
Terms for subject Business containing 应 收款 | all forms | in specified order only
代收应收客户款collections receivable for customer
以应收账款作担保的借款loan secured by account receivable
公司间应收应付款项inter-company receivables and payables
其他应收款other receivables
其他应付暂收款other payables and receipts in suspense
其他应收暂付款other receivables and payments in suspense
内部应收款internal receivable
分期付款下应收款的付现方法cash collection basis of revenue recognition for instalment receivable
分期应收账款installment receivable account
分析应收款欠账的时间aging the receivable
各种基金应收税款滞纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by fund
商业应收账款trade account receivable
商品与应收款项之比ratio of merchandise to receivable
国际贸易应收账款international trade receivable
国际贸易应收账款international trade account receivable
存货与应收款的比率ratio of inventories to receivable
存货与应收账款比率ratio of inventories to receivables
存货对应收款项比率inventory to receivable ratio
应收款的分类aging of accounts receivable
已转让应收账款account receivable assigned
年度应收货款占销售总额百分率per cent of the year's sales uncollected
年度应收销货款百分率per cent of year's sales uncollected
应向负责人、股东、及雇员收款的票据note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
应收客户账款明细账户贷方余额credit balance in customers' account
应收上级单位款receivables from senior administrative agency
应收专款receivables under specific fund
应收业主欠款账户due from proprietor account
应收代收客户款collection receivable for customer
应收代理商店欠款due from correspondent
应收代理店款项agency account receivable
应收债款debt receivable
应收其他款项accounts receivable-others
应收其它基金欠款due from other fund
应收其它欠款due from other
应收分期偿还账款贴现discount on installment account receivable
应收分期款项installment receivable
应收分期账款installment contract receivable
应收分期账款installment account receivable
应收分期销售货款accounts receivable from installment sales
应收到期寄售货款accounts due on consignment-out
应收到期寄售货款account due on consignment-out
应收到期款accounts due
应收到期试销货款accounts due on sales on approval
应收到期试销货款account due on sales on approval
应收到期账款accounts receivable due
应收同业银行款due from bank
应收外国银行欠款due from foreign bank
应收子公司账款accounts receivable from subsidiary company
应收客户账款due from correspondent
应收寄销人款项due from consignor
应收岁入款receivable annual revenue
应收所属单位款receivables from subordinate unit
应收托运人款项due from consignor
应收抵押贷款loan receivable in securities
应收普通股款subscription receivable common
应收未收款指客户欠款未收collection receivable for customer
应收未收款项accrued assets
应收欠税利息及罚款interest and penalties receivable on taxes
应收款周转receivable turnover
应收款周转率receivables turnover ratio
应收款周转率receivable turnover ratio
应收款周转额turnover of receivable
应收款收回率collection rate
应收款收款期collection period
应收款账户receivable account
应收款项保证security on accounts receivable
应收款项周转比率turnover of receivable ratio
应收款项让与书assignment of receivable
应收短期借款short-term loan receivable
应收票据和账款bill and accounts receivable
应收税款taxes receivable
应收税金退款tax refund receivable
应收职工款amount receivable from officers and employees
应收职工款amount receivable from executives and employees
应收联营企业到期账款account due from affiliated company
应收联营公司到期账款accounts receivable due from affiliated company
应收联营公司账款accounts receivable from affiliated company
应收股款账户subscriptions receivable account
应收融资款financed receivable
应收认缴股款due from subscriber
应收认购股款stock subscription receivable
应收调入职员欠款receivables from transferred-in employees
应收调出职员欠款receivables from transferred-out employees
应收账款accounts to receive
应收账款trade creditors
应收账款account revenue
应收账款保险accounts receivable insurance
应收账款分期aging account receivable
应收账款分期收回分析表accounts receivable aging schedule
应收账款分类账accounts receivable ledger
应收账款可收回性collectibility of accounts receivable
应收账款周转accounts receivable turnover
应收账款周转率turnover rate of receivables
应收账款周转率turnover ratio of accounts receivable
应收账款周转率turnover of receivables
应收账款周转率turnover of account receivable
应收账款和票据accounts and notes receivable
应收账款平均余额average accounts receivable
应收账款平均周转率average accounts receivable turnover ratio
应收账款平均回收期average collection period of receivable
应收账款平均账龄average age of receivable
应收账款抵押pledging of account receivable
应收账款收款天数number of days' sale in receivable
应收账款收款率rate of collection of accounts receivable
应收账款明细表schedule of accounts receivable
应收账款明细账户贷方余额credit balance in customers' account
应收账款正确性accuracy of account receivable
应收账款比率指企业的各类应收款占净销售额的比率collection ratio
应收账款登录册accounts receivable register
应收账款百分率percentage of account receivable
应收账款融资receivable financing
应收账款融资accounts receivable financing
应收账款融通factoring of receivable
应收账款让售factoring receivable
应收账款账龄age of receivable
应收账款账龄分析aging of accounts receivable
应收账款贴现discount accounts receivable
应收账款贴现discounting of accounts receivable
应收账款贴现factoring of receivable
应收账款贴现discounted account receivable
应收账款转让assignment of account receivable
应收账款部分余额分龄法partial balance aging of accounts receivable
应收货款accounts receivable-trade
应收货款trade receivable
应收货款数amount of trade receivable
应收贷款loans repayable
应收赔款claim receivable
应收追加认交款项及补充资金amount due on additional subscription and supplementary resources
应收透支款receivable due to over-drawing
应收银行到期存款deposit due from banks account
应收银行到期存款deposit due from bank account
应收销货款sales receivable
应收销货款账户account of credit sales
应收雇员欠款receivables from employees
或有应收款contingent receivable
扶持生产应收款receivables from production support
抵押应收账款pledging receivables
拖欠的应收款delinquent receivable
无法收取的应收账款uncollectible receivables
本期应收贷款current loan receivable
杂项应收款sundry account receivable
现金及应收账款对流动负债比率cash and receivable to current liabilities ratio
经济联合组织内部应收款internal receivable among affiliated units
虚假的应收账款fictitious account receivable
虚构应收账款fictitious account receivable
要求收取应收价款claim for proceed
货款外其他应收账款accounts receivable-not trade
购货客户应收账款trade debtors accounts receivable
运输人间应收款interline receivable
逾期应收款delinquent receivable
银行同业往来应收未收款项inter-bank float
销售净额与应收款项比率ratio of net sales to receivables
销货净额与应收款的比率ratio of net sales to the receivable
非流动性应收款non-current receivable
餐饮应收款分类账tray ledger