
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一到底、 总公司要查核各分公司的账目情况The parent company would audit the accounts of every subsidiary at the end of each year
一如过往多、银行继续通过发行可转让存款证来筹集中期至长期资金As in previous years, banks continued to raise medium to long-term funds through the issuance of negotiable certificates of deposit NCDs
期外汇基金债券seven-year Exchange Fund note
一次的拨款triennial grant
平均账triennial equalization account
度评税基期preceding year basis
损益profit and loss of previous year
上一past year
上一课税preceding year of assessment
之后、美国的最低工资标准有望达到每小时7. 25美元Over the next two years, the minimum wage in the United States is expected to rise to $7.25 an hour
预测报表five-year forecast return
人寿annuity on human life
人寿及金业务life and annuity business
以来、 实际吸收外资略有下降、 合同外资金额稳定增长The actual absorption of foreign capital has been down and contracted foreign investment has been up since the beginning of the year
截至目前、该指数已下跌了 0.4%、为首次跌至2010年年初水平以下The measure is now down 0.4% for the early going of 2010, the first time it has ended with a year-to-date loss
从过去一多美国经济出现衰退以来、 美国的失业率就一直处于上升趋势The proportion of jobless Americans has risen steadily since the United States sank into a recession more than a year ago
他说:"我们认为、衰退可能会在今第四季度结束。""We are looking at the end of this recession, probably, by the fourth quarter of this year." He said.
以英特尔处理器的性能为例、看一下晶体管的平均价格---- 1968 、一美元可以买一个晶体管Processor performance on Intel chips, the average price of a transistor—1968, you could buy one transistor for a dollar
众所周知、DVD在20世纪90代中期开始进入市场、那时它还很贵The DVD, as you know, was introduced in the mid-1990s and it was quite expensive (DVDE 数字式可擦除视盘 Digital Video Disc-Erasable)
会员费是每年收取的行政费用Annual fee is the administration fee charged once a year
估价year of assessment
但在经济学家翻阅历史时、非常明确的一点是、今夏季爆发的市场动荡将不会是最后一次But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last
使用life of expectancy
假设 8% 的回报率的话、这足以把1美元变成100多美元That's enough to turn $ 1 into over $ 100, assuming an 8% annual return
经费full year cost
费用full year cost
全球青少市场global teenage segment
出口和进口同时下降、 至少部分由于去同期基数较高The slowdown in both exports and imports is at least partly due to a higher comparison base in the year-earlier period
到目前为止、这种上升的趋势尚不及90代末和前几年的科技热潮So far, the upswing doesn't begin to match the tech booms of the late 1990s and the middle years of this decade
责任responsibility for ten years
责任保险decennial liability insurance
责任险liability for ten years
数字calendar year figure
可以用信用卡或别的方式付款、接下来两之内的某个时间、她会给你打电话You pay by credit card, or whatever, and then she will call you sometime in the next two years
可供计算退休金的annual pensionable emolument
可口可乐也意识到、 本次收购会给未来几的收入拖后腿Coca-Cola has acknowledged that the acquisition will be a drag on its earnings for the next couple of years
同店销售额指过去至少一中开得店面的销售额、 它是反映零售商健康状况的重要指标Same-store sales are sales at stores open at least a year and are considered a key indicator of a retailer's health
大会AGMannual general meeting
账目annual account
账目报表statement of annual account
账目报表annual account
预算annual estimates
因为评估了公司的所有资产、 所以去杰克的生意才有了纸上盈利Jack's business showed a paper profit last year simply due to the appreciation
国泰航空预计、每飞越这道墙的燃油成本高达10万吨、而这没有必要Cathay Airlines estimates that climbing up and down the -wall costs airlines 100 000 tonnes in unnecessary fuel burn every year
在2000、青海省城市和农村年家庭平均可支配收入分别是多少元?In 2000, what was the per capita annual disposable income of urban and rural households in Qinghai?
