
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
期安排three-year arrangement
世界银行发展经济学Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics World Bank
世界银行和基金组织理事会会事宜联合特别委员会Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund
一次的磋商biennial consultation
一次的磋商程序bicyclic procedure IMF consultations
磋商周期bicyclic procedure IMF consultations
期的份额检查five-year review of quotas
期的份额检查quinquennial review of quotas
期的份额检查General Review of Quotas
度为基础on an annualized basis
度为基础on an full-year basis
度为基础on an annual basis
以整为基础on an annualized basis
以整为基础on an full-year basis
以整为基础on an annual basis
作物crop year
使用useful life
使用economic life
回合Millennium Round
回合Millennium Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
美国挑战公司Millenium Challenge Corporation
参照reference year
参照base year
《国际收支统计鉴》Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook
国际货币基金组织与世界银行理事会Annual Meetings
国际货币基金组织与世界银行理事会Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors
国际货币基金组织与世界银行理事会Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank
《国际金融统计鉴》IFS Yearbook
《国际金融统计鉴》International Financial Statistics Yearbook
reference year
fiscal year
taxable year
tax year taxation
base year
基金组织财务financial year of the Fund
平均值multiyear average
度债务重组安排multiyear rescheduling agreement
度债务重组安排multiyear debt rescheduling
度债务重组安排multiyear debt rescheduling agreement
度债务重组安排multiyear rescheduling arrangement
度债务重组安排multiyear debt rescheduling arrangement Paris Club
度安排multiyear arrangements
多边贸易谈判千回合Millennium Round
多边贸易谈判千回合Millennium Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
就业龄人口working-age population
中审查midyear review
Annual Meetings
Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors
Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank
1930关税法Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930
1930关税法Tariff Act of 1930
1930Smoot-Hawley关税法Tariff Act of 1930
1930Smoot-Hawley关税法Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930
《2007双边监督决定》2007 Decision on Bilateral Surveillance
2015后发展框架Post-2015 Development Framework
2015后联合国发展议程Post-2015 Agenda
2015后联合国发展议程Post-2015 UN Development Agenda
度减贫战略文件进展情况报告Annual PRSP Progress Report IMF, World Bank-IDA
度减贫战略文件进展情况报告PRSP Progress Report
度变化year-on-year change
度安排annual arrangement
报》Annual Report
报》Annual Report of the Executive Board
报委员会Committee on the Annual Report IMF, Executive Board
yearly rate
环比on a year-on-year basis
环比on a year-to-year basis
1977 监督决议1977 Surveillance Decision
1977 监督决议1977 Decision on Surveillance over Exchange Rate Policies
金债券nonredeemable bond
金债券nonmaturing bond
金债券annuity bond
金债券perpetual bond
使用life expectancy
序列多重组安排serial MYRA
序列多重组安排serial multiyear rescheduling agreement
序列多重组安排serial multiyear rescheduling arrangement
开始生产的vintage year
开始生产的vintage oil and gas
《执行董事会度报告》Annual Report
《执行董事会度报告》Annual Report of the Executive Board
按季节调整的seasonally adjusted annual rate
日历calendar year
outyear multiyear budgeting
欠收shortfall year
欠收前的pre-shortfall year IMF, compensatory financing
欠收后的post-shortfall year IMF, compensatory financing
每两一次的监督检查Biennial Review of Surveillance
每两一次的监督检查biennial surveillance review
《汇兑安排与汇兑限制度报告》Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions IMF, publication not translated
理事会Annual Meetings
理事会Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors
理事会Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank
《理事会会会议记录》Summary Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors
fiscal year
base year
taxable year
tax year taxation
终身life annuity
经济useful life
经济service life
经济economic life
衍生金融工具:1993《国际收支手册》第五版补编Financial Derivatives: A Supplement to the Fifth Edition 1993 of the Balance of Payments Manual
taxable year
base year
tax year taxation
financial year
fiscal year
财务financial year
财务fiscal year
财政financial year
财政fiscal year
贷款实施情况度报告Annual Report on Portfolio Performance
《贸易流向统计鉴》DOTS Yearbook
《贸易流向统计鉴》Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook IMF, publication not translated
退休retirement age
非洲千复兴方案Millennium Program for the Renaissance of Africa
非洲千复兴方案Millennium Africa Renaissance Program
预算budget year
风险管理annual risk management report