
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 平面 | all forms | in specified order only
三重平面triple plane
两侧对称平面bilateral plane of symmetry
中性平面neutral plane
人射平面plane of incidence
倾斜平面培养gradient plate
倾注平面培养基pour plate
平面tangential plane
划线平面培养streak plating
单面平切铲side hoe
单面平切铲scuffle knife
单面平切铲刀knife weeder
右单面平铲right-hand hoe
平面leaf level
土壤平面培养soil plate
土壤平面培养法soil plate method
土壤稀释平面培养技术soil dilutionplating technique
地图平面map plane
地面辐射平衡terrestrial radiation balance
培养皿平面培养petri plate
外部平面outerplane graph
外部平面outerplanar graph
平面聚焦扫描器multiplane tomographic scanner
大地水平面geoid (geoidus)
平地面系数plane-earth factor
平均叶面积average leaf size
平均海平面sea datum
平板面flat floor
平板面型牛舍flat floor type cattle barn
平板面货仓flat floor warehouse
平涡面plane-vortex sheet
平行六面体parallelopiped (parallelopipus)
平面horizon plain
平面伞齿轮crown wheel
平面分选筛flat screen
平面planarization (planarisatio)
平面圆盘plain disk
平面地图plane map
平面坐标方位 plane-coordinate azimuth
平面培养plate culture
平面培养涂布spread plate method
平面培养效率efficiency of plating
平面培养效率plating efficiency
平面培养细菌plating bacteria
平面屏蔽plane mask
平面planarity (planaritas)
平面技术planar technology
平面挖翻法horizontal method of digging
平面断口plane fracture
平面栽培plate cultivation
平面流动two-dimensional flow
平面测量学plane surveying
平面移植铲flat trowel
平面flat sieve
平面结构two-dimensional structure
平面网格蛋白网格指平面网格蛋白的网格planar clathrin lattice
平面耕作ploughing horizontal
平面耕翻flat break
平面耕翻地flat broken land
平面耕耘机knifing cultivator
平面耙片plain disk
平面脂双层planar lipid bilayer
平面苗床flat seedbed
平面计划floor planning
平面培养计数petri dish count
平面培养计数plate count
平面铆钉flush head rivet
平面flatten lens
平面指显微镜的反光镜flat mirror
影印平面培养器具replica plating tool
摄影平面photographic plane
明胶平面gelatine plate method
晶体学平面crystallographic plane groups
椭圆形平面网板oval flat otter board
模板平面stencil plane
横切平面transverse plan
正中平面sagittal plane
平面气压sealevel pressure
平面温度sealevel temperature
平面运动fluctuation of sea level
状态平面phase plane
琼脂平面agar plate
琼脂平面培养agar plate
琼脂平面培养法agar-plate method
琼脂平面培养计数agar plate count
琼脂糖平面培养agarose plate
甜菜中耕单面平铲beet hoe
相对平面培养效果relative plating efficiency
平面isoplanar (isoplanaris)
细胞平面培养cell plating
绝对平面dead level
节理平面 土壤joint plane
藻类平面培养algal plate method
表面能量平衡surface energy balance
覆面平板overlaid veneer
远裁剪平面yonder clipping plane
都市平面city plan
平面nonplanar graph
平面nonplanar (inplanaris)
面积平分法area frame method