
Terms for subject Commerce containing 应计 | all forms | in specified order only
付款时加付利息,按年利百分之…,由开票日至汇款应到达伦敦之时计息payable with interest at..., per cent per annum from date hereof to due date of arrival of remittance in London
应计supply programme
应计supply schedule
应急计划crash program (project)
应计价装载重量chargeable weight of load
应计债券利息accrued interest on bond
应计折旧成本depreciable cost (原价减去残值)
应计期日accrual date
应计费用attributable expenses
把该原理贯彻应用到设计工作中去pursue the principle to the design
计划供应plan ned supply
预计应付支付命令anticipation warrants payable