
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
一遇洪水annual flood
丰水year with abundance of water
丰水rainy year
计划five-year plan
五十洪水fifty year flood
使用operational life
平均洪水位mean flood level in past years
地层stratigraphic time scale
地层stratigraphic time table
地质geologic age
地质geological chronology
地质geological period
地质geological time
地质代表geologic time table
冻土permanently frozen ground
冻土ever-frozen ground
冻土permafrost soil
冻土perennially frozen soil
冻土区permafrost area
冻土区permanently frozen ground area
冻土地区路基force 2 wind
冻土地区路基subgrade in permafrost region Force 2 (light breeze)
冻土地基perennially frozen soil subgrade
平均 降水量mean annual precipitation
平均洪水位mean annual flood level
蓄水overyear storage
富冰多冻土ice-rich permafrost
平均温度mean annual temperature
有水河流perennial flow river
有水河流continuous stream
流水河流permanently flowing river
干旱dry year
平均洪水流量average annual flood
平均降水量average annual precipitation
代断定age dating
平均日交通量annual average daily traffic volume
平均沉降量annual average quantity of settlement
平均流量average annual flow discharge
平均流量annual mean water dis charge
平均温度annual average temperature
平均雨量mean annual rainfall
平均雨量average annual rainfall
度决算annual final accounts
度合同annual contract
总收入gross annual income
最大流量maximum yearly peak discharge
检修annual overhaul
洪水量annual flood quantity
洪水量annual flood
流量annual flow quantity
终决算annual final accounts
货运总量total annual goods transport
annual ring
annual growth ring
迳流annual water flow
迳流annual runoff
降雨量annual precipitation
雨量annual precipitation
雨量annual rainfall
代顺序的文献目录chronological bibliography
枯水year with lowest water
水文Water Year Book
year of excessive rain
一遇flood frequency 1/100
一遇的洪水the biggest flood in a century
洪水one hundred year flood
竣工year of completion
结构耐用structural lifetime
结构耐用duration of structure
结构耐用structural durable years
耐久durable years
设计design life
recent years
非常水文extreme hydrographical year
非稳定多冻土disequilibrium permafrost