
Terms for subject Technology containing 应 变能 | all forms | in specified order only
临界应变能释放率critical strain energy release rate
体积应变能volumetrical strain energy
应变能deviatoric strain energy
冲击应变能strain-energy due to impact
应变能强度理论shearing strain energy criterion
剪切应变能理论theory of shearing strain energy
半电池反应能量变化half-cell reaction energy change
变形应变能deformational strain energy
变形应变能deformation strain energy
应力一应变性能stress-strain behaviour
应力一应变性能stress-strain behavior
应变余能strain complementary energy
应变势能potential energy of strain
应变能strain energy (量)
应变能energy of strain (量)
应变能power of straining (量)
应变能energy of deformation (量)
应变能准则strain-energy criteria
应变能函数strain energy function
应变能函数strain-energy function
应变能存储strain-energy storage
应变能密度strain-energy density
应变能振幅strain-energy amplitude
计算超静定结构的应变能strain energy method
应变能strain-energy method
应变能释放率strain-energy release rate
应变能释放率strain-energy rate
弯曲应变能flexural strain energy
弯曲应变能bending strain energy
弹性应变能elastic strain energy (量)
最大应变能maximum strain energy
最大应变能理论theory of maximum strain energy
最大剪应变能量理论maximum shear strain energy theory
最大剪应变能量理论critical shear strain energy theory
最小应变能原则principle of minimum strain-energy
有效剪切应变能准则effective shear strain energy criterion
构造应变能tectonic strain energy
滞变应变能hysteresis strain energy
畸变应变能strain-energy of distortion
应变能magnetic strain energy
膨胀应变能dilatational strain energy
膨胀应变能量梯度dilatational strain energy gradient
荷载应变性能loading-strain property
适应变化的能力adaptability to change