
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
不动产估价协会Society of Real Estate Appraisers
专业开发工程理事会Engineer's Council for Professional Development
中部地区采矿工程学会Midland Institute of Mining Engineers
亚洲工程联合会Federation of Asian Engineers
伦敦工程协会London Association of Engineers
估价协会会员member of appraisal institute
估价手册assessor's manual
佛罗里达职业工程学会Florida Society of Professional Engineer
全国地理教委员会National Council of Geography Teachers
全国地质教协会National Association of Geology Teachers
全国陶瓷工程学会National Institute of Ceramic Engineers
加州结构工程协会抗震委员会Seismic Committee of the Structural Engineers Association of California
加拿大国家海洋工程协会National Association of Marine Engineers of Canada
加拿大工木工程学会Canadian Society of Civil Engineers
加拿大钻探工程协会Canadian Association of Drilling Engineers
化学工程协会Institution of Chemical Engineers
化学工程学会Institution of Chemical Engineers
化学工程学会准会员Associate Member of the Institute of Chemical Engineers
北英格兰采矿和机械工程学会North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
华盛顿工程学会Washington Society of Engineers
南威尔士工程协会South Wales Institute of Engineers
南非化学工程协会South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
南非土木工程协会South African Institute of Civil Engineers
南非工程协会Engineers Association, South Africa
南非机械工程协会South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers
南非电气工程协会South African Institute of Electrical Engineers
南非顾问工程协会South African Association of Consulting Engineers
印度化学家和化学工程合作组织India Chemists and Chemical Engineers Club
印度工程协会Indian Society of Engineers
印度采矿工程协会Mining Engineers Association of India
咨询化学家和化学工程协会Association of Consulting Chemists and Chemical Engineers
国家工程协会泰国,英国,美国National Engineers5 Association Thailand, UK, US
国家电力工程协会National Association of Power Engineers
国家职业工程协会National Society of Professional Engineers
国家自然科学界教协会National Science Teachers Association
国营矿山工程government mining engineer
国际市政工程联合会International Federation of Municipal Engineers
国际操作工程联合会International Union of Operating Engineers
国际测量联合会International Federation of Surveyors
国际矿产工程学会International Mineral Engineers
国际顾问工程联合会international federation of consulting engineers
土地估价制度land valuer registration system
土地利用规划land use planner
土木工程协会Association of the Institute of Civil Engineers
土木工程学会institution of civil engineers
土木工程学会institution of civil engineers
土木工程学会准会员Associate Member of Institution of Civil Engineers
地球科学教备课计划Earth Science Teacher Preparation Project
地质教协会Association of Geology Teacher
大洋洲工程学会Australasian Society of Engineers
工业工程学会Society of Industrial Engineer
工程与科学家协会engineers and scientists guild
工程协会澳大利亚Institution of Engineers Australia
工程备忘录engineer memorandum
工程学会Society of Engineers
工程小册子engineer pamphlet
工程手册engineer manuals
工程技术证书engineer technical letter
工程细则engineer regulation
工程联合会Amalgamated Society of Engineers UK
工程联合委员会Engineers Joint Council
工程规则engineer regulation
工程设计协会Institution of Engineering Designers
建筑和测地员协会Association for Architects and Surveyors
总工程chief specialist
成本和管理会计学会Institute of Cost and Management Accountant
荷载率mass loading rate
技术工程协会Technical Engineers Association
拉丁美洲农业工程协会Latin American Society of Agricultural Engineers
挪威工程协会Engineers Society of Norway
摄影仪器工程协会Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers
摄影光学仪器工程学会Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
摄影学家和摄影工程学会Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers
新西兰工程协会New Zealand Institution of Engineers
无线电工程协会Institute of Radio Engineers
无线电工程学会Institute of Radio Engineers
日本土木工程学会Japanese Society of Civil Engineers
机械处理工程协会英国Mechanical Handling Engineers'Association
机械工程协会Institution of Mechanical Engineers
机械工程学会Institution of Mechanical Engineers
机械工程学会会员Member of Institute of Mechanical Engineers
构造工程协会Structural Engineers Association
标准工程学会Standards Engineers Society
核子工程nuclear engineer
核科学家与工程协会Society of Nuclear Scientists and Engineers
欧洲地球科学家和工程协会European Association of Geoscientists and Engineer
水利工程学会Institution of Water Engineers
水力工程hydraulic engineer
