
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing | all forms
中耳变态反allergy of middle ear
主动过敏反active anaphylaxis
交叉听反crossed acoustic response
优势偏向反directional preponderance response
位觉砂反otolith response
免疫无immunological unresponsiveness
内耳反inner ear reaction
内耳变态反allergy of inner ear
冷冻治疗在耳鼻咽喉中的the application of cryotherapy in Otorhinolaryngology
冷热反caloric response
分离性反dissociated response
初反first response
刺激反S-R (stimulus response)
刺激反stimulus response
刺激反学说theory of stimulus response
前庭反vestibular response
前庭反分离vestibular dissociation
前庭反协调vestibular harmony
前庭自主神经反vestibular autonomic reaction
前庭适vestibular adaptation
单耳效monaural effect
即刻变immediate allergy
双耳效binaural hearing effect
性低血糖reactional hypoglycemia
时间reactive type
脱节dissociated response
C 反蛋白C reactive protein
性"仪态"salute allergic
性喉炎allergic laryngitis
性支气管肺曲霉菌病allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
性真菌性鼻窦炎allergic fungal sinusitis
性耳炎allergic otitis
性迷路炎allergic labyrinthitis
性鼻炎periodic rhinitis
性鼻炎hyperesthetic rhinitis
性鼻炎paroxysmal rhinorrhea
性鼻炎allergic coryza
变态反性喉水肿allergic edema of the larynx
变态反现象裂狭小肌病综合征Schwartzman phenomenon
叠加诱发反summed evoked response
脑干反auditory brainstem response
听性脑干反测听auditory brainstem response audiometry
听神经元反面积response area of auditory neuron
听神经单元反auditory nerve single-unit response
听肌反射性反auditory muscle reflex response
听觉反时间试验auditory reaction time test
听觉反面积auditosensory area
听觉反面积auditory sensation area
听觉诱发反auditory evoked response
听诱发中期反auditory evoked middle response
听诱发肌源性反auditory myogenic response
听诱发脑干反auditory evoked brain-stem response
听适auditory adaptation
听适hearing adaptation
听适acoustic adaptation
吸人性变inhalant allergen
咽部的变态反allergic reaction of pharynx
喉部变态反laryngeal allergy
嗅觉同一反single non-discrimination of smell
嗅适olfactory adaptation
嗅适时间olfactory adaptation time
器官移植反organ transplantation reaction
噪声非听觉性效non-auditory effect of noise
堵耳效occlusion effect
增量适incremental adaptation
声动力学效sonodynamic action
声电效acousticoelectric effect
声电效acoustic electric effect
声运动反auditory sonomotor response
声频感闭路系统audiofrequency induction loop system
复响反recruiting response
外周血管反测听peripheral vascular response audiometry
外耳变态反allergy of external ear
头皮诱发听觉反scalp-evoked auditory response
姿势反postural response
姿势平衡反postural equilibrium response
宽带反broad band response
性变态反应atopic allergy
平直响linear response
平直响flat response
异常冷热反paradoxical caloric response
心理反psychical reaction
快反fast response
急性变态反性会厌炎acute allergic epiglottitis
电刺激inductive current stimulus
拉伸抗拉strain tensile
持续反sustained response
指向性反directional response
支气管变bronchial allergy
预防法response prevention
新生物反neoplastic reaction
方向性优势反directional preponderance response
施特劳斯反Straus reaction
旋转后半规管反post-rotational canal response
旋转后效rotation after effect
暂停和建立反细胞pause and buildup response cell
流电皮肤反galvanic skin response
测听反模拟器audiometric response simulator
混合凝集反mixed agglutination reaction
潜伏中期反middle latency response
潜伏变latent allergy
激光在耳鼻咽喉科的laser application in otolaryngology
性鼻炎coryza idiosyncratica
-莫Jones-Mote reaction
疲劳及适试验test of fatigue and adaptation
病理性听觉适abnormal auditory adaptation
皮层诱发反测听cortical evoked response audiometry
皮肤电反测听galvanic skin response audiometry
相对反relative response
相对生物效relative biologic effect
移植物抗宿主反graft versus-host reaction
空间效space effects
线性响flat response
结核变态反性关节炎综合征Poncet syndrome
结核菌素鼻反rhino-tuberculin reaction
结核菌素鼻反nasal tuberculin reaction
给声反细胞onset response cell
翻正反righting reaction
耳动反preyer reaction
耳机响earphone response
耳蜗微音反cochlear-microphonic response
耳蜗微音器效aural microphonics
耳蜗微音效aural microphonics
脑干反brain stem response
脑干诱发反测听brain stem evoked response audiometry
自发前庭反spontaneous vestibular response
虚惊反false alarm response
血小板释放反release reaction of platelet
补体结合血细胞凝集合并反K.H. reaction
诱发前庭反induced vestibular response
诱发反听力计evoked response audiometer
诱发反测听evokedresponse audiometry
诱发变induced allergy
诱发慢皮层反evoked slow cortical response
诱发颅顶反测听evoked vertex response audiometry
趋化chemotactic response
输血小板反platelet transfusion reaction
过敏反hypersensitivity reaction
过敏性慢反物质slowreaction substance of anaphylaxis
远场效far field effect
重振反recruiting response
错向反inversion response
错性反perversion of response
锡克反Schick reaction
阈上适检查suprathreshold adaptation audiometry
阈上适试验suprathreshold adaptation test
非听性镫骨肌反non-acoustic stapedius response
非听觉性效non-auditory effect
非适性行为non-adaptive behavior
音频感闭路系统audiofrequency induction loop system
颅顶快反fast vertex
颅顶慢反slow vertex response
频率响描绘器frequency response tracer
频率跟随反frequency-following response
默勒反Moeller reaction
鼻及鼻窦变态反nose and nasal sinuses allergy
鼻反Moeller reaction
鼻疽菌素反mallein reaction
鼻高反nasal hyper-reactivity
鼻黏膜高反性鼻病nasal mucosal hyperreactive rhinopathy