
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing | all forms
上唇系frenulum of upper lip
上唇系frenulum labii superioris
上韧Arnold ligament
上颊系frenulum buccinator superioris
上颌唇系maxillary labial frenum
上颌颊系maxillary buccal frenum
下唇系frenulum of lower lip
下唇系frenulum labii inferioris
下颊系frenulum buccinator inferioris
临界critical bandwidth
临界宽度critical bandwidth
低传声hypoacoustic zone
倍频声压级octave band pressure level
假声plica ventricularis
假声plica vestibularis
假声false vocal cords
先天性声发育不良congenital dysplasia of vocal cord
先天性声congenital ditch of vocal cords
先天性大声麻痹congenital paralysis of vocal cord
凹间韧interfoveolar ligament
动脉韧淋巴结lymph node of arterial ligament
卡塞尔韧Casser ligament
双侧声瘫痪矫正术correction of bilateral vocal cord paralysis
反转韧reflected ligament
右三角韧right triangular ligament
I 各向同性light band
I 各向同性isotropic band
各向异性dark band
听小骨韧ligaments of auditory ossicles
听觉临界aural critical band
听骨韧ligamenta ossiculorum auditus
咽鼓管咽肌韧ligament salpingopharyngeum
唇系labiorum frenum
唇系labium frenum
唇系frenum labiorum
唇系frenulum labii
喉室性发音困难dysphonia plicae ventricularis
喉室超越overtaking of laryngeal ventricular band
喉室韧ligament vestibulare laryngis
喙锁韧粗隆tuberosity for coracoclavicular ligament
噪声频掩蔽noise band masking
囊韧capsular ligaments
固定宽连 续音频分析器constant band-width continuous frequency analysor
phonatory bands
vocal band
true vocal cords
plica vocalis
vocal fold
chorda vocalis
充血injection of vocal cords
内注射intracordal injection
内注射injection of vocal cords
内注射术injection intracordal
labium vocale
唇连合commissura labiorum vocalis
固定fixation of vocal cords
外移固定术lateral fixation of vocal cords
小结screamer node
小结noduli vocalis
小结chorditis nodulosa
小结corditis nodosa
小结trachoma of vocal cords
小结teacher nodules
小结teacher node
小结singer node
小结chorditis nodosa
性口吃anarthria of vocal cord
息肉polyp of vocal cords
息肉polyp of cord
振动相位intracordal injection
旁间隙paraglottic space
chorditis vocalis
vocal process
mucro baseos cartilaginis arytenoideae
margo vocal is
musculus vocalis
vocal tendon
Frankel glands
Fraenkel glands
rima vocalis
intermembranous rima
运动失调vocal asynergia
运动速度指数vocal velocity index
震颤vocal cord shaking
麻痹glottic paralysis
声韧ligament vocale
声韧籽软骨Luschka cartilage
声韧籽软骨cartilago sesamoidea ligamenti vocalis
性发声困难dysphonia plicae ventricularis
室韧ligament vestibulare
室韧ligament ventriculare
室韧ligament thyreoarytaenoideum superius
反应broad band response
噪声wide-band noises
噪声broad band noise
短声wide-band clicks
寰枕前韧anterior atlantooccipital membrane
寰椎横韧transverse ligament of atlas
纤维zonular fibers
间隙zonular spaces
小角咽韧ligament corniculopharyngeum
布罗卡Broca band
中心频率band center frequency
噪声band noise
状疱疹病毒herpes zoster virus
状疱疹神经痛postherpetic neuralgia
平衡equivalent zone
弓状zona tecta
弓状zona arcuata
耳蜗弓状系habenula arcuata
息肉样声polypoid corditis
回峡isthmus of cingulate gyrus
斜方韧trapezoid ligament
斜角diagonal band
I 明light band
I 明isotropic band
Giemsa banding
未定zona incerta
杓声musculus aryvocalis
梅克尔Meckel band
梅克尔韧Meckel ligament
槌骨上韧ligament mallei superius
槌骨上韧ligamentum capituli mallei superius
槌骨上韧Casser muscle
槌骨前韧ligament processus longi mallei
槌骨前韧ligament mallei anterius
槌骨外侧韧Foliu muscle
槌骨外侧韧external ligament of malleus
槌骨外侧韧ligament mallei laterale
槌骨外侧韧Casser ligament
槌骨长突韧ligament processus longi mallei
槌骨长突韧ligament mallei anterius
歌者声chorditis cantorum
气管环韧ligamenta annularia trachealia
气管韧tracheal ligaments
气管韧anular ligaments
汤因比韧Toynbee ligament
口疮aphthae orientates
性口疮aphthae tropicae
性咽下困难tropical cardiospasm
性咽下困难tropical dysphagia
性贲门痉挛tropical dysphagia
性贲门痉挛tropical cardiospasm
耳病tropical ear
环咽韧ligament cricopharyngeum
环咽韧cricosantorinian ligament
环小角韧ligament cricocorniculatum
环杓后韧posterior cricoarytenoid ligament
环杓后韧ligament cricoarytaenoideum posterius
