
Terms for subject Business containing 应付 | all forms | in specified order only
买主应付货款consideration for sale
估计应付产品保证单负债estimated liability under product warranties
估计应付商品券息票债务estimated liability on coupons outstanding
估计应付商品赠券负债estimated liability on coupons outstanding
估计应付服务费estimated liabilities for free service
估计应付未付税款estimated taxes accrued
估计应付证券溢价负债estimated liability for premium claims outstanding
依本应付的赔偿额claim recoverable hereunder
公司间应付未付股利inter-company dividends unpaid
公司间应收应付款项inter-company receivables and payables
其他应付暂收款other payables and receipts in suspense
其他应付other payables
其他应收暂付款other receivables and payments in suspense
内部应付internal payable
分期付款下应收款的付现方法cash collection basis of revenue recognition for instalment receivable
判决应付judgment payable
判决应付款项judgement's payable
到期应付due for repayment
到期应付的款项due and payable
到期应付票据日记簿bill payable maturity book
到期应偿付债券bond due for payment
到期应偿付的due for repayment
到期应偿付的信贷credit due for repayment
即期应付票据note payable on demand
即期应偿付债务obligation payable on demand
各种基金应付债票合并明细表combined schedule of bonds payable by funds
固定应付项目准备总额coverage of fixed charges
国际应付电汇款international telegraphic transfer payable
国际收支的应付自如局面BOP viability
国际贸易应付账款international trade account payable
基金间应付余额inter-fund balances payable
基金间应收应付项目inter-fund receivables and payables
工程承包应付费用cost accrued on construction contract
应交付补偿executive consideration
应付上级单位款payables to senior administrative agency
应付中方职员工资Chinese staff salaries and wages payable
应付中方职工工资accrued payroll for Chinese staff and workers
应付付款凭单warrant payable
应付代理公司款due to agencies
应付余额payable balance
应付借款利息accrued interest on loan
应付债券利息bond interest payable
应付债券折扣discount on bonds payable
应付债券明细表schedule of bonds payable
应付债券溢价premium on bond payable
应付债权人利息interest payable to creditors
应付债款账户debt payable account
应付公司票据note payable to company
应付公司票据note due to company
应付其他款项accounts payable to others
应付其他款项accounts payable-others
应付其它基金款项due to other fund
应付出口汇票export bill payable
a/c应付出口汇票科目export bill payable
应付分期账款installment contract payable
应付分期账款installment account payable
应付利息interest in the red
应付到期债券matured bonds payable
应付到期债券本金principal payable of matured debenture
应付到期利息matured interest payable
应付合伙人票据partner's note payable
应付同业银行款项如同业存款due to bank
应付员工奖励及福利基金staff incentive and welfare fund payable
应付器材款payables for equipment acquisition
应付固定资金占用费fixed fund usage changes payable
应付国际贸易票据international trade note payable
应付国际贸易账款international trade payable
应付国际贸易账款周转期international trade payable turnover period
应付外商款项payables to foreign party
应付外国汇票foreign bills payable
应付外国银行款项due to foreign bank
应付外币汇票foreign currency bills payable
应付外方职工工资accrued payroll for foreign staff and workers
应付外籍雇员工薪foreign staff salaries and wages payable
应付子公司账款accounts payable to affiliated company
应付客户款due to correspondent
应付家庭账单home bill payable
应付寄售人款payable to the consignor
应付寄销人payable to consignor
应付寄销人账款due to consignor
应付工薪salaries wages payable
应付工薪wages and salaries payable
应付工薪salaries and wages payable
应付工资税liability for payroll tax
应付工资税责任liability for payroll tax
应付年金annuities payable
应付年金annuity payable
每期期初应付年金指在期初而非期末支付的年金annuity due
应付开支meet one's expenses
应付引进技术款项payables on technique acquired abroad
应付引进设备款payables on equipment acquired abroad
应付总租金total lease rentals payable
应付息票coupons payable
应付息票coupon payable
应付息票负债账户liability represented by outstanding coupons account
应付我方in our favour
应付所属单位款payables to subordinate unit
应付执票人payable to holder
应付承兑汇票票据acceptance payable
