involute curve
渐近展摄动技术asymptotic expansion perturbation technique (航天器轨道动力学的)
渐进evolutionary development
各级火箭的脱breaking-up the rocket
爆炸explosive switch
特种武器发处Office of Special Weapon Development (美国陆军)
球谐展spherical harmonic expansion (式)
琴键piano-key switch
电光 Q electro-optic Q-switching
电力关装置power switching unit
电子关球形阵electronic switch spherical array (天线)
电平level switch
电流关型逻辑current-switching mode logic
电磁squib valve (控制助推火箭的)
电解液electrolytic level
真空展试验vacuum deployment test
研究、发与工程设计research, development and engineering
研究、发与鉴定research, development and evaluation
研究、发、试验和工程research, development, test and engineering
研究与高级research and advanced development
程序编制与维护系统program development and maintenance system
程序发系统program development system
程序研究与program research and development
空气/燃料试验air/fuel test switch
空气转换air switch
空间space exploitation
空间space development
空间可展天线space erectable antenna
空间商业发中心计划center for the commercial development of space (program)
空间商业发中心计划Center for the Commercial Development of Space (program, 美国国家航空航天局)
简易通测试abbreviate line-up
紧急Em S emergency switch
联动同轴ganged switch
联合发协议joint endeavor agreement (美国国家航空航天局与各公司签订的空间商业加工计划协议)
联合发署Joint Development Agency
联合国发计划United Nations Development Programme
联合战术发系统joint tactical development system
联合模型joint-model development
联合研究与发委员会Joint Research and Development Board (美国陆军部与海军部)
脉冲转换电路pulse-switching circuit
航天人员发系统space personnel development system (美国研究航天员长期空间飞行及返回地球后的生理、心理等适应问题的系统)
薄片型选择wafer-type selector switch
调节regulating switch
调谐tuning switch
质子proton switch
质量功能展quality function deploy
质量功能展quality function deployment
贮罐转换tank selector valve
转动rotating switch
转换on-off switch
转换tumbler switch
转换changeover switch
转换关控制器changeover switch controller
转镜式 Q rotating mirror Q-switching
软件研制software development
软件发实验室Software development test laboratories
软脱soft undocking (对接航天器的一种脱开动作)
轻型可展的通信light-weight deployable communication
载人空间探索与human exploration and development of space
载人轨道发站manned orbital development station (美国航宇局)
载人轨道研究与发系统manned orbital research and development system
选择selection switch
选通脉冲转换strobe switch
通常打normally open
通断on-off switch
通道path overhead
逻辑logical switch
配置关矩阵configuration switch matrix
锁定locking switch
键盘keyboard switch
键盘清除按钮keyboard clear push switch
阀定位valve position switch
防爆explosion-proof switch
陀螺仪锁信号gyroscope unlocking signal
降落制动drogue parachute deployment
降落伞伞定时器parachute timer
限速speed limiting switch
普勒轨道non-keplerian orbit
普勒轨道non-Keplerian orbit (航天器的)
靶场安全range safety switch
项目发周期project development cycle
项目计戈project plan development
顺序sequence switch
预先技术发计划preliminary technical development plan
预定始时间scheduled start time
预编程自动preprogrammed automatic switch
饱和吸收 Q saturated absorption Q-switch
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