
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
一台舱水泵a bilge water-pump
云母氧化铁micaceous iron oxide primer
你们能不能在 2 月交货?Can you deliver the goods in the end of February?
inter bottom plate
边板interbottom margin plate
边板inter-bottom margin plate
防挠材inter bottom stiffener
防挠材inter-bottom stiffener
冷凝器condenser stand
艏船cuta way-bow ship
艏船cutaway-bow ship
化学抛光衬chemically polished substrate
single-bottom ship
double-bottom ship
平艉船round-tuck-stern ship
货物base cargo
flat bottom barge
吹酸性转炉钢bottom blow acid converter steel
座绝缘子base insulator
泥驳barge with hinged bottom doors
泥驳bottom open barge
泥驳hopper barge
驳船bottom open barge
大修thorough overhaul
back welding
救生筏面积floor area of life-raft
暾船striking ship-bottom
曲轴箱油crank case sump
曲轴箱油crankcase oil tray
机舱油泵和舱泵应急切断装置操作试验emergency switching-off device operating test for oil pump and bilge pump in engine room
机舱油泵和舱泵应急切断装置操作试验operating test of emergency switching-off device for oil pump and bilge pump in engine room
杜比隆诺曼船厂Dubigeon Normandie Shipyard
氧化铁红iron oxide red primer
氧化锌zinc oxide primer
拖曳计程仪ground towing-log
拖曳计程仪ground towing log
法国杜比隆诺曼船厂Dubigeon Normandie Shipyard, France
法国诺曼海军船厂Normandie Navy Shipyard, France
泥舱hopper bottom plate
热喷涂型船hot spraying type ship bottom paint
电磁船计程仪electro-magnetic underwater log
电磁船计程仪electromagnetic underwater log
磷化phosphorized primer
礅船striking ship-bottom
—票到covered by a through bill of freight
红外照相infrared photographic plate
红外线照相infrared photographic plate
红外线透明衬infrared transparent substrate
美国特律港Detroit Harbor, America
自载开挖石船stone carrying hopper dredger
内龙骨hold keelson
内龙骨bilge keel
吸水口bilge suction
吸水管bilge suction pipe
排水管bilge discharge pipe
水井bilge well
水分离器bilge water separator
水吸人箱bilge suction box
水吸入箱bilge suction box
污水处理bilge water treatment
污水处理方法bilge water treatment method
污水处理装置bilge water treatment device
油水分离器、污水处理装置、制淡装置和焚烧炉功能试验function test of bilge oil-water separator, sewage treatment plant, fresh water generator and incinerator
油水分离器、污水处理装置、淡水生成器和焚烧炉功能试验function test of bilge oil-water separator, sewage treatment plant, freshwater generator and incinerator
泵排水管bilge pump discharge pipe
滤水箱bilge sludge box
bottom door
吸水口bilge suction
水管bilge pipe
测漏水表bilge leak water gauge
漏水警报器bilge leak water alarm
结构bilge structure
防污有毒漆ship-bottom antifouling poison-paint
防污漆ship-bottom antifouling paint
防锈漆ship-bottom antirust paint
船的层舱bottom hold
排水旋塞boat plug
诺曼海军船厂Normandie Navy Shipyard
锈蚀表面用primer for rusty surface
锌铬zinc chromate primer
锚已抓anchor bites
锚抓anchor holding
锚抓anchor bites
锚抓anchor holding
锚未抓anchor dragging
锚离anchor aweigh
防锈antirust primer
高铅酸钙calcium plumbate primer