
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不公审理的案件not hear a case in public
不对国外人closed to aliens
不得公的内容除外except for the content which may not be disclosed
东南非贸易和发银行PTA 银行 Charter of the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank
中国改革放以来since the policies of reform and opening-up were introduced
中国改革放以来since China introduced the policy of reform and opening up
为中国改革放和现代化建设创造良好的国际环境creat a favorable international environment for China's reform and opening up and its modernization drive
主持召党外人士座谈会preside over a forum of non-Party dignitaries
主持召座谈会preside over a forum of
予以公give publicity to
以改革放为动力推进各项工作make reform and opening up the driving force behind all our work
使用或use or development
依法、公、公正和效率law-abiding, openness, impartiality and efficiency
依法自主展律师业务provide legal service independently pursuant to law
保护性protective mining
信息公情况information disclosure
他人机动车drive another person's motor vehicle without permission
免费open free of charge
全面推进依法公审判make efforts to promote public adjudication according to law in an all-round way
全面提高对外放水平make China more open to the outside world in all respects
make known
全国人民代表大会会议举行sessions of the National Peopled Congress be open to the public
传教preach in public
传教的自由freedom to preach
、公平、公正的原则principles of openness, fairness and impartiality
劝诱public inducement
协商open consultation
发行publicly issue
发行公司债券public issuance of corporate bond
发行新股initial public offer of stocks
发行股票public offer of stocks
审判public adjudication
审判制度open trial system
审判制度open adjudication system
审理hear a cases in public
审理public hearing
审理public trial
审理行政案件try administrative case in public
宣判announce judgments in all cases openly
性信息public information
承诺undertakings it publicly made
承诺public promise
拍卖publicly sell
更正make corrections in public
更正public rectification
的集中交易方式means of public and centralized transaction
竞价open bidding
计票一一 count ballots openly
论证open discussion
进行hold in public
进行hear in public
选拔selected openly
透明be open and transparent
公共研究发平台public platforms for research and development
农村扶贫aid the rural poor through development
农村扶贫发工作efforts to alleviate rural poverty through development
准确把握改革放和社会主义现代化建设的客观规律have a good understanding of the objective laws governing reform, opening up and socialist modernization
关押separate custody
存放keep in separate place
分期发房地产develop real estate in phases
创办研究发机构establish research and development institution
勘查exploration and mining
区域发、改造regional development and renovation
参与和展多边外交participate in and initiate multilateral diplomacy
参加participate in the hearing
变相公发行证券unlawful public issuance of security in a disguised form
上百次座谈会和若干次论证会held over 100 forums and a number of demonstration meetings
上百次座谈会和若干次论证会convened about a hundred forums and a number of discussion meetings
临时会议hold an interim session
全体会议convene a plenary session
全体会议hold a plenary meeting
列席代表座谈会hold a forum for non-voting deputies
各代表团团长会议convene a meeting of the heads of the various delegations
国会convoke Parliament
座谈会hold a forum (for somebody)
座谈会convene roundtable discussions (among)
立法论证会、听证会hold debates and hearings (for bills)
第一次会议convene the first session
联合审查会议convene a joint meeting for examination
论证会hold a demonstration meeting
论证会hold seminars
论证会hold a discussion meeting
合作jointly developed
合作发合同cooperative development contract
同一采范围mine in the same area
向人大代表通报、向社会公常委会工作inform deputies and the public about the Standing Committee's work
向社会公make known to the public
围绕..... 展监督工作focus oversight work on (doing smth)
国务院西部发领导小组办公室Office of the Leading Group for Western Region Development of the State Council
国际发协会协定Articles of Agreement of the International Development association
国际复兴发银行协定Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
期间in session
in session
在全国公民中展普遍的宣传教育运动initiate a movement to universally promote and educate Chinese citizens (in)
坚持门整改steadfastly make one's actions more transparent (by)
坚持公透明stay open-minded and transparent
坚持实行对外persist in the policy of opening-up
坚持改革adhere to the reform and opening up policy
坚持改革persevere in reform and opening to the outside world
坚持改革adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world
大力展专项整治carry out extensive campaigns (to do)
大力展全民健身活动put great effort into developing exercise activities for the general public
