
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
内到期之长期负债current maturity of long-term debt
周期three-year cycle
余额balance of last year
度的未决赔款责任loss portfolio of the preceding year
结转余额balance brought forward from last year
义务obligatory term
企业自然natural business year
会计accounting year
会计account year
估计estimated life
估计使用estimated service life
估计实际estimated physical life
由死亡统计中算出的平均余年expectation of life
使用tenure of use
使用durable years
保险业务underwriting year
保险单policy year
偿还redemption annuity
公元year of grace
典型model year
农产品销售在美国每年7月1日开始至次年谷物登场marketing year
减少低工资者和老人的财产税措施circuit breaker
制定两期计划biennial programming
劳埃德船舶Lloyd’s Register
综合统计表record for ten years
一期的分期付款semi-annual installments
保险费half-yearly premium
决算half-yearly closing
年息semi-annual coupon
度报告semi-annual reports
期账单semi-annual account
期账单half-yearly account
结算half-yearly closing
半数生存的人身保险用语equation of life
协定agreement year
即付annuity due
即期immediate annuity
对外贸易annual foreign trade
纳税情形revenues paid in the past years
纳税情形revenue paid in the past years
P. &. L.全年总损益total profit and loss for the previous year
发票月日date of draft
变值variable annuity
变动variable annuity
可用probable life
可用限曲线probable-life curve
呆滞sluggish year
商业仲裁yearbook commercial arbitration
商品commodity yearbook
国民national annuity
国际货币基金调查磋商IMF annual consultation
国际贸易统计yearbook of international trade statistics
基准baseline year
以来ad multos annos
季节变动调整seasonally adjusted annual rate
定存deferred annuity
定期limited annuity
宽缓year of grace
寻常immaterial annuity
寿命预期expectation of life
委托人regular client
客户regular client
订阅者regular subscriber
平均金法折旧用equal-annual-payment method of depreciation
平均限折旧depreciation composite life
份与债券类别year and type of bond
保证工资guaranteed annual wage
1941 修订的美国对外贸易定义Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
1968 关于修改统一提单若干规则的国际公约的布鲁塞尔议定书Brussels Protocol of 1968
关于国际商事仲裁的欧洲公约European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration Geneva, 21 April 1961 1961
关于国际商法的蒙得维的亚条约Treaty on International Commercial Law Montevideo, 12 February, 1889 1889
1940 关于国际诉讼程序法的蒙得维的亚条约Treaty on International Procedural Law (Montevideo, 19 March, 1940)
关于国际陆地贸易的蒙得维的亚条约Treaty on International Commercial Territorial Law Montevideo, 19 March, 1940 1940
1962 关于执行欧洲国际商事仲裁公约的协定Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration (Paris, 17 December 1962)
1924 关于统一提单若干规则的布鲁塞尔公约Brussels Convention of 1924
内河航行船舶注册公约,附议定书Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels, with annexed Protocols 1965
beginning of a year
1947 劳资关系法Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947
1929 华沙公约统一国际航空运输的若干规则的国际公约Warsaw Convention, 1929
1932 华沙牛津规则Warsaw-Oxford Rules, 1932
国际法协会制定的1932华沙-牛津规则Warsaw-Oxford Rules (1932)
1955 国际商会国际仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration 1955
国际法律委员会通过的标准仲裁程序规则Model Rules of Arbitral Procedure adopted by the International Law Commission, 1958 1958
国际法律委员会通过的标准仲裁规则Model Set of Arbitration Rules 1957
国际海上避碰规则Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972, 1972. 10. 20)
1970 圆桌草案Round Table Draft, 1970
增加价值value added annually
增量annual increment
增长率annual rate of increase
增长率annual growth rate
增长系数annual improvement factor
增长速度annual growth rate
beginning of a year
1946 就业法美国Employment Act of 1946
布鲁塞尔关于修改有关提单若干规则的国际公约议定书Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading Brussels, 23 February 1968 1968
布鲁塞尔关于碰撞事件民事管辖权若干规则的国际公约International Convention on Certain Rules concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision Brussels, 10 May 1952 1952
布鲁塞尔关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约International Convention of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading (1924)
布鲁塞尔关于统一若干有关海船船东责任范围规则的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Seagoing Vessels Brussels, 25 August 1924 1924
布鲁塞尔关于统一若干有关船舶碰撞规则的国际公约International Convention for Unification of Certain Rules of Law with respect to Collisions between Vessels Brussels, 23 September 1910 (1910)
布鲁塞尔关于统一若干海上留置权当抵押权规则的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgages Brussels, 10 April 1926 and Brussels, 27 May 1967 1967
平均增长率average annual growth rate
平均数annual average
度保险费annual premium
度决算annual closing
度决算书annual statement
度国别指标annual country target
度定额annual quota
度审查annual review
度审计annual audit
度审计报告书annual report on auditing and inspection
度平均增长率mean annual rate of increase
度总决算general annual reports
度总报告general annual reports
度报告annual bulletin
度支出预算budget for expenditure
度收入预算budget for annual revenue
度查账annual audit
度财务报表annual financial statement
