
Terms for subject Business containing 干预 | all forms | in specified order only
干预政策nonintervention policy
中央银行干预central bank intervention
主动干预active intervention
公开市场干预open market intervention
内部干预internal intervention
国家干预state interference
国家干预经济state intervention in the economy
外汇市场干预exchange market intervention
对外汇市场直接进行干预direct intervention on the foreign exchange market
干预上下波动极限指中央银行规定的汇率最大波动限度upper and lower intervention limit
干预intervening force
干预性经营interventionary operation
干预报酬interference pay
干预汇率intervention rate
干预intervention point
干预票据intervention paper
干预行为intervening act
干预interference theory
干预货币国家在外汇市场上买卖的货币intervention currency
干预预算政策budget dirigisme
拨定包干型预算appropriation-type budget
干预的浮动dirty float
有效干预active intervention
根据权利干预intervention by right
经济干预economic interference
资产免受其他行为干预immunity of assets from other actions
预算外包干费用contract for project's expenses outside the budget