
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 开式 | all forms | in specified order only
开式后舱门swing out back door
开式后门swing out back door
侧开门式厢式车slide door van
侧置分开式共鸣器side branch type resonator
全侧开式集装箱open-side container
内部模式开关inter mode switch
自动变速器内部模式开关interior mode switch
鼓式制动器凸轮张开式制动器cam brake
鼓式制动器凸轮张开式制动器cam-actuated brake
出风口模式选择开关air outlet modes elector switch
发动机/变速器独立供机油separate oil supply
车窗双块前窗玻璃divided windshield
车窗双块前窗玻璃divided windscreen
车身拼合散热器格栅split radiator grille
车身拼合散热器格栅split radiator grill
可拆曲轴箱split crankcase
split frame
组合靠背split back
车身开式散热器格栅split front grill
开式前长条座椅divided front-bench
客厢开式可折叠后排长条座椅split folding rear bench
开式可折叠后长条座椅divided folding rear bench
车身开式窗玻璃divided backlight
开式可拆下成两部分的后座椅split rear seat
开式后窗split rear window
开式后窗split backlightbacklite
车身开式后窗挡风玻璃divided rear window
开式后长座椅靠背split rear-bench backrest
座椅开式后长条座椅靠背divided rear-bench backrest
开式壳体外壳split casing
开式外壳壳体split housing
开式座椅split seat
车轮开式挡圈side ring, split
开式远距离换档操纵机构separate gear shift
开式远距离换档操纵机构separate gear change
车身前端开式散热器格栅split grille
车身前端开式散热器格栅split grill
底盘开式articulated axle
开式排气歧管split manifold
开式滑动轴承split-type plain bearing
开式滑动轴瓦split-sleeve bearing
发动机开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber
开式燃烧室发动机divided-chamber engine
开式车桥divided axle
开式车轮divided wheel
开式split sleeve
开式轴套衬套split bushing
开式轴套衬套split bush
开式轴瓦轴承,套筒,衬套split bearing shell
开式轴瓦轴承,套筒,衬套split bearing bushing
开式轴瓦轴承,套筒,衬套split bearing bush
开式气门锁片split keeper
开式长座椅split bench (seat)
开式成两块的风窗玻璃split windscreen
开式成两块的风窗玻璃split windshield
开式风窗玻璃split screen (split windscreen)
前后轮分独立front /rear spKt
前照灯和点火的组合式开关combined headlamp-and-ignition switch
半分独立座椅semi-separate seat
双金属式温控真空开关阀bimetal vacuum switching valve
双金属式真空开关阀bimetal vacuum switching valve
变速器模式开关transmission mode switch
变阻器式调整,转换开关rheostat-type switch
摩托车架可分开式下梁split lower tube
摩托车架可分开式下梁split downtube
可分开式磁电机分离型向心推力滚子轴承separable magneto-type ball bearing
可拆组合带轮parting pulley
丰田商品名可缩入地板内的第三排分开式座椅Split & Stow 3rd Row
可翻放下drop door
分体止推片split thrust plate
组合,可拆轮辋separable rim
可分,双片轴承divided bearing
前驱乘用车开式半轴split axle shaft
开式套筒夹紧联轴器clam coupling
开式球窝split socket
开式车轮split wheel
开式轮辋split rim
开式轮辋divided type rim
开式轴瓦split-type plain bearing
开式辐板车轮divided type disk wheel
对角线分开式制动系统diagonally split brake system
制动系统对角线式分开diagonal split
车辆对角线式分开的双轮双回路制动系统diagonal-split two-wheel dual-circuit brake system
制动系统对角线式分开的双轮系统diagonal-split two-wheel system
开式滑动轴承half plain bearing
开式花纹轮胎的车轮open-tire wheel
带胀圈衬簧的开槽式油环ventilated oil scraper ring with expander
带胀圈衬簧的开槽式油环ventilated oil control ring with expander
带螺旋式胀圈衬簧的开槽式油环ventilated oil scraper ring with spiral type expander
带螺旋胀圈的开槽式油环ventilated oil control ring with spiral-type expander
带起动与转向锁组合式点火开关combined steering lock and starter switch
open type
传动万向open propeller shaft
传动万向open cardan shaft
传动轴exposed propeller shaft