应付抬头人payable to order
应付抵押债券mortgage bond payable
应付抵押款账户mortgage payable account
应付抵押票据mortgage note payable
应付抵押账款mortgage payable
应付支付命令warrants payable
应付未付债务如到期利息、工资等accrued liabilities
应付未付股利dividends payable
应付未付股利accrued dividends
应付未付证券利息accrued interest on notes payable
应付未付账款account payable
应付未付费用outstanding expense
应付未付费用accrued expenses
应付本国币票据home currency bills payable
应付本币票据home money bills payable
应付款与购货比率ratio of trade accounts payable to purchases
应付款周转额turnover of payable
应付款项trade payable
应付款项累计accumulation of payable
应付汇票exchange bill payable
应付汇票bill payable
应付电汇款telegraphic transfer payable
应付短期借款short-term loan payable
应付票据和账款bill and accounts payable
应付票据账册note payable-book
应付票据账户note payable account
应付票据贴现discounting a note payable
应付票据贴现discount on notes payable
应付租金账户rent payable account
应付税款taxes payable
应付税金tax due
应付税额amount of tax to be paid
应付竞争meet competition
应付联营公司票据note due to affiliated company
应付股本股息dividend payable in capital stock
应付股款share capital payable
应付背书票据账endorsed notes payable account
应付记账支票check payable in account
应付accounts payable
应付账款payable in account
应付账款bill payable
应付账款与购货比率ratio of trade accounts payable to purchases
应付账款周转率turnover of payables
应付账款平均到期日average accounts payable period
应付账款平均到期比率average accounts payable period ratio
应付账款日记账creditor's journal
应付账款明细分类账account payable ledger
应付账款明细表schedule of accounts payable
应付账款登录册accounts payable register
应付账款百分率percentage of account payable
应付账款账龄分析aging of debtors
应付账目payable account
应付货款accounts payable-trade
应付货款与购货比例ratio of accounts payable to purchases
应付购货票据note payable-trade
应付资金占用费fund usage charge payable
应付进口汇票账户import bill payable account
应付进货合同款账户purchase contract payable a/c
应付金额amount due
应付某人金额amount due to (sb.)
应付银行款due to bank
应付银行票据note payable to banks
应付银行票据note due to bank
应付银行贷款bank loans payable
应付银行贷款bank loan payable
应付长期信用票据long time notes payable
应付长期抵押票据long-term mortgage note payable
应付长期票据long-term note payable
应付长期贷款long-term loans payable
应付附属机构票据note payable to subsidiary
应付顾主到期款项account due to customers
应付预扣职工所得税employee withholding payable
应付预提税款的人persons subject to withholding
应付黄金payable gold
应偿付的运费freight to be repaid
应偿付贷款loan repayable
应摊开支未付accrued expenditure unpaid
应收应付会计制即在会计核算中不以款项的实际收付,而是以应收应付为标准进行核算accounting on the accrual basis
应收应付payable-receivable basis
应收应付即以权、责为标准用以处理本期收入和费用的一种会计核算方法accrual system
应收应付项目receivables and payables
应收拒付票据note receivable protested
应收票据上的延付利息deferred payment of interest on notes receivable
应补付的运费freight to be repaid
应计未付债券利息accrued bond interest
应计未付利息accrued interest
应计未付工资accrued wages payable
应计未付期票利息accrued interest on note payable
应计未付款项accrued payable
应计未付股利accrued cumulative dividends
应计未付薪金accrued salary payable
应预付运费freight to be prepaid
承租人应付税金amount due from the leaser
投资证券买卖应付款项payables for investment security traded
拒付的应收票据notes receivable dishonoured
支付应负担的费用pay ones way
有条件应付票据和款项bill and accounts payable with terms
未偿贷款的应付货币currency repayable on loans outstanding
未取应付股息unclaimed dividends payable
未领取的应付股息dividend payable unclaimed
本保单应付的赔偿额claim recoverable hereunder
杂项应付sundry account payable
核定应付债款audited claims payable
税捐及公益应付tax and public dues
约定应付contract payable
结欠应付balance due to
船舶应付费用charges upon vessel
被拒付的应收票据notes receivable protested
货款外应付其他账款accounts payable-not trade
进货应付账款与进货百分比percent of purchase liabilities to purchases
非流动性应付款项non-current payable
预付供应人款advance to suppliers
预付供应者款advances to suppliers
预扣职工应付所得税employee withholding payable