
Terms for subject Business containing 建筑 | all forms | in specified order only
上部建筑集中在船尾的货船all-aft cargo ship
与住宅建筑有关的企业housing-allied enterprises
住宅建筑domestic architecture
住宅建筑domestic architecture
住宅建筑公司housing corporation
住宅建筑公司housing company
住房建筑执照housing permit
分段出售的建筑用地building lots for sale
前期建筑priority construction
可动用建筑公积金available construction surplus
国外建筑承包contracting for buildings overseas
地上建筑above-ground structures
垂直装配建筑Vertical Assembly Building
城市建筑city architect
城市建筑tax on urban building
墙与建筑面积之比wall-to-floor ratio
居住用建筑residential structures
工业建筑物免税领industrial buildings allowances
建筑与城市规划学士Bachelor of Architecture and Town Planning
建筑与设备building and contents
建筑building business
建筑constructional business
建筑building trade
建筑业产值construction output value
建筑业劳动building industry labor
建筑业成本指数cost indexes in construction
建筑业物量指数index of physical volume in construction
建筑业生产指数index of building industry production
建筑产值指数index number of value of construction output
建筑产品价值指数index of value of construction output
建筑人工计算书bill of quantities
建筑价值指数index number of construction value
建筑企业construction enterprise
建筑使用面积usable floor area
建筑协会利率building society rate
建筑占地系数coefficient of land used for building
建筑型式type of construction
建筑基金准备building funds reserve
建筑学博士Doctor of Architecture
建筑学学士Bachelor of Building Science
建筑学学士Bachelor of Architecture
建筑安装企业管理management of construction and installation enterprises
建筑安装单位估价表statement of estimated prices by construction and installation unit
建筑安装工作construction installation work
建筑安装工程erection and construction
建筑安装工程building installation engineering
建筑安装工程成本表cost statement for construction and installation project
建筑安装工程投资investment in construction and installation project
建筑安装工程招标inviting tenders for building and outfitting projects
建筑完成量价值value of construction put in place
建筑密度density of building
建筑工人construction man
建筑工人construction labourer
建筑工程constructional engineering
建筑工程building engineering
建筑工程一切险contractor's all risks
建筑工程一切险constructor's all risks
建筑工程一切险all construction risks insurance
建筑工程学architectural engineering
建筑工程完工数construction works finished
建筑工程定额construction project quota
建筑工程师construction engineer
建筑工程承包合同construction project contract
建筑工程标准与规程standards and rules for construction projects
建筑工程管理management of construction project
建筑工程管理management of a construction project
建筑工程统包all-round contract for capital construction
建筑工程费用造价cost of construction
建筑工程造价cost of construction and projects
建筑工程预付款deposit paid on construction work
建筑市场construction market
建筑成本总指数index number of construction
建筑房屋用地building lot
建筑承包单位会计accounting of construction contractor
建筑承包单位审计audit of construction contractor
建筑投资investment in construction
建筑折旧准备金buildings depreciation reserve
建筑担保借款construction guaranteed loan
建筑支岀construction expenditure
建筑数据constructional data
建筑施工任务单direction of construction task
建筑施工组织与设计organization and design of construction
建筑施工组织规划organization and planning of construction
建筑时期观念construction period concept
建筑时间building time
建筑期内折旧depreciation during construction
建筑期间使用的资金利息备抵allowance for funds used during construction
建筑机械化系数coefficient of construction mechanization
建筑right of construction
建筑building tenancy
建筑材料housing materials
建筑构件表list of architectural member
建筑模型model of construction
建筑活动流动性mobile character of construction activity
建筑物不动产如厂房,楼房,办公室等bricks and mortar
建筑物与构件寿命life of building and component
建筑物体积bulk of building
建筑物及固定设备building and fixed equipment
建筑物寿命life of building
建筑物平面图floor plan
建筑物开工数building construction started
建筑物扩建enlargement on a building
建筑物折旧depreciation of building
建筑物报警building alarm
建筑物条例buildings ordinance
建筑物界限building line
建筑物租赁合同contract of building tenancy
建筑物规模size of buildings
建筑物账户building account
建筑现场building site
建筑用料清单bill of quantities
建筑用组件building components
建筑界限construction gauge
建筑building houses tax
建筑等级class of building construction
建筑统一详图unified architectural
建筑统计statistics of construction
建筑统计construction statistics
建筑自动化系数coefficient of construction automation
建筑许可证building permits
建筑设备construction equipment
建筑设备公司construction equipment companies
建筑设备自动化building automation
建筑construction account
建筑账户constructional account
建筑账户construction account
建筑贷款者credit foncier
建筑造型艺术art of architectural modelling
建筑部门construction sector
建筑部门成本分摊allocation of building department cost
建筑限制restriction of construction
建筑面积成本cost of floor space
建筑项目评价appraisal of construction projects
建筑chief constructor
建筑master builder
房屋建筑building construction
房屋建筑竣工证明building construction completion certification
房屋建筑面积竣工率completion rate in terms of area of buildings and structures
接受建筑订货order received for construction
改建企业建筑rebuild the enterprise's premises
新住宅建筑动工数housing starts
未完成建筑项目uncompleted construction
民族建筑national architecture
民用建筑domestic building
民用建筑city architect
民用建筑材料building material for civilian
民用建筑设施civil construction facilities
永久性建筑permanent construction
海上建筑sea construction
港口工程设计与建筑port engineering and construction
给水建筑water-works structure
耐火建筑fire-proof building
自营建筑own account construction
营业用建筑build-up used in operation
营业用建筑building used in operation
装配式建筑component building
违章建筑squatter settlement
银行建筑bank premise
防火建筑fire resisting construction
高层建筑high-rise building
高层建筑high-rise apartment building