
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
一次付清single payment annuity
三十代款式thirties look
preceding year
度拨款prior year's appropriations
上一财政preceding fiscal year
下个预算future budget year
下半last-half year
20世纪30代小巧的蜂鸟形帽doll hat
世纪 20 代服饰风貌twenties look 20
世纪 30 代校园学生长围巾hacking scarf 19
世纪 80 代欧洲草地网球服lawn-tennis costume 19
20世纪30代款式thirties look
20 世纪 30 代款式thirties look 20
世纪 40 代款式长上衣,宽而上的翻领,粗宽的裤子翻边等fourties look 20
20世纪40代款式forties look
世纪 30 代的轮廓造型thirties silhouette 20
20世纪90代艳丽服装gay 1990s'
世纪 90 代艳丽泳装两片式,圆形横条针织裤装,长及膝的裤子和短袖及臀部的上装gay 1990s,swimsuit 20
20世纪50代裙直线型款式50's skirt
世纪 30 代西装型thirties look 20
世纪 20 代轮廓造型twenties silhouette 20
mid life
发福middle-age spread
轻便装由牛仔裤、软底鞋组合而成sneaker middle
中老服装middle and old aged people's wear
中老服装middle and old aged peoples's wear
剪毛double wool
产品使用product life
man year
工作量man year
伊顿式少用短上衣Eton jacket bodice
伊顿式少短上衣Eton jacket
伦敦国际青少时装博览会London International Youth Fashion Fair
估计每运行费用estimated yearly operating cost
使用year of use
使用life cycle
使用economic lifetime
保证最低收入guaranteed annual minimum
保险生效year of insurance acceptance
可穿套装year round suit
可穿服装款式year round type
通用套装year-round suit
通用式year round type
销售额annual sales
出生year of birth
刚30岁的青new thirties
preceding year
十几岁少尺寸teen sizes
十几岁少尺码young junior/teen size
千禧服饰millennium fashion and accessories
度报告semiannual report
度报表semiannual report
度账单semiannual account
semiannual period
华丽la garconne
度预算one year budget
可用usable life
后半last-half year
商品使用commodity life
华款式carnival stylistic form
华款式carnival style
华花边carnival lace
华领carnival collar
国民national pension
基数unit annuity
定期terminable annuity
对外贸易度统计annual statistics of foreign trade
体型junior figure
发型garcon style
尺寸teen sizes
尺寸约15〜18岁junior size
时装博览会伦敦Junior Fashion Fair, London
13 岁以下少女preteens' dress
preteen's dress
服装school-age's wear
服装school age's wear
款式garcon look
款式junior style
junior suit
装扮boyish look
man year
工作length of service
交易量annual volume of trade
产量《管理》yearly output (Y.O.)
30 代明星发型the 30s' star coif
30 代明星发型the thirties star coif
代款式the forties 40s' look 40
代款式the fifties 50s' stylistic form 50
60 代款式the sixties stylistic form
30 代款式the thirties look
30 代款式the thirties style
20 代款式the twenties style
20 代款式the 20s' style
20 代款式the 20s' look
20 代款式the twenties look
30 代款式the 30s' style
30 代款式the 30s' look
60 代款式the 60s' stylistic form
60 代款式the 60s' look
60 代款式the sixties look
代款式the fifties 50s' look 50
代装20 世纪fifties 20 cert 50
代裙子筒裙fifties skirt 20 cen. 50 (20世纪)
代运动夹克blazer 20 cen. 40 (20世纪)
代运动夹克Forties (20世纪)
代风貌20 世纪Forties look 20 cen. 40
annual returns
利率annum interest rate
利率annual interest rate
均增长率mean annual increase rate
均增长率mean annual growth rate
对外贸易annual foreign trade
平均成长率annual average growth rate
度决算annual closing of accounts
度决算annual accounts
度利润率annual rate of profit
度收入yearly income
度盈利率annual rate of return
度目标annual objectives
度购买计划annual buy program
度预算fiscal budget
度预算批准权限Annual Budget Authorization
