
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
用的树种underutilized species
不合规的背书irregular endorsement
不正竞争competition using unfair practices
两国间的商业关系已经正The commercial relations between the two countries have been normalized
仲裁条款通并不失效An arbitration clause is usually not invalidated when a party maintains that the contract is frustrated
价格常不断波动Prices are subject to constant fluctuations
企业日业务活动routine operations of an enterprise
低于正水平的折旧subnormal depreciation
共同海损通由海损理算人处理General average is usually handled by adjusters
包件上必须刷上我方通使用的装船标志The packages shall be marked with our usual shipping marks
固定资产正消耗normal consumption of fixed assets
国外驻人员resident employees
国际市场上的反现象abnormal phenomenon in the world market
国际收支经项目状况current account position
国际收支经项目逆差current account deficit (与国际收支经常项目顺差(current account surplus) 相对)
在对外贸易中建立设销售机构极受重视The establishment of a permanent sales organization is greatly favoured in foreign trade
在岀口交易中卖方通在未收到货款前让岀对货物的占有权In export transactions, the seller normally parts with the possession of the goods before receiving the purchase price
基本生产原料经可取数量constant availability of basic production material
如果你方保证经供货,我方将乐于向你方大量订购If you can assure regular supplies, we're ready to place substantial orders with you
对创新者的经激励constant inspiration to innovators
寻求多种方案的rules of searching for alternatives
市场价格通随季节不同而变化Market prices usually vary with the season
市场正market healthy (与市场不正常 (market unhealthy) 相对)
任审计师standing auditor
住地点place of usual residence
务委员会standing council
务执行委员会standing executive committee
专利用名词表major terms
度量衡与金衡 (troy),药衡 (apothecaries) 相对avoirdupois
亦用 avd, avdp, avoiravoirdupois
avoirdupois (一磅等于十六盎司)
英国衡制Avoirdupois weights
衡打兰dram avoirdupois
衡盎司亦缩为 oz. avdp.avoirdupois ounce
衡盎司ounce Avoirdupois (1 lb = 16 oz = 0. 454 kg)
衡磅avoirdupois pound (缩为 lb 或 lb. av., 等于 0.454 公斤)
衡磅av pound
衡重量avoirdupois weight
normal procedure
规会计conventional accounting (与计算机会计 (computer-based accounting) 相对)
规会计convention al accounting
规剩余conventional surpluses
规手续normal procedure
规贷款抵押conventional collateral for loan
海牙国际法院设仲裁法庭Cour Permanente d' Arbitrage
Hague海牙设国际仲裁法庭Permanent Court of Arbitration
量定性分析macro-qualitative analysis
驻人员permanent personnel
驻技术员resident engineer
驻销货代表resident sales representative
延迟是由舱位非拥挤所致The delay is caused by heavy congestion of shipping space
样本exceptional sample
扣除customary deduction
折扣customary discount
我们将感到非高兴We shall be very glad to have your presence
我方非感激你方在这方面的合作I'm greatly indebted to you for your cooperation in this respect
打破go off the beat en track
打破国外break down foreign conventions
报盘的经regularity of offers
企业业务档案customary office records
消费品convenience goods
现金general cash
用品everyday object
时间增长time growth constant
交割regular delivery
产品normal goods
产品normal products
使用工作条件regular service conditions
利用率proper use factor
周转库存normal turnover stock
失业率normal unemployment rate
工作工时normal working hours
工效normal rating
工时normal hours
库存normal stock
折旧normal depreciation (与非常折旧 (extraordinary depreciation) 相对)
损耗normal loss (指自然损耗 (natural loss))
收益normal earnings
日记账proper journal
工期时间normal time
最大值proper maximum
极大proper maximum (与正常极小(proper minimum) 相对)
汇率normal exchange rate
生产年度normal year of operation
生产成本计算normal activity costing
税收normal tax
详式提单regular long form bill of lading (指正式提单 (normal bill of lading))
销售条件usual marketing requirements
此外商业信函中还with this
状况正in sound condition
业务current operations
交易current transaction (国际收支平衡表项目)
修理regular repair
修理maintenance overhaul
变化constant variation
审计current audit
客户regular connections
开支current payments
性大修general overhaul
性支岀recurrent expenditure
性收入ordinary receipts
性收入ordinary revenue
成本standing cost (指固定成本 (fixed cost))
控制running control
收入regular income
检查与切实调整constant review and pragmatic adjustment (工程项目)
indirect cost
联系constant touch
薪金负担pay load
费用standing charge
费用indirect cost
重复审计repeating audit
重复检查repeating examination
项目current account (国际收支)
美国衡制avoirdupois weights
证券交易所中投机交易the ABC to speculation in stock exchange
该货按低于正价格岀售The foods are selling at a discount
该货轮将按惯航线航行The vessel will follow the customary route
贸易正normalization of trade
增长supernormal growth
汇, 费欧洲经济共同体conventional rates EEC
方法usual method
的航线不再可使用The usual route is no longer available
有经验的客户sophisticated customers
流行be all the fashion
费用extraneous expense
重视货物品质make much account of goods quality
项目异常收支extraordinary item
非经性交易incidental transactions
船舶非经浮动not always afloat
非经询盘occasional enquiry
高关税常导致贸易从一国转向另一国High tariffs often cause a diversion of trade from one country to another