在华盛顿住过两以后、 我常常对好莱坞的现实主义和真诚的生活充满渴望After two years in Washington I often long for the Realism and sincerity of Hollywood
平均价格base-year average price
基准的恒生指数 HSI初以来已经下跌 24.1%The benchmark Hang Seng Index has dropped 24.1 percent since the start of the year
复合均增长率compound annual growth rate
宽带用户用于虚拟网络社交的平均时间为每周近三个小时、相当于每六天The average amount of time spent on virtual networking is nearly three hours a week, or six days a year
对于那些接触 Java 两左右的人而言、这似乎太简单了For those of you -who have come to Java technology in the last two years or so, this may all seem awfully simple
已动用的按薪级中点估计的薪值notional annual mid-point salary spent
已拨用的按薪级中点估计的薪值notional annual mid-point salary committed
平均average yearly rent
平均限法straight line method of depreciation
平均使用average life
1946 、世界上出现了第一台电子数字计算机"ENIAC"、用于计算弹道In 1946, there have been the world's first electronic digital computer "ENIAC", used to calculate the trajectory
2005、中国已成为世界第四大经济体、若以购买力平价标准衡量的话、甚至是世界第二大经济体It became the fourth largest economy in the world in 2005, and is second in terms of purchasing power parity
中检讨mid-year review
值当量法equivalent annual cost method
值当量法EAC method
利息率annual percentage rate (APR)
回报率annual return
2000 国际贸易术语解释通则International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 2000 (Incoterms 2000)
增率annual growth rate
calender year
calendar year
度余额annual balance
度内的财政管理工作in-year management
度审计报告audited annual report
度支付额annual disbursements
度申报表annual return
度营销计划annual marketing plan
度费用annual costs
度采购需求计划annual requirement purchasing arrangement
息百分率rate per cent per annum
成交额annual turnover
1940 投资公司法Investment Company Act of 1940
报酬annual return
annual allowance
生产能力annual production capacity
yearly rent
积金annual allowance
等值分期支付uniform annual series
等值分期支付公式uniform annual series formulas
等值分期支付复利和因子uniform annual series compound amount factor
等值分期支付现值因子uniform annual series present worth factor
等值分期支付资本回收因子uniform annual series capital recovery factor
终分红annual bonus
终奖year end bonus
终奖year-end bonus
annual account
结日期annual accounting date
annual fee
轻的城市潮流领导young urban trend setters
通货膨胀率annual inflation rate
金合约annuity contract
销售量annual sales
2000 问题Year 2000 Problem
问题Y2K 2000
限总额折旧法sum of the years' digits depreciation
龄歧视age discrimination
应急contingent annuity
延期人寿deferred life annuity
度评税规则current year rules of assessment
当20世纪80代个人电脑开始普及之后、电脑艺术也时髦起来Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public
很多以来、总的趋势一直都是将文本文件整合到特殊的应用文件格式中For many years, the trend was to embed text in specialized application file formats
意外度基准accident year basis
我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow
我原来的专业是计算机科学、但1999的市场热潮让我转到金融行业My main used to be computer science but I rerolled finance when the market was hot in 1999
承销度基准underwriting year basis
拨回有关度评税spread back
per annual
按实际度计算actual year basis
按薪级中点估计的薪值notional annual mid-point salary
按薪级中点估计的薪开支notional annual salary cost at mid-point
损益表汇总反映企业在某一特定时期内、如一个月或一的收入和费用The income statement presents a summary of the revenues and expenses of an entity for a specific period of time, such as a month or a year
政府希望把外汇储备多元化:在今、政府对于新的国库券的购买已经急速下降The government would like to diversify out of dollarsːits new purchases of treasury securities have fallen sharply this year
数百来、英国央行 Bank of England一直支持着黄金市场的发展、最早于1717年确立了金本位制The Bank of England had for centuries supported the development of the bullion market; the first gold standard was set in 1717
五月我要到新加坡的一家联合公司当技术顾问Next May, I'm due to go to Singapore as a technical adviser to an associated company there
度拨款current appropriation
的开支预算草案何时公布?When will the Draft Estimates of Expenditure for the coming year be published?
bad year
可动用收人annual disposable income
增长率annual growth rate
工作日数number of working days per year
消费物价回顾annual review of consumer prices
每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提出你几乎不注意的50美元、累积起来一就有600 美元、还有你的投资回报That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $ 600 a year, plus your return on investment
现时current maturity
真正百分比利率true annual percentage rate
第二、中国人民银行明将推出何种贷款配额?Second, what sort of loan quota -will the PBOC roll out for next year?
经审计的周账目audited annual account
经常性每捐款ordinary annual contribution
经济高度增长boom year
耐用useful life
耐用tenure of use
计税tax year
话音识别及有关技术虽已发展多、 但因受硬件和软件的限制、 以往并未普及Voice recognition and related technologies have been around for years but were uncommon because of hardware and software limitations
说来也怪、构思这本书只用了五分钟、但写这本书却花去了整整一Strange enough, the conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a whole year
课税year of assessment
课税度的上一年year preceding a year of assessment
财务account year
过去 8 里、泰国年均5.5%的增长率令人称道In the past eight years, Thailand has posted a respectable average annual growth rate of 5. 5 percent
增长的百分率year-on-year growth rate (year-to-year percentage increase)
延展方式annual roll-forward basis
重估应课差饷租值revaluation year
长期个案每补助金annual long-term supplement
预计使用estimated physical life
预计每租值estimated annual rental