
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不保证船舶经浮泊但要求安全搁浅not always afloat but safe aground
不担保船舶经浮泊not always afloat
不正交易queasy transaction
不正变动irregular movement
不正市场irregular market
不正波动irregular variation
世界知识产权组织发展工业产权合作设规划署WIPO Permanent Programme for Development Co-operation Related to Industrial Property
临时及非费用unforeseen and extraordinary expenses
关系正normalization of relations
内地关税duty on goods passing from one province to another
变现realization convention
固定正营用资本fixed regular working capital
国外驻代理人resident agent
天气不正broken weather
年金immaterial annuity
电报ordinary telegram
电报ordinary cable
任代理per procuration (per pro)
例折扣customary discount
例规费customary dues
关税inland custom dues
务董事executive director
备库存running stock
平仓ever-normal granary
年委托人regular client
年客户regular client
年订阅者regular subscriber
态分配normal distribution
态曲线normal curve
态概率曲线normal probability curve
态次数曲线normal frequency curve
态直方图normal histogram
态表normal table
性律law of regularity
衡制avoirdupois weight
规军火贸易conventional arms trade
规定货regular orders
规班轮conventional liner
设政府间混合委员会permanent mixed intergovernmental commissions
设法院ordinary court
驻代表permanent delegate
驻审计员resident auditor
驻采购人resident buyer
驻采购人员resident buyer
件査单application for a missing unregistered postal packet
危险abnormal risk
交易方式course of dealing
居所habitual residence
性搁浅customary strandings
性的搁浅customary grounding
性的搁浅customary groundings
扣除额customary deduction
的扣除额customary deductions
的运输条款customary transit clause
政府对商品和劳务的经开支government current expenditure on goods and services
无形日交易invisible current transaction
交易daily transaction
支助性服务routine supporting services
检查daily inspection
用费ordinary every day expenses
费用running expenses
费用running cost
交易arm's length transaction
产量normal volume
价格normal value
价格regular price
价格normal price
供应regular supply
供给normal supply
供给价格normal supply price
保险费natural premium
全式提单regular long form bill of lading
分配率normal distribution rate
利润normal profit
奖金natural premium
存量法normal stock method
工资normal wages
差误en regie
差额normal balance
市价normal market value
年度normal year
库存running stock
成本normal cost
投资收益normal return
折旧normal depreciation
损耗normal loss
收益率normal income rate
标准成本normal standard cost
生产normal operation
生产能力normal capacity
生产费用normal expenses of production
的风险natural risk
破损normal spoilage
磨损fair wear and tear
normal tax
竞争normal competition
航线regular shipping lines
详式提单regular long form bill of lading
贸易途径ordinary course of trade
运价normal rate
船舶运转regular turn
销售normal sale
销售协定orderly marketing agreement
需求normal demand
风险normal risk
海牙仲裁设委员会Permanent Court of Arbitration (the Hague)
港口惯快速装卸customary quick despatch
设仲裁机构处理的仲裁institutional arbitration
业务current operation
供应constant supply
利益ordinary profit
国际交易current international transaction
定单standing order
开支overhead expenditure
开支recurrent expenditure
开支revenue expenditure
开支current expenditure
性开支current payments
性投入current input
性支出current payments
定期报盘regularity of offers
拨款recurrent appropriation
按时订购place regular orders
损益ordinary profit and loss
损益recurrent profit and loss
损益current profit and loss
支出ordinary expenditures
收入regular incomes
收入ordinary revenue
收入ordinary receipts
ordinary tax
营业损益表current operating income statement
账户差额current account balance
账户的差额及其资金融通current account balance and their financing
账户赤字current account deficit
overhead expenses
ordinary expenditures
费用standing cost
费用standing expense
费用current expense
费用regular expenses
费用running expenses
费用constant expenses
费用单standing expense orders
费用率expense standing order
预算支出above-the-line expenditure
船上收货用凭单customary document in proof of delivery of the goods
贸易异现象trade distortion
贸易限制或贸易反作用trade restrictive or trade-distorting effect
贸易限制或贸易反作用trade-restrictive or trade-distorting effect
习惯ordinary practice
价格standard rate
免赔率customary average
利率conventional rate
国际交易current international transaction
年金ordinary annuity
开支overhead cost
或常设的法院法官judges of ordinary law
损害ordinary loss
状况usual status
的渗漏ordinary leakage
的漏损ordinary leakage
的短量ordinary shortage
的破损ordinary breakage
陆上运输可达之点overland common point
陆上运输可达容地点overland common points
金融正financial normalization
便宜地for an old song
兴隆的生意roaring trade
折旧extraordinary depreciation
接近于随机的方法in a sufficiency close-to-random way
收入extraordinary revenue
破损abnormal spoilage
规能源unconventional energy
规能源non-conventional energy
预算extraordinary budget
非公开通许可证private usual license
非正损耗abnormal spoilage
非正状态abnormal condition
非正破损abnormal spoilage
非经利益non-recurring gains
非经性支出incidental expenses
非经性费用incidental charges
非经损益non-recurring profit and loss
非经收入occasional income
非经收益non-recurring income
非经费用non-recurring charge
非经项目non-recurrent item
非贸易日交易invisible current transaction