
Terms for subject Securities containing 库券 | all forms | in specified order only
不包括短期国库券的证券市场market less treasury bills
不可转让的国库券non-manufacturing treasury bond
不记名式国库券bearer treasury
不限量发行国库券tap bill
专营国库券原则bill-only doctrine
中期国库券Treasury note
中长期国库券Treasury note
优先使用短期国库券政策bill preferable policy
债券市场数据库bond market data bank
全额免税的国库券fully tax-exempt treasury securities
公司债券与国库券之间的套利corporate-to-treasury spread
内部发行的国库券tap issue of treasury bill
凭证式国库券certificate treasury (中国内地)
固定期限国库券互换constant maturity treasury swap
库券exchequer bond
库券legal tender notes
库券exchequer stock
库券bond treasury
库券关联收益增强式存款treasury bond-linked enhanced yield deposit
库券发行Treasury offering
库券增值证书certificate of accrual on treasury securities
库券投资者增长债券treasury investors growth receipt
库券拍卖treasury auction
库券指数票据Treasury-indexed note
库券收益yield on treasury bill
库券期权Treasury bond option
库券期货bill futures
库券本金收据corpus treasury receipt
库券的平均贴现率average discount rate on treasury bills
库券直销Treasury direct
库券自动竞价处理系统Treasury Automated Auction Processing System
库券计息证书certificate of accrual on treasury securities
库券转换贷款loan for conversion of exchequer bonds
为吸纳闲置资金而发行的国库债券tap bond
国库债券Treasury obligation
国库债券exchequer bill
国库证券Treasury certificates
基准国库券benchmark treasury bonds
定期国库券constant maturity treasury
已停止发行的国库证券off-the-run treasury issues
已偿付的国库券repaid bill
库存证券发行Treasury offering
弹性国库券期货期权flexible treasury futures options
息票国库券收据coupon treasury receipt
挂牌国库券on-the-run treasury issues
按需随时发行国库券tap stock
新兴证券市场数据库emerging stock market database
本息分售国库券本金票Treasury principal strips
正在发行的国库券on-the-run treasury issues
现金管理国库券cash management bills
短期国库券T bill
短期国库券treasure bill
短期国库券德国Schatzwechsel Treasury bill
短期国库券拍卖Treasury bill auction
美国中期国库券US treasury note
美国国库券US treasury
美国国库券欧元权证Euro-treasury warrants
美国国库证券US treasury securities
美国长期国库券US treasury bond
记账式国库券inscribed treasury bond
记账式国库券book-entry treasury bonds
赋税抵偿国库券tax anticipation bill
金库兑换券Treasury note
随时供应的国库券tap bond
零息国库券stripped treasury obligation
预付国库券tax anticipation bill
香港国库券Hong Kong Treasury bills
龙头国库券tap bill