
Terms for subject Chemistry containing | all forms
ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid (editic acid)
edetic acid
ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid
ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid
酸钙二钠edetate calcium disodium
酸钙二钠disodium calcium edetate
他正试图搞清楚这种催化剂到是如何制出氧气的He is trying to learn every detail about just how the catalyst is making the oxygen
仿皮imitated sole leather
insole leather
单独separate base (plate)
物反应bisubstrate reaction
反应桂etching primer
反应桂etch primer
烧瓶round-bottomed flask
材料basis materials
材料backing material
金属base metal (合金中的主要金属)
column bottom
产物column bottoms
outer sole leather
绉片胶crepe rubber for sole
天然本放射性当量强度background equivalent activity
头道priming paint
头道priming coat
sealing welding
backing run
焊道back weld
X 射线本辐对X-ray background radiation
布面胶canvas rubber shoes
阀的浸提器diffuser with bottom door
带锈primer for rusted steel
卧式圆筒形罐flat-ended horizontal cylindrical tank
扩孔钻counterbore drill
瓷漏斗Buchner funnel
subbing layer
层油凑paint primer
valve base
施施颜料ground dyeing
bottom plug
沉积物bottom product
沉积物bottom settlings (sediment)
涂剂silane coupling agent
涂处理primer treatment
涂层priming coat
priming coat (层)
照相negative matrix
版纸negative photograph paper
物常数substrate constant
物弱化substrate attenuation
物水平磷酸化作用substrate phosphorylation
物水平磷酸化作用substrate level phosphorylation
物类似物substrate analogue
物类似物metabolite analogue
物维持常数substrate maintenance constant
primer coat
flushed colors
daub coat
bottom colours
bottom colors
色不均匀colour shading
色除去under color removal
釜、塔部产物bottoms (复数)
釜、塔部产物bottom product
部卸料离心机basket type centrifugal (separator)
部排料阀bottom discharge valve
部籽晶生长bottom sediment
ground coat enamel
分子轨道bonding MO
分子轨道bonding molecular orbital
阀䓬foot valve cage
sole leather
硫化tight cure chen
微孔microporous supporting membrane
backing weld
焊道backing run
挑料门discharge door support
电解质supporting electrolyte
drum head
oil-base paint
live bottom
坩埚crucible stand
环境本environmental background
磷化washing primer
粘外outsole adhesive
红灰iron red primer
tank bottoms
机械残渣mechanical and bottom sludge
耐油oil resistant primer
胎圈bead base
cream base
自抛光型船防污漆self-polishing antifouling coatings
bilge pump cao
ship-bottom paint
防污漆antifouling paint
防锈漆anticorrosive paint for ship bottom
生皮healed grub
质谱本background of mass spectrum
酸胀acid swollen sole leather
锌黄zinc yellow primer
锌黄zinc chrome primer
poor shade
马德隆合Madelung synthesis