
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
parallel series
联三通T形接头series-and-shunt tees
串-行乘法器one-shot multiplier
分选归sorting and merging
刨光企口的planed tongued and grooved
刨光作有两头榫槽的木板dressed and headed
刨光作有中心企口的木板dressed and centre matched
刨光削角倒棱木板planed and chamfered
剝离运走excavation and carting away
反对称的矢式anti-symmetric dyadic
电视中图像行现象crawling effect
串联parallel series
列制multiple distribution system
列钏chain riveting
接弧刷bridging wiper
照图表parallel table
高频建峰shunt peaking
分路,旁路电容器shunting condenser
输人parallel in
联复式涡轮机cross turbine
联式高频补偿shunt peaking
sum aggregate
张量的缩降秩contraction of tensor
联法使频率特性的高频部分升高shunt peaking
亮玉红染料benzo-light rubine
C 吖啶chrysidine
部分备灌捣实混凝土等part fill in and ram