发动机活塞open-type piston
发动机活塞open piston
发动机统一,不分隔燃烧室open combustion chamber
货车车厢open lorry body
车身客车open bus
盘式制动器背部开口式制动钳open-back brake caliper
开口式轮辋挡圈rim ring, split
道口开启式平衡栏木bascule barrier
开启式制冷压缩机open-type refrigerant compressor
开启式电动机open machine
开式中心架open center rest
开式传动带open belt
冷却系统开式冷却open cooling
开式冷却液套气缸体deckless cylinder, engine block
开式凹模open heading die
开式单向阀通常双向开启液流,当一个方向的液流超过预定值时阀即关闭open-type check valve
摩托车开式单管车架open single downtube frame
开式压力机gap frame press
开式压力机C-frame press
开式无外壳叶轮unshrouded impeller
开式喷油嘴hole nozzle,这种喷油嘴不用针阀,是常开的open nozzle
开式喷油嘴open-type nozzle
开式喷油嘴plain injection nozzle
开式喷油嘴plain nozzle
开式喷油嘴open nozzle
燃油喷射开式喷油嘴open injection nozzle
开式强制冷却forced-feed cooling in an open circuit
开式循环open cycle
发动机开式循环冷却open-circuit cooling
开式循环液压系统open-circuit hydraulic system
开式接缝hollow joint
上部为开式水套的气缸体open-deck cylinder block
开式油槽open groove
开式燃烧室open chamber
柴油发动机开式燃烧室、直接喷射open chamber, direct injection
开式车身opening body
开式车身客舱顶为敞顶或客舱顶按需要可启闭的车身convertible body opening body
赛车开式无遮挡车轮open wheel
开心式液压系统open centre hydraulic system
单体催化剂载体开放式正面open frontal area
开放式网络open network
开槽式油环ventilated oil ring
开槽式油环ventilated oil scraper ring
开槽式油环ventilated oil control ring
活塞开槽式裙部split-type skirt
开槽辐板式车轮slotted disc wheel
V 形发动机开式曲轴虽只有四个主轴颈,但有六个不同轴线的连杆轴颈splayed crankshaft
曲轴开式轴颈splayed journal
按键开关控制式变速机构feather touch finger control shift
自动变速器换档模式选择器开关按钮program-selector switch
自动变速器换档模式选择器开关按钮program-selector button
控制器推拉式灯开关push-pull lighting switch
控制器推拉式灯开关push-pull light switch
推-旋式组合开关combination push-and-rotary switch
开式熔断器open fuse
散热器开式储水箱open radiator tank
开式驱动half axle
方式选择开关mode select switch
旋转式圆片开关rotary wafer switch
旋钮式车灯车灯旋转开关rotary lighting switch
旋钮式车灯车灯旋转开关rotary light switch
电器机械式开关mechanical switch
材料开式循环即不能回收利用open material cycle
自动变速器模式位置开关mode position switch
控制模式开关选择器mode switch
车辆/行驶模式选择开关pattern select switch
模式选择开关pattern select switch
浆式换档开关paddle shift switch
消声模式转换开关muffle mode changeover switch
点火和起动机组合式开关combined ignition and starter switch
电磁式开关electromagnetic switch
空调空气进气模式选择开关air-inlet mode selector switch
组合式梅花和开口扳手combination box and open end
翼开启厢式车wing opening type box van
翼开启式栏板起重运输汽车wing like top-opened with plank lifting cargo truck
翼开启式栏板起重运输车gull wing opening type box van with tail/side lift
可调心轴expanding mandrel
前照灯脚踏式变光开关foot selector switch
膜式压力传感开关diaphragm pressure switch
装有安全气囊的可裂开式仪表板air bag collapsible dash
装有安全气囊的可裂开式仪表板airbag collapsible dash
货车货厢open truck body
跷板式开关rocker operated switch
跷板式转换开关rocker-type change-overselector switch
轮缘处开槽的辐板式车轮disc wheel with flange openings
轴断开式前驱动桥可随时断开的四轮驱动形式axle disconnect type
运动模式开关sport switch
间歇式刮水器开关pausing-wiper control
防开动式防盗装置具有截断点火、停止喷油、有/或锁住转向等作用的防盗装置anti-drive away theft protection
隔膜压力开关式接点式压力传感器的一种,通过检测两点间压力差来检测空气滤清器滤芯堵塞情况diaphragm lead switch type
开式集装箱open-top container
顶篷可敞篷车身sunshine body