大力展对外交往与合作vigorously develop exchanges and cooperation with other countries
大力推行狱务公devote great efforts to carrying out the practice of making public prison affairs to inmates
大力推进政务公actively take steps to make administrative affairs more open
委托发合同commissioned development contract
实行改革放政策introduce the policy of reform and opening up
实行改革放政策the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy
实行改革放政策adoption of the reform and opening-up policy
客户立的账户accounts as opened for the client
对外open up to the outside world
对外国人open to foreigners
已经公publicly available
广泛展宣传launch a widespread publicity campaign (to)
延期postpone the hearing
建立亚洲发银行协定Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank
建立非洲发基金协定Agreement Establishing the African Development Fund
建立非洲发银行协定Agreement Establishing the African Development Bank
commence business
业申请application for opening business
付收据issue a receipt
付清单issue a detailed list
in session
会时间time of meetings
会期间during the session
write out
具证明文件supporting document prepared
列清单produce a complete list
创人大工作新局面bring about a new phase in the work of people's congresses
创新局面enter a new phase
创新纪元start a new epoch
创新纪元inaugurate a new rea
发利用煤炭资源exploitation and utilization of coal resources
发复垦耕地land developed and reclaimed
发就业岗位create job opportunities
发新兴产业development of new industries
发节能共性和关键技术develop general and key energy-saving technology
发资源exploit natural resources
发资金funds for development
垦、围垦土地reclaim land
垦草原reclaim grasslands
始之日day of the commencement
始前prior to the commencement
始后after the commencement
sit at session
展一系列规模宏大的运动wage a series of large-scale campaigns
展专项整改活动carry out special correction campaigns
展交流与合作develop exchanges and cooperation with
展同外国议会和议会国际组织的交流与合作develop exchanges and cooperation with foreign legislatures and international legislative organizations
展对外交往carry out foreign exchange work
展对外贸易develop foreign trade
展形式多样的执法检查conduct various types of examinations of law enforcement work
展执法检查conduct examinations of law enforcement work
展执法检查carry out inspections of compliance with the law
展活动engage in activities
展监督检查conduct monitoring and inspection (of)
展禁毒国际合作carry out international anti-drug cooperation
展禁毒宣传教育carry out dissemination of and education in the need to fight against narcotic drugs
展群众性的卫生活动promote health and sanitation activities of a mass character
展群众性的文化活动sponsor mass cultural activities
展节能教育carry out education in energy saving
展节能行动launch an energy-saving campaign
展规范司法、执法行为专项整改campaigns to standardize the actions of the courts and law enforcement
展试点launch the trials of
展试点carry out the trials of
展试点carry out a trials of
展试点carry out a pilot project (to)
展调查conduct investigation
展跟踪监督carry out thorough oversight
展隐患排查conduct screening inspection to see if there are hidden danger
opening of a court session
court sessions
庭审判open the court session and try the case
庭审理案件court sessions are opened for case hearing
庭率the rate of open court sessions
start the collection
open or dismantle
拆他人邮件open the mail of another person
拆检查unsealing for inspection
拓创新work in a pioneering spirit
拓创新work hard with a pioneering and innovative spirit
拓进取blaze new trails
支标准level of expenditure
放统一、竞争有序openness, uniformity and orderly competition
立支票存款账户open a cheque account
航前before the ship sails
航当时at the beginning of the voyage
设赌场run a gambling house
辟一个崭新的起点initiate a brand-new starting point (for)
辟旅游点develop a new tourist attraction
采方案mining plan
采煤炭资源exploitation of coal resources
采范围limit of mining areas
采顺序mining sequence
门整改make one's actions more transparent (by)
除公职dismissed from public employment
除学籍dismissed from school
强行insist on forced exploitation
径行examine the goods straightway in the absence of the owner
房地产development of real estate
扩大open wider to the rest of the world
扩大open further to the outside world
扶贫发工作reduce rural poverty through development
扶贫发工作poverty alleviation through development work
扶贫发工作help-the-poor drive
扶贫发工作help-the-poor work
扶贫发工作alleviate rural poverty through development
技术发合同technological development contract
把中国国内发展与对外放统一起来unify domestic development with opening to the outside world
按期start construction on schedule
提议召propose to hold
