
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一作single crop a year
一熟一年栽培一次single cropping
一熟one crop per annum
三作triple cropping
三作稻田paddy field of triple crop a year
三季作如早稻,中稻,晚稻triple cropping
三熟triple cropping
三熟three croppings a year
三熟制three-crop a year system
两次的semi-annual (semiannualis)
二、三熟指一年播种二、三次double or triple sowings a year
二熟two crops a year
二茬two crops a year
单作稻田paddy field of single crop a year
双作稻田paddy field of double crop a year
四作quadruple cropping
四作four crops a year
四熟quadruple cropping
四熟four crops a year
回顾annual review
多作diverse crops a year
多熟一年栽培多种作物diverse crops a year
总收获量total season yield
生习性annual habit
生作物annuals (annuales)
生作物辐射育种radiation breeding of annual crops
生叶annual leaf (folium annuum)
生周期annual cycle
生品种annual variety
生品系annual strain
生园艺植物garden annuals
生地被物annual ground cover
生夏作物annual summer crops
生实生苗yearing seedling
生实生苗one year seedling
生山靛French mercury
生山靛garden mercury
生杂草annual weeds
生杂草防除control of annual weeds
生枝year old shoot (ramulus annuus)
生枝annual branch (ramus annuus)
生根annual root (radix annualis)
生植物therophyte (therophyta)
生植物annual plants (plantae annuales)
生植物annual (planta annua)
生牧pasture grasses
生牧annual grasses
生牧草temporary pasture
生的annual (annualis)
生的annotinous (annotinus)
生禾annual forage grasses
生种annual species
生窄叶杂草annual narrowleaf weeds
生群体annual colony
生花卉annual flower
生苗one year seedling
生草木杂草annual grass weeds
生草本植物annual herbaceous plant (herbae annuales)
生草本植物annual herbs (herbae annuales)
生草花garden of annuals
生覆盖作物指绿肥annual cover crops
生观赏植物annual ornamentals
生观赏植物annual ornamental plant (planta ornamentalis annua)
生豆类作物annual legumes
生阔叶杂草annual broadleaf weed
生饲料作物annual forage crops
生高粱高粱分类类型annual sorghum
间的yearing (annotinus)
一、二生杂草指一年生杂草与二年生杂草annuals and biennials
一次结实多生植物monocarpic perennial (perennis monocarpus)
一般ordinary year
计划seven-year plan
permanent flower (flos permanens)
everlasting flower (flos permanens)
生植物triennial (triennalis)
生植物triennal (triennalis)
轮作three-year rotation
轮作制three-year field system
轮作制three-year crop-rotation system
subsequent year
following year
succeeding year
下种seedling year
不结实non-seed year
不越nonhibernating egg
不连续discontinuous ring
个别individual year
中日性一生作物day-length-neutral annuals
中间性一生植物光期钝感一年生植物day-length-neutral annuals
fruitful year
good crop year
year of abundance
园艺full mast
bumper year
abundant year
丰收corn year
丰收high yield year
丰收abundant year
临界生理学critical physiological age
主要一生杂草essential annual weeds
主要一生杂草chief annual weeds
主要二生作物essential biennial crops
轮作nine-course system
轮作nine-course rotation
乳业milk year
三作物three crops in two years
三熟three croppings in two years
三茬three crops in two years
轮作two-year system
生习性biennial habit
生作物two-year old crops
生作物biennial crops
生作物浐二年生杂草biennials (biennes)
生品系biennial strain
生杂草biennial weeds
生根biennial root (radix biennis)
生植物biennial plants (plantae biennes)
生植物biennial (planta biennis)
生生长周期biennial growth cycle
生的biennial (biennis)
生苗two-year old seedling
生草本植物biennial herbs (herbae biennes)
生草本种biennial herbaceous species (species herbaceae biennes)
生辐射叶植物biennial rosette plant (planta roslacea biennis)
伐期平均生长量final mean annual increment
伐根stump age
优势龄级strong year class
优势龄组strong year class
disturbance ring
fictitious ring
simulate annulus
false ring
accessory mark
周期近节律circannual rhythm
作物crop year
作物育种学annual meeting of crop breeding
false ring (annulus spurius)
pseudo-annual ring (annulus pseudoannotinus)
frost ring
false annual ring (annulus annotinus falsus)
假一生植物pseudo-annual (pseudoannuus)
偏心eccentric ring (annulus eccentricus)
whole year
entire year (annus integerus)
劳动计划annual labour program
总呼吸量total annual respiration
总日照时数total annual number of daylight hours
收人annual income
放牧year-round grazing