度账annual account
interest per annum
annual report
拨款量volume of annual disbursements
收入登记簿register of receipts
1910 救助公约salvage convention of 1910
数加总折旧法sum-of-the-years-digits method
数加总数折旧depreciation sum of year digit
斯特拉斯堡关于制定统一仲裁法的欧洲公约European Convention providing a Uniform Law on Arbitration Strasbourg, 20 January 1966 1966
日内瓦关于仲裁条款的议定书Protocol on Arbitration Geneva, 1923 1923
1931 日内瓦统一支票法Geneva Uniform Law on Cheques, 1931 (ULC)
1930 日内瓦统一汇票和本票法Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 1930 (ULC)
1960 5 月 27日防止滥用经济权力法比利时Act of 27 May 1960 on Protection against the Abuse of Economic Power Belgium
月日戳dating stamp
1964 有关国际货物负责统一法的海牙公约Hague Conventions of 1964
1964 海牙关于订立国际货物买卖合同的统一法Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (the Hague, 1964)
1968 海牙规则议定书Protocol to the Hague Rules, 1968
1965 ~ 1967 澳大利亚商法Trade Practices Act (1965 〜1967)
19H特种业务客船协定Special Trade Passenger ships Agreement (1977)
1971 特种业务客船协定Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971
rate per annum
annual rate
累积增长率cumulative annual rate of growth
end of year
终决算表annual balance sheet
终发行的钞票banknote issued at the year-end
终审计year-end audit
终报告annual report
终汇总year-end summarization
终结余annual balance
终股利year-end dividend
终调整year-end adjustment
1965 罗马草案Rome Draft, 1965
1936 美国海上货物运输法American Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1936
1936 美国海洋货物运输法Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936 USA
1969 美洲商事仲裁委员会程序规则Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission, 1969
1966 联合国亚洲与远东经济委员会国际商事仲裁规则和调解准则Rules for International Commercial Arbitration and Standards for Conciliation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far Esat, 1966
联合国国际卖货时效会议United Nations Conference on Prescription Limitation in the International Sale of Goods New York, May June, 1947 1947
1966 联合国欧洲经济委员会仲裁程序规则Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1966
1978联合国海上货物运输公约汉堡规则UN convention on the carriage of goods by sea, 1978
1978联合国海上货物运输公约United Nations Convention on the Carrier of Goods by Sea 1978
1978 联合国海上货物运输公约United Nations Convention on the 1978 Carriage of Goods by Sea
1882 英国汇票法Bills of Exchange Act, 1882 (United Kingdom)
1924 英国海洋货物运输法规Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924 UK
营业额annual sales volume
1960 蒙得维的亚贸易条约Montevideo Trade Treaty of 1960
1971 设立国际油污损害赔偿基金公约International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971
美国1962贸易扩展法案Trade Expansion Act (1962)
美国1974 贸易法Trade Act of 1974
金折旧depreciation equal annual payment
金折旧贬值depreciation annuity
金现值present value of annuity
金租金rent of an annuity
金证life bond
金金额amount of an annuity
防止船舶造成污染国际公约International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1973)
延期deferred annuity
归本期倒数payback reciprocal
或有contingent annuity
抚恤death annuity
per year
摊还yearly installment
计算per annum
大拍卖new year sales
日历cable year
1980 日历欧洲货币辛迪加贷款Syndicated Eurocurrency Credits: Calendar, 1980
1980日历的外国和国际债券foreign and international bonds calendar year (1980)
最后生存last-survivor annuity
最少限度minimum annuity payment
有用useful life
期首annuity due
anne courante
上期总损益total profit and loss for the first period of this year
到期的长期债务current maturity
current year
度农作物的一般质量average quality of the prevailing harvest
纯益net profit for the current year
本预算度后的财政年度out year
标准保险,额定年龄rated age
正常normal year
per year
利润profit per annum
总需要量demand per year
更新期yearly renewable term
最低支付额minimum annual royalty
最高支付额maximum annual royalty
续保制yearly renewable term
续得制yearly renewable tenn
每两时期per biennium
永续perpetual annuity
特定given year
确定certain annuity
第二个十发展计划Second Development Decade
终了year ending
结算year of account
给予一宽限gave a year grace
美国 1930 关税法Tariff Act of 1930
OASI及其亲人保险old age and survivors' insurance
耐用service life
联合国十发展计划United Nations Development Decade
联合国开发十United Nations Development Decade
联合国统计United Nations Statistical Year Book
股东度报表stockholder's annual report
自然营业natural business year
自然calendar year
自然业务natural business year
英国 1965租购法案Hire Purchase Act (1965)
英国1967虚伪陈述法案Misrepresentation Act (1967)
营业business year
营业business duration
计算given year
误报misstatement of age
课税taxable year
课税tax year
调整adjusted pension
调整历equalizing dividend
账目account year
贸易trad year
straddle over year
车型从上年度9月到本年度8月model year
进展情况度报告yearly progress report
连续continuous annuity
退伍军人veterans pension
递延人寿deferred life annuity
递延人身险deferred life annuity
通常ordinary annuity
leap year
需计限总数折旧depreciation sum of expected life
专业方案young professional program
非编制预算off-budget year
预付prepaid annuity
高涨boom year