支持审计机关依法展审计工作support the auditing authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law
改革reform and open to the outside world
改革reform and opening up
改革放以来since the policy of reform and opening up was first instituted
改革放以来since the initiation of reform and opening to the outside world
改革放以来since the reform and opening up
政企分separation of government body and enterprise
政企分separate government administration from enterprise management
政务公make administrative affairs open
政务公、厂务公开、村务公开transparency in government, factory and village affairs
垦耕地reclaimed land
新技术new technique to develop
新菜地发建设基金development and construction funds for new vegetable plots
易地reclaim land in other region
最后离的国境口岸at the last frontier port of departure
有关保护和合理发自然资源的法律laws for protecting and rationally developing natural resources
有关扩大对外放的法律laws for opening wider to the outside world
有序exploitation in an orderly manner
有重点地展主动审查conduct focused inspections on our own initiative
期限始日initial date
放档案archive that are not yet open to the public
村务公open administration of village affairs
村务公制度the system of making public village affairs
正确处理加强人大监督工作和支持"一府两院"依法展工作的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law
民主、放的原则principle of democracy and openness
海洋石油勘探offshore oil exploration and exploitation
深入展同外国议会的交流合作carry out extensive exchange and cooperation activities with other parliaments and congresses
深入展国防教育expand public education in national defense
深入展审判方式改革carry out an in-depth reform of adjudication methods
深入展普法教育carry out an extensive campaign to raise public awareness of the law
清理新工项目review newly launched projects
烧山burning of mountain vegetation for land
煤炭development of the coal resources
煤炭生产发规划plan for coal production and development
独立develop independently
申请立账户apply for opening an account
着力推进改革放和自主创新advance the reform and opening up policy and independent innovation
矿山exploitation of mine
研究发体系system for scientific research and technological development
研究发机构research and development institution
研究发经费research and development expenditure
研究发经费funds for scientific research and technological development
研究发资金funds for research and development
领海leave the territorial sea
私自拆他人邮件stealthily open the mail of another person
科学技术研究scientific research and technological development
科学技术研究发机构scientific research and technological development institution
积极展人大对外交往actively carry out the foreign exchange work of the NPC
积极广泛展社会主义荣辱观教育launch an extensive campaign to spread the socialist concept of honor and disgrace
积极广泛展社会主义荣辱观教育launch an education campaign to foster the socialist concept of honor and disgrace among its employees
第十届全国人民代表大会召第一次会议the current Tenth NPC convened its first session
筹集研究发资金raise funds for research and development
组织organize and carry out
组织实施西部大发"十一五"规划carry out the plan for the large-scale development of the western region in the Eleventh Five-year Plan period
经常性费用necessary ordinary expenses
统筹国内发展和对外coordinate domestic development and opening-up
统筹国内发展和对外balance domestic development and opening wider to the outside world
统筹国内发展和对外ensure coordinated development of domestic development and opening-up
统筹国内发展和对外ensure proper balance in domestic development and opening-up
联合展科学技术研究开发conduct scientific research and technological development jointly
能源exploitation of energy
能源资源优化发利用optimum exploitation and use of energy resources
自主independently conduct
良好an overall good start to
良好an excellent beginning for
增值税专用发票falsely make out special invoices for value-added tax
西部development of the western region
西部大large-scale development of the western region
西部大发战略the strategy of developing the western region
请求延期request for postponing the hearing
软件发者software developer
迎接党的十七大的胜利召welcome a successful convening of the Seventeenth National Party Congress
通知代表会日期和建议大会讨论的主要事项notify the deputies of the date of the session and of the main items on the proposed agenda
通过展爱国卫生运动教育宣传活动的决议passed a resolution concerning strengthening education and publicity to increase patriotic sanitation campaign
通过召座谈会、报告会,举办学习班等形式through forums, seminars, study classes and other means
get around
采取破坏性的采方法mine mineral resources in a destructive way
非公发行新股initial non-public offer of stocks
非法垦草原illegally reclaim grasslands
非法设证券交易场所stock exchange as illegally established