放牧yearlong grazing
放牧地yearlong range
生的perennate (perennans)
生芽perennate bud (gemma perennans)
过程course of the year
初产乳青母牛heifer in milk
初胎母牛的age at first calving
利用牧草utilization year
previous year
disturbance ring
simulate annulus
accessory mark
匍匐一生植物creeping therophytes (therophyti repentis)
匍匐性多生杂草creeping perennials
匍匐性多生杂草creeping perennial weeds
decennary (decennis)
一次的biannual (biannuus)
周期semi-annual period (periodus semiannualis)
semester ring (annutus semesteris)
进度报告semi-annual progress report
单位面积产量annual yield by unit area
开花year-round flowering
播种期year-round seeding time
栽培year-round culture
栽培ever culture
繁殖动物continuous breeder
航运year-round shipping
评论annual review
地层代划分stratigraphic time division
地质代划分geologic time divisions
地质代学geochronology (geochronologia)
地质代表geologic calendar
地质代表the geologic time scale
地质代表geologic chronology
地质stratigraphical time-table
地质stratigraphical timescale
wretch year
multiple ring (annulus annotinous multiplex,解剖)
multiple annual ring (annulus annotinus multiplex)
夏季一生杂草summer annuals
夏季一生杂草summer annual weeds
夏季一生植物aestival annual (annuus aestivalis)
夏季一生禾草summer annual grasses
夏季一生饲料作物summer annual forage
休闲perennial fallow
休闲地perennial fallow
牛一次开花植物多轮列植物,planta pleiocyclicapleiocyclic plant
perennation (perennatio)
根砧落叶密灌丛deciduous shrub with perennial rootstock
生作物perennial crop
生作物辐射育种radiation breeding of perennial crops
生器官perennial organ (organa perennis)
生园艺植物garden perennials
生地面芽植物perennial hemicryptophyte (hemicryptophyta perennis)
生型perennial type (typus perennis)
生性perenniality (perennialitas)
生木本植物woody perennials
生杂草perennial weed (herba inutilis perennis)
生枝perennial branch (ramus perennis)
生根perennial root
生植物perennial plant (planta perennis)
生植物perennial (复, perennis)
生植物群落perennial plant community (phytocommunitas perennis)
生燕麦草 Avena pratensisperennial oats
生燕麦草 Avena pratensismeadow oat grass
生生长习性perennial habit of growth
生的restible (restibilis)
生的pollachigenous (pollachigenus)
生种perennial species (species perennis)
生结一次果植物perennial monocarp
生草本植物perennial herb (herba perennis)
生草本植物renascent herb (herba renascens)
生草本植物herbaceous perennials
生草本种perennial herbaceous species (species herbaceae perennis)
生草本花卉herbaceous perennial flower (flos perennis herbaceus)
生蔬菜permanent vegetable
生蔬菜perennial vegetable (vegetabilis perennis)
生藻类perennial algae (algae perenne)
生高粱perennial sorghum
多灾grand climacteric
多雨pluvial age
指果树结果的大小年bumper year
指果树结果的大小年fruitful year
大小biennial bearing
大小结果习性指果树alternate habit
大约节律circannual rhythm
好收成good crop year
山道wormseed oil
山道种子santonica seed
互助组all-the-year-round mutualaid team
产量normal yield
开花perpetual blooming
开花perpetual flowering
开花succession of blooming
开花植物everflowering plant
收成normal crop
栽培year-round culture
栽培ever culture
perpetual bloom
花果植物anabiont (anabions)
常雨一生植物pluviotherophyte (pluviotherophyta)
干旱drought year
ordinary year
平均生长率average annual growth rate
平均龄组成mean age composition
久变化secular change
产量annual production
date (datum)
代遗传学chronogenetics (chronogenetica)
year (annus)
份动态dynamics by years
份连应效应years interaction effect
伐率annual cutting percent
伐面积annual cutting area
偏差annual deviation
养分损失annual nutrient loss
净消融量指冰川net annual ablation
净积累量指冰川net annual accumulation
annual publication
历时钟time of year clock
change by years
annual variation
变动annual deviation
变化指一年内的变化annual change
同化期annual assimilation period
周期annual life cycle
呼吸消耗量annual consumption by respiration
地面径流量annual runoff
天然下种量annual seed fall
季度annual season
季节annual season
工作计划annual work program
干物质损失annual loss of dry matter
平均日照持续期annual mean duration of sunshine
平均最低气温mean annual minimum air temperature
平均气温annual mean air temperature
平均生物量annual mean biomass
平衡annual balance
年结果annual bearing
年结果的polytocous (polytocus)
