
Terms containing 应得 | all forms | in specified order only
textile应得的利益unearned profit
econ.应得的利益the unearned profit
econ.不计列应税所得额exclusion from taxable income
tech.不计列应缴税所得额exclusion from taxable income
econ.中介的利益应得到保护The interests of the intermediary shall be protected
econ.乙方不得转让应收账款Party B shall not assign the accounts receivable
sport., psychol.习得反应acquired response
econ.买方的偿付能力应得到有声望的银行的认可The solvency of the purchaser should be subject to approval by a reputable bank
econ.他同意接受额外报酬,并交付应纳的所得税He agreed to accept the extra payment with due imposition of the income tax
gen.他得在床上躺几天,但周四就应该出院He'll be laid up for a few days, but he should be home from the hospital on Thursday
econ.企业利润对应所得税business income versus taxable income
busin.企业利润对应税所得business income versus taxable income
tech.估计应付所得税estimated income tax payable
commer.你应把质量说得更确切一点You should be more definite about the quality
gen.受到应得的处罚get one's bitters
gen.叫得应的within call
sport.8 号运动员不应该竭尽全力在比赛开始时跑得太快Runner No. 8 should not exert all his strength to run too fast at the beginning of the race
lat.拉丁语应得其所有应得suum cuique
econ.合同价格应固定不变,不得逐步上升The contract price shall be fixed and not subject to escalation
proj.manag.因此、微软办公应用程序获得最易配置套装软件的头衔绝对不是偶然的It is, thus, not on a -whim that Microsoft office applications are among the most configurable shrink-wrapped software titles available
econ.在取得批发商书面同意之后,卖方可以转让应收账款After obtaining the written consent of the wholesaler the seller can sign the accounts receivable
gen.在叫得应〔听得到,看得见〕的地方within hearing
gen.在叫得应〔听得到,看得见〕的地方within sight
gen.在叫得应〔听得到,看得见〕的地方within call
sport.在短跑时、你的第一步不应跨得太大In sprinting, your first stride should not be too long
sport.如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified
fin.完成合同的应得资金assets due from completed contracts
econ.工资应得渐减decreasing wages share
econ.工资应得递减decreasing wage share
desert.巴尔得云氏效应Baldwin effect
tech.应交税所得taxable income
econ.应付所得平均税表schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income
logist.〔会计〕应付所得税income tax payable
tech.应付所得税income tax payable
busin.应付预扣职工所得税employee withholding payable
interntl.trade.应得价款之要求claim for proceeds
interntl.trade.应得价款的要求claim for proceeds
tech.应得价款的请求claim for proceeds
textile应得份额reserved portion
wushu.应得merited point
dragon.dance.应得deserved score
wushu.应得merited point
busin.应得利息required interest earning
securit.应得投资价值模型investment value model
tech.应得报酬得投资investment worthy of compensation
busin.应得报酬率required rate of return
econ.应得报酬的投资investment worthy of compensation
busin.应得报酬的投资investment worth of compensation
securit.应得报酬的投资价值investment worthy of compensation
securit.股东应得收益总额total attributable profit
busin.股东应得收益率required rate of return
tech.应得收益率required rate of return
commer.应得款项让与书assignment of claims
securit.应得款项转让书assignment of proceeds
gen.某人应得应负担的一份one's fair share
gen.应得的一份meed (of)
busin.应得的报酬just reward
econ.应得的报酬率required rate of return
econ.应得的收益率required rate of return
econ.应得租金the hire earned
econ.应得租金hire earned
pharm.应得而康Entercon (二甲硅油 (dimeticone) 片剂商品名;抗胃肠胀气药)
textile应得赔偿款claim for proceeds
manag.应扣预扣职工所得税employee withholding payable
econ.应收待收已得利息interest earned but not collected
busin.应收已得利息interest earned but not collected
textile应税所得chargeable gain
textile应税所得rateable income
IMF.应税所得taxable income
fin.应税所得assessable income
busin.应税所得平均税率表schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income
econ.应税所得总额total taxable income
oil应税所得额taxable income
econ.应纳税所得taxable income
textile应纳税所得扣除tax deduction
fin.应纳税所得额taxable income
China, law应纳税所得额amount of taxable income
busin.应缴所得税income tax payable
corp.gov.应缴所得税额income tax liability
