
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 平移 | all forms | in specified order only
坐标轴平移translation of axes
墩台水平位移观测horizontal displacement observation for pier and abutment
墩台顶弹性水平位移elastic horizontal displacements at top of pier and abutment
墩台顶面水平位移horizontal displacement at top level of cap of pier and abutment
墩台顶面水平位移horizontal displacement of top of pier and abutment
平移translational motion
平移挠度translation deflection
平移断层strike-slip fault
平移的力translational force
平移horizontal moving
水平滑移horizontal sliding
水平静位移horizontal static displacement
水平静态位移horizontal static displacement
平移wave translation
滑移平面slip plane
滑移平面glide plane
移动平台transfer table
移动式钻孔平台mobile boring platform