总成本total annual costs
总收入annual total income
interest annually
息与偿债基金总额debt service
Ann. Rep. Annual Report
收入annual revenue
收益annual returns
1954纺织产品标签法Textile Product Labelling ACT 1954
终余额year-end balance
终分配year-end distribution
终分配final distribution
终奖金year-end bonus
终差异year-end variance
终库存year-end stock
终报告year-end report
终率year-end rate
终生产能力year-end capacity
终申报final declaration
终结算totaling accounts
终结算annual closing
终结账year-end closing
终股息final dividend
终额外补贴year-end bonus
缴保险费净额net annual premium
1985贸易守则法案关于强制性标准儿童睡衣可燃性安全准则Mandatory Standard Flammability Safety Standard for Children's Nightclothes under the Trade Practice Act 1985
1974贸易守则法案关于强制性标准洗涤标签资料规定Mandatory Standard Care Labelling Information under the Trade Practice Act 1974
贸易量annual volume of trade
费用annual expenses
轮波纹绸moiré ronde
轻成人youth full adult
金付租rent of an annuity
金期款rent of an annuity
Ann. Rep. Annual Report
需求annual demand
龄段age section
龄类型分类age pattern analysis
龄组age section
龄色age color
应税taxable year
价格current year’s price
有效good this year
人服装grown-up clothes
人衣服grown-up clothes
古罗马toga virilis
绵羊adult sheep
adult shoes
投资返本payout period
折旧资产使用限分类制class life assets depreciation range system
报告reporting year
收成crop year
整笔支付single payment annuity
新农作物new crop year
新成指 20 岁左右的男性new adult
普通regular annuity
普通金现值present value of ordinary annuity
服务time of service
未成immature person
未来预算future budget year
内有效good this year
利润current year profit
回收recovered this year
纯利net profit current year
机器使用machine's life
机器使用machine life
标准normal year
核算accounting year
欧洲 50 代装20 世纪European fifties
按比例变化year-to-year proportionate change
永久perpetual annuity
生命length of life
十几岁男少尺寸teen boys'sizes
目标价格target year prices
私人企业private enterprise annuity
移动继续portable pension
夹克pram jacket
等额uniform annual series
终身whole life annuity
终身straight life annuity
经济使用economic life
缎条青rayon striped batiste
yangnian crepe jacquard
美国 20 世纪 40 〜50 代时装American classics
人穿着舒适性old-age comfort
色织纯棉提花青cotton yarn-dyed jacquard chambray
色织纯棉树脂青yarn-dyed resin finished chambrag
色织纯棉青yarn-dyed chambray
英国上层社会中拘泥于传统而又衣着时髦的轻女子Sloane Ranger
荷兰少Dutch boy pants
荷兰式少腰部圆阔,裤脚自然变细Dutch boy pants
荷兰青女裙Dutch girl skirt
荷兰青Dutch heel
萧条sluggish year
补偿redemption annuity
规定stipulated commission
计提折旧固定资产全平均总值total average value of depreciable fixed assets for the year
豆蔻sweat seventeen
资产使用life of assets
进出口额度统计annual statistics of imports and exports
退休retiring pension
退休retirement annuity
提成running royalties
阿飞青风貌Teddy style
指22〜25岁的人young adult
套服bonnie and Clyde
oxford chambray
布衬衫chambray shirt
youngmen's clothing
young wear
youth jacket
young men's coat
款式young fashion
流行装young fashion
young wear
youth jacket
young men's coat
装上衣youngmen's coat
adolescence shoes
青少服装teenager clothes
青少服装teens wear
青少服装teen's wear
青少服装teens' wear
青少服装teenager's clothes
青少服装制造商协会Industrial Association of Juvenile Apparel Manufacturers
靛蓝清indigo chambray
减让initial allowance
黑色清black chambray