
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 底边 | all forms | in specified order only
底边线刀眼notching hemline
六角网眼花边底布brussels ground
关边底脚片welt jack
前身底边弧线前身底摆夹角斜线front point line
圆顺的底边线hem nm
宽边底wide-edge sole
帽子底边bottom of cap
底袖边lower sleeve edge
底贴边bottom facing
底边baste hem
底边basting hem
底边sweep line
底边光顺hem nm
底边刀眼hem notch
底边包缝serge bottom
底边宽度hem depth
底边弧线马甲前摆处front point line
底边弧线马甲前摆处尖角斜线front point line
底边弧线front point line
底边有裙环的衬裙panniers a bourelet
底边牵带bottom tape
底边 下摆线hemline
底边线hem line
底边翘高线front pitch line
底边hem interlining
底边bottom interlining
底边贴边hem facing
底边起绺uneven hem
底边起绺uneven hem
底边起绺wrinkles at hem
底边起绺wrinkles at hem
底部卷边bottom bem
打底纹针绣花边point de velin
扣烫底边folding and pressing hem
扣烫底边fold and press hem
扣烫底边fold and to press hem
底边抽带机fold hemline casing
折叠底边fold hem
折缝底边或裤脚口hemming bottom
折缝底边hemming bottom
底边baste hem
止口、底边、克夫等用毛皮饰边的长大衣peasant coat
正面缝底边top-stitch hem
正面缝底边topstitch hem
法国诺曼底花边Normandy lace
牙边网底pillow bar
疏缝底边baste hem
疏缝底边baste hem
底边hemming stitch hem
底边hemming stitch hem
缝合侧边和袖底close side and sleeve
底边blind stitching hem
底边hemming stitch bottom
背中至袖窿底边弧长back arc
自动鞋踵中底削边机制鞋automatic inside shaving machine
花边底布lace ground
花边底布lace fond
花边底布形成机构lace work mechanism
花边底组织lace fond
花边底网vrai reseau
花边的网眼底vrai reseau
花边饰边网底pillow bar
底边不圆顺uneven hemline
诺曼底机织暗花细花边Normandy val
诺曼底花边Normandy lace (法国梭结花边)
诺曼底谷机制暗花细花边Normandy Valley machine-made dark floral lace
阿郎松花边底布Alencon ground
雪花纹花边底布fond de neige
底边装饰缝ornamental sole rim seam