
Terms containing 平均潮 位 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.基准平均潮位standard mean sea level
tech.多年平均较高高潮位mean annual higher high water
geol.大潮平均低水位mean low water springs
gen.大潮平均低水位mean low water spring
tech.大潮平均低潮位mean low water springs
tech.大潮平均低潮位mean low water spring tides
tech.大潮平均低潮位mean low water of ordinary spring tide
tech.大潮平均低潮位mean level of spring low tide
tech.大潮平均低潮位low-water ordinary spring tide
tech.大潮平均低潮位spring low-water
tech.大潮平均低潮位height of mean low-water of spring tide
geol.大潮平均低潮低水位mean lower low water spring
tech.大潮平均高水位mean high water spring tides
gen.大潮平均高水位mean high water springs
tech.大潮平均高潮位mean high of ordinary spring tide
tech.大潮平均高潮位mean spring high water
tech.大潮平均高潮位mean high water springs
tech.大潮平均高潮位height of mean high water of spring tide
tech.小潮平均低潮位mean low water neap tides
tech.小潮平均低潮位mean low water of ordinary neap tide
tech.小潮平均低潮位mean low water neaps
tech.小潮平均低潮位low-water ordinary neap tide
gen.小潮平均高水位mean high water neaps
tech.小潮平均高潮位high water of ordinary neap tide
tech.小潮平均高潮位mean high water neaps
tech.小潮平均高潮位height of mean high water of neap tide
agric.平均低潮位low water mean
tech.平均低潮位mean low water
tech.平均低潮位mean low water springs
tech.平均低潮位mean low tide
geol.平均低潮低水位mean lower low water
tech.平均低潮水位mean low water mark
desert.平均低潮潮位average low tidal level
geol.平均低潮高水位mean lower high water
tech.平均半潮水位mean tide
tech.平均半潮水位mean tide level
tech.平均半潮水位average tide level
tech.平均大潮低潮位mean low water spring tides
tech.平均大潮高潮位mean high water spring tides
tech.平均大潮高潮位mean high water springs
geol.平均大潮高潮水位mean high water springs
tech.平均小潮低潮位mean low water of ordinary neap tide
tech.平均小潮低潮位mean low water neap tides
navig.平均小潮水位mean water neap tide
tech.平均小潮高潮位mean high water of ordinary neap tide
archit.平均小潮高潮位mean high water neap tides
tech.平均小潮高潮位mean high water neaps
geol.平均小潮高潮水位mean high water neap
tech.平均最低潮位mean lowest water level
tech.平均最低潮位average lowest water level
gen.平均涨潮水位mean tidal level
tech.平均潮水位mean tide level
tech.平均潮位ordinary tidal level
navig.平均潮位mean tide
navig.平均潮位mean tidal level
hydroel.st.平均潮位mean tide level
tech.平均潮位half tide level
tech.平均潮位升高mean rise
tech.平均潮位升高mean tide level rise
tech.平均潮位升高average rise
tech.平均潮位曲线mean tidal curve
hydroel.st.平均潮位曲线average tide curve
tech.平均潮位曲线average tidal curve
tech.平均潮位海岸线长度length of mean-tide coastline
oil平均潮位范围mean tidal range
archit.平均潮水位mean tide level
navig.平均落潮水位mean ebb water
geol.平均较高高潮位mean higher high water
tech.平均高潮位mean high water (level)
agric.平均高潮位high water mean
geol.平均高潮位mean high tide
tech.平均高潮水位mean high water tides
geol.平均高潮水位mean high water level
desert.平均高潮潮位average high tidal level
tech.平均高高潮位mean higher high water
tech.平均高高潮位average higher high water tide
earth.sc.平均潮位daily mean tide level
tech.月平均最高潮位mean monthly highest tidal level
tech.朔望平均低潮位mean monthly lowest water level
tech.朔望平均高潮位mean monthly highest water level
tech.标准平均海洋潮位standard mean ocean water
earth.sc.校正平均潮位corrected mean tide level