
Terms containing 废气排放 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一想到我的车排放的废气加重了城市污染,我就感觉很糟I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problems in this city
environ.交通废气排放traffic emission Exhaust gases and vapours emitted by motorvehicles (机动车排放的废气和水蒸气。)
environ.企业平均废气有害物排放量corporate average emission figure
auto.制动功率比废气固体颗粒排放量brake specific solids
tech.工业废气排放系统industrial exhaust system
fishery废气排放exhaust emission
fishery废气排放exhaust gas emission
met.废气排放dirty discharge
oil废气排放waste gas emission
wind.废气排放effluent emission
environ.废气排放waste gas emission The direct or indirect discharge of exhaust gas into the atmosphere (将废气直接或间接地排放到大气中。)
gen.废气排放vehicle emission
space废气排放waste gas exhaust tower
tech.废气排放控制waste gas emission control
avia.废气排放控制exhaust emission control
met.废气排放标准waste gas discharging standard
wind.废气排放标准waste gas emission standard
ecol.废气排放exhaust emissions
ecol.废气排放exhaust emission
auto.废气排放立法legislation on exhaust emissions
tech.废气排放管弯头elbow on exhaust pipe
steel.废气排放系统fume exhaust system
met.废气排放达标率up to standard rate of waste gas discharging
auto.德国机动车废气排放检测German exhaust-emission check
auto.德国机动车废气排放的年度检测German annual exhaust-emission check
tech.排放废气孔foul air opening
tech.排放废气孔foul air hole
tech.排放废气格栅vitiated air grid
tech.排放废气炉算vitiated air grate
tech.排放废气竖井foul air shaft
tech.排放废气风道vitiated air floor flue
tech.机动车废气排放motor vehicle exhaust emission
tech.机动车辆废气排放标准motor vehicle emission standard
tech.汽车废气排放automobile emission
ecol.汽车废气排放标准auto emission standards