度收支平衡表annual balance-sheet
度经营收益annual supervisory return
度计划annual plans
度进度报告annual progress report
度间变异interannual variation
度间相关系数interannual correlation coefficient
总环球辐射annual total global radiation
成土chronomorphic soil
成本annual costs
收获期的平均操作速度mean operation rate of annual harvesting period
暖房负荷yearly heating load
最大洪水量annual flood
极端值extreme annual value
波动幅度amplitude of annual oscillation
渗漏水量annual percolates
特性曲线指蒸发蒸腾作用annual pattern
生活史annual life cycle
生长周期annual growth cycle
生长层annual layer
y earclass
y earclass
领养老金老退休superannuate (superannuasre)
老退休金superannuation (superannuatio)
chronology (chronologia)
费用annual costs
yearly ring
annual zone
growth ring (annulus annotinus)
year ring
annual ring (annulus annotinus)
轮历tree ring calendar
轮学dendrochronology (dendrochronologia)
轮宽breadth of annual ring
轮层annual layer
轮物候测量法annual ring phenometry
轮细密的fine grown (angustannulus)
轮细密的narrow-ringed (angustannulus)
适期作业annual seasonable operation rate
采购量annual purchase
际的interannual (interannuus)
降水量precipitation per year
雷暴日百分频率等值线isokeraunic line
雷暴日百分频率等值线isoceraunic line
龄一表现相互作用age-performance interaction
龄免疫性age immunity
龄变异age variation
龄对产卵的影响effect of age on egg production
龄对卵大小的影响effect of age on egg size
龄校正age correction
龄校正因子age correction factor
龄校正系数age correction factor
龄级动物岀生年year class
龄鉴定determination of age
龄鉴定estimation of age
龄鉴定age identification
喀斯特土壤young karst
性状juvenile character
juvenile phase
期、幼龄期juvenile stage
果园young garden
maiden tree
沼泽juvenile swamp
immature (immaturus)
红壤young red earth
茶园young tea field
茶园immature tea field
引种year introduced
current year leaf
生枝annual shoot
生长量current increment
针叶current year needle
形态morphological age
性成熟age at sexual maturity
人教育adult education
结果园mature field
chronomorphic soil
adult phase
果园fruiting orchard
果园mature orchard
果园bearing orchard
果树mature tree
bearing tree
fruiting tree
adult tree
牛舍饲adult cow housing
生物adult organism (organismus adultus)
茶园mature tea field
adult bee
蜂病adult bee disease
阶段指果树开花年龄adult phase
代先后的chronological (chronologicus)
攀缘一生植物climbing therophyte (therophyta scandens)
放射碳计radiocarbon dating
whole year
最初性成熟age at first maturity
最初捕捞age at first capture
最外层outermost annual ring
期望使用指农机具expectancy life
未成果园non-bearing orchard
following year
植物群丛age of the stand
发芽germination in the second year
指不结果年year of dearth
歉收year of dearth
水生一生植物hydrotherophytes (hydrotherophyti)
水稻丰rice year
洪水flood year
温带多temperate perennial grasses
湿指多雨年份wet year
hunger year
bad year
生殖breeding age
生物数量变化annuation (annuatio)
true annual ring (amnulus annotinus verus)
真一生植物eutherophytes (eutherophyti)
稻麦一两熟rice-wheat cropping (a year)
稻麦一两熟rice-wheat system
稻麦一二作rice-wheat cropping (a year)
第一收成指蒟蒻第一年结的小蒟蒻first year crop
第二following year
第二群体second-year population
温较差线isotalant (isotalans)
温较差线iseoric line
雨量uniform annual rainfall
简单多生杂草simple perennials
简单多生杂草simple perennial weeds
缩短育种acceleration of generation advancement
保险old-age insurance
old soil
土地区aged-soil area
树木veteran form
树木veteran stage
痴呆症Alzheimer disease
色素aged pigment
萎缩senile atrophy
耐久durable years
耐寒一生植物hardy annuals
耐用working life time
耐用durable years
耕地land age
联合国统计UN Statistical Yearbook
lean year
sterile year
hunger year
fail year
荒漠一生植物desert annuals
荒漠冬季一生植物desert winter annuals
蕨类一生植物pteridotherophyte (pteridotherophyta)
谷物栽培grain year
贸易trading year
超一生植物plurannual (plurannualis)
hibernating egg
biennial fruit
hibernating bud
越冬一生植物hibernal annual (annuus hibernalis)
相关year-to-year correlation
河流perennial river
长日生作物long-day annuals
种子aged seed
aged wine
需寒二生植物cold-requiring biennials
农民young farmer
果树young period
juvenescent phase
母牛heifer calf
非隔期果实non-climacteric fruit
饲养year of rearing
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