
Terms for subject International trade containing 市 的 | all forms | in specified order only
市的on sale
不在市场买卖而按成本计值的投资investments not traded in the market which were valued at their cost
不完善的市场imperfect market
两种类型的市场categories of market
严重缺货时的市价famine price
买者过多的市场long market
交易所午后的行市afternoon change
价格日益下跌的市场sagging market
优等证券市场中的长期证券交易long-end of the market
使现存商业市场受到不应有的扰乱undue disruption of existing commercial market
供不应求的市场tight market
保证市场有价证券的发行underwrite an issue
午后的行市afternoon market
发达的市场经济国家developed market economic country
呆滞的市面sluggish market
回航货物的市场homeward market
固定汇率的美元市场fixed rate dollar market
在新加坡市场的天然橡胶的标准品质ribbed smoked sheet
坚挺的市场价格strong market
实际的市场firm trading market
对卖主有利的市场seller's market
尚未打开的市场untapped market
工业股票的市场价格market prices of industrial shares
左右市场价格的公司的股票barometer stocks
已公布的欧洲货币市场贷款Publicized Eurocurrency Credits
市场上可买到的commercially available
市场供求缺口的利用分析niche analysis
市场变动激烈的股票fluctuating stock
市场外的作用outside market dynamics
市场、生意、事务、交通等最繁忙的时刻rush hour
市场的扩充extension of market
市场的明朗度transparency of market
市场的景况tone of the market
市场的钟报告开市的market bell
投资证券的市值market value of investment securities
按市价兑换的债券debenture convertible at current price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值G.N.P. at market prices
按市场变动增减的报价offer subject to market fluctuation
接近恐慌的市场near-panic market
有价权益证券的低市价lower market for marketable equity securities
有秩序的市场安排ordered market arrangement
有选择自由的交易市场option dealing
未上市的证券undigested security
欧洲共同市场的对外统一关税Common External Tariff
汇兑行市的不稳定性uncertainty of exchange rates
活跃的市场active market
目前的市场existing market
短期可在市场上买卖的资产marketable short-term assets
租税市价变动等所引起的社会风险social risks
稳定的贸易市场firm trading market
稳定股票市场价格的业务活动operations for stabilizing the stockmarket price
空运市区至机场的搬运服务city terminal service
管制的市场regulated market
联邦准备制度的公开市场经营open market operations, Federal Reserve system
股票上市的公两public company
股票上市的公司listed company
萧条的市场depressed market
被操纵的市场gray market
证券交易等的全日市full-business-day session
证券按新规定发行后的市场after market
趁行市跌价买进的人afternoon buyer
跌风笼罩下的市场bear the market
进入市场的机会access to market
进入市场的自由Freedom of Entry
重价格的市场price market
重质量的市场quality market
银根紧的金融市场tight money market
面向市场的生产market-oriented production