河流与港口工程管理局Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors
波兰土木工程与技师协会Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians
波士顿土木工程协会Boston Society of Civil Engineers US
注册估价certified appraiser
泰国环境工程协会Thai Environmental Engineers Association
浅海工程offshore engineer
海洋工程学会Institution of Marine Engineers
海洋工程学会Institute of Marine Engineers
海洋工程学会会报Transactions of the Institute of Marine Engineers
海港工程学会Society of Marine Port Engineers
澳大利亚工程协会Institute of Engineers of Australia
澳大利亚工程协会Institute of Engineers, Australia
澳大利亚工程学会Australian Society of Engineers
澳大利亚摄影协会Institute of Australian Photographers
澳大利亚无线电与电子工程协会Institution of Radio & Electronics Engineers Australia
澳大利亚无线电工程协会Institution of Radio Engineers, Australia
澳大利亚采矿、电机、机械工程协会Australian Association of Mining, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
爱尔兰工程协会Institution of Engineers of Ireland
环境保护工程学会Institute of Environmental Engineers
环境工程协会Society of Environmental Engineers
环境工程协会英,美Institution of Environmental Engineers
瑞典工程协会Swedish Engineers' Society
电信工程协会Society of Telecommunication Engineers
电力工程协会Electrical Power Engineer's Association
电子和无线电工程协会Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
电机工程协会Institution of Electrical Engineers
电气与电子工程协会Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
电气与电子工程协会地球科学和遥感学会IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
电气及电子工程协会地球物理学和遥感分会IEEE Geophysics and Remote Sensing Society
电气工程学会英,美Institution of Electrical Engineers
电气工程学会会员Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers
皇家工程协会Royal Institute of Engineers
石油工程学会Society of Petroleum Engineers
科学大master of science
科罗拉多工程学会Colorado Society of Engineers
结构工程协会英,美Institution of Structural Engineers
维多利亚州工程协会澳大利亚Victorian Institute of Engineers Australia
美国化学工程学会American Society of Chemical Engineers
美国土木工程学会American Society of Civil Engineer
美国实验工程学会American Society of Test Engineers
美国工具与制造工程学会American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers
美国工程与科学家协会Engineers and Scientists of America
美国工程协会American Engineers Association
美国工程协会American Association for Engineers
美国工程学会American Society of Engineers
美国工程United States Engineer Office
美国成本核算工程协会American Association of Cost Engineers
美国执业会计学会American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
美国环境工程协会American Academy of Environmental Engineers
美国电机工程学会American Society of Electrical Engineers
美国电气和电子工程协会American Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
美国电气工程协会Institution of Electrical Engineers
美国矿业和冶金工程学会American Society of Mining and Metallurgical Engineer
美国采矿与冶金工程协会采矿工程师学会Society of Mining Engineers of AIME
美国采矿与冶金工程学会American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
美国采矿、冶金与石油工程学会所属石油工程师学会Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME
美国采矿、冶金和石油工程学会American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
美国采矿工程学会American Institute of Mining Engineers
美国陶瓷工程学会American Institute of Ceramic Engineers
美国顾问工程学会American Institute of Consulting Engineers
能源工程协会Association of Energy Engineers
英国土木工程协会British Institute of Civil Engineers
英国工程协会Institute of British Engineers
英国工程协会British Engineers Association
荷兰皇家工程协会Royal Netherlands Institute of Engineers
莫斯科土地使用工程学会Moscow Institute of Engineers of Land Use
菲律宾土木工程协会Philippine Association of Civil Engineers
西部工程学会Western Society of Engineers
资产评估property valuer
轮机学会汇刊Transactions of the Institute of Marine Engineers
采矿与机械工程学会Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
采矿工程engineer of mines
采矿工程协会Institution of Mining Engineers
采矿工程学会Society of Mining Engineers
采矿工程学会Institute of Mining Engineers
采矿工程学会会员Member of the Institute of Mining Engineers
采矿工程学会准会员Associate Member of the Institution of Mining Engineers
采矿工程学会准会员Associate of the Institute of Mining Engineers
采矿、电机、机械工程协会Association of Mining, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
钢铁工程协会Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
阿拉伯工程联合会Federation of Arab Engineers