
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 建筑检 查 | all forms
上层建筑合拢后检查结构完整性checking structure integrity of superstructure after closed
上层建筑完工后检查结构完整性inspecting superstructure integrity after completed
上层建筑救生和消防设备检查superstructure lifesaving and fire-fighting equipment to be done inspection
上层建筑水密门窗安装后检查inspecting watertightness doors and windows of superstructure after fitting
上层建筑通风格子安装后检查inspecting air outlet grilles of superstructure after fitting
完工后检查上层建筑结构完整性inspecting superstructure integrity after completed
检查上层建筑合拢后结构完整性checking structure integrity of superstructure after closed
焊接上层建筑后检查结构完整性check the structure integrity of superstructure after welding