busin.应计所得accrued income
econ.应计所得税accrued taxes on income
textile应计所得税款accrued taxes on income
busin.应计所得税款accrued income taxes
tech.应计所得税款accrued tax on income
econ.应计未付所得税款accrued income taxes
tech.应计未付所得税款accrued income tax
interntl.trade.应课税所得taxable income
environ.美国得克萨斯紧急响应中心Texas Emergency Response Center
gen.得到应得的奖赏处罚meet with one's deserts
gen.得到应得的奖赏处罚get one's deserts
scottish得到应得的报酬奖赏,惩罚get one's fairing
gen.M 得到 M 的充分供应be well set up with
el.得到响应命令get response command
sport.得心应手的球员ball hawk
econ.我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation
gen.我想去纽约看朋友。我觉得应该需要一个B2型旅行签证I want to visit my friends in New York City. I think a B2 visa would be required
gen.我觉得这条泪滴状的项链会让你更有魅力。你应该戴上它And I believe this teardrop necklace would make you more attractive. You should put it on
busin.凯恩斯所得乘数效应指当消费支出,投资支出或政府支出等增加一单位,国民所得会以倍数增加,此倍数即为乘数multiplier effect
busin.所得税规定的告示效应announcement effects of income tax
econ.承包商应经常用电话与供应商或制造商取得联系The contractor shall often have to set in touch with the suppliers or manufacturers by phone
econ.承租人应得到房产主许可,方能将空出的建筑物转租The tenant has to get the permission of the landlord to relet the vacated promises
gen.把M放得与N相适应locate M correctly with (N)
corp.gov.按法律应得的最低限度数额minimum legally-due
sport.接力赛中、应将跑得最快的运动员排在最后、次快的运动员排在第一、这种排列次序更好一些In relay race, it is preferable to run the best runner last, the second best first
busin.提前退职应得权利vested right
econ.收到货应付款,此种款项不得留成On acceptance of the delivery payment shall be made without retention of a percent age
busin.放弃其应得股利润的要求renounce one's claim to a share in the profits
tech.最低应税所得额minimum taxable income
China, law核定其应纳税所得额verify and determine the amount of the income taxable
gen.每人得到应有的一份each person receives his proper quantum
corp.gov.法律上最低限度应得minimum legally-due
tech.索取应得价款claim for proceeds
econ.经营中所得利润,应按等量分配The profits that may accrue from the business are divided equally
scottish给人以应得的报酬赏罚give sb. his fairing
securit.股东应得利润profit attributable to shareholders
chem.胡得利固定床催化裂化反应器Hu Deli fixed bed catalytic cracking reactor
gen.获得广泛应用find wide use
gen.获得应〔任〕用come in
gen.获得应有的信誉come into one's own
gen.获得应用come into praxis
gen.获得应用come into use
gen.获得应用find application
anim.husb.获得性过敏反应acquired anaphylaxis
China, law获得相应补偿be entitled to corresponding compensation
textile要求取得应收价款claim for proceeds
busin.计算个人所得税应税额时的不计列数individual exclusion
interntl.trade.该样品应视为本合同不可分割的部分,所交货物的品质不得低于样品said sample shall be treated as an integral part of this contract, the quality of the goods delivered shall not be lower than the sample
sport.赛跑比赛中、对枪声反应的快慢可能造成好几米的得失In running races, a difference in speed of reaction to the pistol shot can result in several meters gained or lost
gen.超高压线应安装或保护得足以防止发生危险〔事故〕extra high-pressure conductors shall be so placed or protected as adequately to prevent danger
expl.这些令人振奋的爆破业绩是通过炸药供应商、矿业集团、研究组织和政府部门之间的合作取得的These encouraging blasting results have come about through cooperation between explosives suppliers, mining groups, research organizations and government departments over more than twenty years
expl.这些颗粒溶解后、多孔颗粒中封闭的空气得以释放、且不再有使炸药敏化的效力。此外、溶解后的硝铵与水一起处于液态、在爆轰时不再具有起反应的效力When the prills dissolve, the air entrapped inside the porous prills is released and is no longer available to sensitize the composition. Also, the dissolved ammonium nitrate stays in solution with water and is no longer available to react in the detonation
econ.递延应纳所得税dividends income tax liabilities
securit.非杠杆应得回报unleveraged required return
fin.预估应付所得税estimated income tax payable
busin.预扣职工应付所得税employee withholding payable
econ.预计应付所得税estimated income tax payable