
Terms for subject Finances containing 并合 | all forms
不相关联基金之合并表combined statement for unrelated funds
估计发入与实际岁入合并表一普通基金与特种岁入基金combined statement of revenue estimated and actual general and special revenue funds
债务合并debt consolidation
债务合并consolidation of debts
债务合并基金特别会计debt consolidation fund special accounting
债务合并担保贷款debt consolidation secured loan
债务合并贷款debt consolidation loan
公司合并 fi余surplus from merged company
公司合并限制limitation on merger
公司合并限制limitation on consolidation
关贸总协定合并GATT bindings
分组合并报表group financial statement
创立合并损失loss from amalgamation
受盘购买合并consolidation by purchase
各基金应付债票合并明细表combined schedule of bonds payable by funds
各种基金合并现金出纳表combined statement of cash receipts, disbursements and balance-all funds
各种资金应收税款滞纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by funds
各科目合并表summary sheet
合并联合帐户consolidated account
合并综合资产负债表amalgamated balance sheet
合并综合资产负债表consolidated balance sheet
合并综合资产负债表aggregate balance sheet
合并公积consolidated surplus (or retained earnings)
合并净利consolidated income
合并分录combined entry
合并分类帐consolidation ledger (elimination ledger)
合并利润profit from amalgamation
合并和收购merger & acquisition
合并套利merger arbitrage
合并工作底表consolidated work sheet
合并差额利益profit from consolidation
合并帐户combination of accounts
合并报表中的个体概念entity concept in consolidated statements
合并抵押consolidated mortgage
合并损益帐户consolidated profit and loss account
合并损益表consolidated profit and loss statement
合并损益表combined profit and loss statement
合并收益consolidated income
合并收益及盈余表combined income and surplus statement
合并收益表combined income statement
合并收益表工作底稿consolidated income sheet work sheet
合并政策consolidation policy
合并有形资产净值combined net tangible assets
合并溢值consolidated excess
合并留存收益表consolidated statement of retained earnings
合并盈余surplus from consolidation
合并盈余surplus in consolidation
合并盈余consolidation surplus
合并营建基金consolidated working fund
合并表combined statement
合并试算表combined trial balance
合并财务报表consolidated financial statement
合并财务报表combined financial statement
合并资产负债表amalgamated balance sheet (consolidated balance sheet)
合并资产负债表-所有基金combined balance sheet-all funds
合并资金来源与运用表consolidated statement of source and use of funds
吞并与合并merger versus consolidation
吸收合并merger by absorption
国外帐不予合并exclusion of foreign accounts
国家资金合并平衡表consolidated national balance sheet
折旧与保养合并法depreciation combined-and-upkeep method
折旧与保养合并法combined depreciation-and-upkeep method (of depreciation)
损益及保留盈余合并表combined statement of income and retained earnings
收益及盈余合并表combined statement of income and surplus
收购及合并委员会Takeovers & Mergers Panel (香港证监会 (SFC)下设委员会)
普通公务支出与经费预算合并比较表一普通与特种岁入基金combined statement of general governmental expenditures compared with authorizations-general and special revenue funds
未合并子公司损失loss of unconsolidated subsidiary
机构合并损失loss from amalgamation
权益合并法pooling of interest approach
混合跨国并购conglomerate cross-border M&A
股份合并consolidation of shares
财务报表之合并combining of financial statement
部分合并报表partial consolidated statement
集团式合并conglomerate merger
非营利性债务合并服务non-profit debt consolidation service