
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不能取得教资格not be allowed to obtain qualification for a teacher
为人play an exemplary role for other persons
依法自主开展律业务provide legal service independently pursuant to law
全国律协会章程articles of association of the All-China Lawyers Association
兼任律currently act as a lawyer
兼任律serve as lawyers
兼职律part-time lawyer
兼职教part-time teacher
军队医doctor in the military
初级中学教teacher in a junior middle school
前事不忘,后事之if not forgotten, is a guide for the future
协会doctors' association
执业证书doctor's license
资格qualification of a doctor
资格考试examination for the qualification of a licensed doctor
合伙律事务所partnership law firm
合格教qualified teacher
国家教资格考试制度national teachers' qualification examination system
外国律事务所law firms of other countries
外来的律lawyers from outside
外籍教foreign teachers
对律的投诉complaint against a lawyer
对教打击报复retaliate against teachers
尊重医respect for doctors
尊重教respect teachers
承方式way of apprenticeship
范教育normal school education
事务所a law firm
事务所law offices
事务所执业证书a law firm's practice certificate
制度system governing lawyers
协会lawyers association
协会会员members of lawyers association
协会章程Articles of Association of the Lawyers Association
执业考核assessment of a lawyer's practice
收费办法measures for collection of fees by lawyers
机构lawyer organization
the Law on Attorneys
恪守律职业道德strictly observe lawyers' professional ethics
执业助理医licensed assistant doctor
执业医licensed doctor
执业医资格license of qualified doctor
执业律professional practitioner
执业律legal practitioner
执业律licensed lawyers
拍卖资格qualification of auctioneers
拍卖资格证书auctioneer certificate
拖欠教工资default on paying teachers' salaries
的平均工资水平teachers' average salary
素质quality of teachers
职务制度system of professional title for teachers
聘任制system of appointment for teachers
Teachers' Day
资格qualifications for teachers
资格qualification of teachers
资格制度teachers' qualification system
注册会计accountant registered
注册会计certified public accountants
申请兼职律执业apply to practice as a part-time lawyer
申请律执业apply for the legal practice of a lawyer
规划执业资格qualification of a licensed planner
辩护律defence lawyers
非医行医non-doctors practise medicine