环气管韧ligament cricotracheale
环状软骨咽韧cricopharyngeal ligament
环状软骨气管韧cricotracheal ligament
环状韧tracheal ligaments
环状韧anular ligaments
环甲中韧ligament cricothyreoideum medium
环甲侧韧ligamenta ceratocricoidea lateralia ligament
环甲关节韧ligamenta articuli cricothyroidei
环甲前韧ligament ceratocricoideum anterius
环甲后韧ligamenta ceratocricoidea posteriora
环甲韧pars libera coni elastici
环甲韧cricothyroid ligament
瓦尔萨尔韧Valsalva ligament
甲杓上韧ligament thyreoarytaenoideum superius
甲杓下韧ligament thyreoarytaenoideum inferius
甲状会厌韧thyroepiglottic ligament
甲状会厌韧ligament thyreoepiglotticum
甲状腺悬韧suspensory ligament of thyroid gland
甲状腺韧ligament glandulae thyreoideae
甲状舌骨中韧median thyrohyoid ligament
甲状舌骨中韧ligament thyreohyoideum medium
甲状舌骨外侧韧lateral thyrohyoid ligament
甲状舌骨韧ligament thyreohyoideum
甲状舌骨韧thyrohyoid ligament
甲状舌骨韧ligament hyothyreoideum laterale
白喉菌者diphtheria carrier
白喉菌者carriers of diphtheria bacilli
肌试验pelvic girdle test
着丝粒显centromeric banding
砧骨上韧superior ligament of incus
砧骨上韧ligament incudis superius
砧骨后韧ligament of short process of incus
砧骨后韧posterior ligament of incus
砧骨后韧ligament incudis posterius
砧骨短突韧ligament of short process of incus
砧骨短脚韧ligament of short process of incus
穿孔zona perforata
噪声发生器narrow band noise generator
掩蔽narrow band masking
窄频噪声narrow frequency band noise
纤维蛋白性声chorditis fibrinosa
结肠colic band
结节性声corditis nodosa
结节性声chorditis nodulosa
结节性声chorditis nodosa
继发性声secondary vocalcorditis
继发性声secondary corditis
翼下颌韧raphe pterygomandibularis
翼下颌韧raphe buccopharyngica
翼下颌韧ligament pterygomandibulare
翼棘韧ligament pterygospinosum
翼棘韧ligament pterygospinal
翼状韧ligament alare
翼状韧check ligament
状疱疹Ramsay Hunt syndrome
状疱疹zoster auris
状疱疹otitis externa herpetica
耳郭上韧superior auricular ligament
耳郭上韧ligamentum auriculare superius
耳郭前韧ligamentum auriculare anterius
耳郭前韧anterior auricular ligament
耳郭后韧posterior auricular ligament
耳郭后韧ligamentum auriculare posterius
耳郭韧ligamenta auricularia
耳郭韧Valsalva ligament
耳郭韧auricular ligaments
耳鼻咽喉热otorhinolaryngologic tropical disease
肋横突外侧韧lateral costotransverse ligament
股骨头韧ligament of head of femur
肩胛上横韧superior transverse scapular ligament
胸锁后韧posterior sternoclavicular ligament
腔隙韧lacunar ligament
状疱疹zoster lingualis
舌系frenulum of tongue
舌系frenum linguae
舌系frenulum linguae
舌系短缩lingua fraenata
舌骨会厌韧ligament hyoepiglotticum
舌骨会厌韧hyoepiglottic ligament
舌骨甲状中韧ligament hyothyreoideum medium
舌骨甲状侧韧ligament hyothyreoideum laterale
舌骨韧stylohyoid ligament
茎突下颌韧stylomandibular ligament
茎突下颌韧ligament stylomandibular
茎舌骨韧ligament stylohyoideum
茎舌骨韧epihyal ligament
萨佩韧Sappey ligament
蜗韧ligament spirale cochleae
蜗韧ligament of cochlea
蝶下颌韧ligament sphenomandibulare
螺旋韧ligament spirale cochleae
螺旋韧ligament of cochlea
角环前韧ligament ceratocricoideum anterius
角环后韧ligamenta ceratocricoidea posteriora
角环外侧韧ligamenta ceratocricoidea lateralia ligament
角环韧ceratocricoid ligament
贝里曼Bergmann cords
费里尔韧Ferrein ligament
赖尔Reil band
软骨zona cartilaginea
锁骨间韧ligament interclaviculare
锤骨上韧superior ligament of malleus
锤骨前韧anterior ligament of malleus
锤骨外侧韧lateral ligament of malleus
锥状韧conoid ligament
镫骨stapedial ligament
镫骨环状韧annular ligament of stapes
镫骨韧ligamentum annulare stapedis
镫骨韧ligamentum annulare baseos stapedis
阿诺德韧Arnold ligament
陷窝韧lacunar ligament
状疱疹zoster facialis
面部状疱疹zona facialis
状疱疹zoster nuchae
状疱疹zoster collaris
颈静脉韧ligament jugale
状疱疹zoster frontalis
额镜式助听器headband hearing aid
颞下颌关节外侧韧ligament temporomandibulare
颞下颌关节外侧韧temporomandibular ligament
颞下颌关节外侧韧ligament laterale articulations temporomandibularis
颞下颌韧temporomandibular ligament
颞下颌韧ligament temporomandibulare
颞下颌韧ligament laterale articulations temporomandibularis
黏膜下声切除术submucous cordectomy
黑尔姆霍尔茨韧Helmholtz ligament
鼓镫韧联合syndesmosis tympanostapedia
鼻绷nasal band
齿状zona denticulata