
Terms for subject Securities containing 市 的 | all forms | in specified order only
一蹶不振的股市sluggish share market
市的企业listed enterprise/firm
市的投资目标publicized investment target
市的时间time to market
市的期权交易listed option trading
市的直接和间接利益相关方direct or indirect interested party of the listing
市的线型低密度聚乙烯Listing Linear Low Density polythene
上市公司再融资的效率refinancing efficiency of listed company
上市公司对其股份权益有进行调查的权力power of listed corporation to investigate ownership of interests in its shares
上市公司的 XBRL 可扩展商业报告语的言信息XBRL information of listed company
上市公司的中坚力量mainstay of listed companies
上市公司的刑事责任criminal liability of listed company
上市公司的子公司subsidiary company of a corporation listed on the stock market
上市公司的投资参股公司listed companies' stake-taking company
上市公司的整体质量overall quality of listed company
上市公司的正常经营normative operation of listed company
上市公司董事证券交易的规范守则Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers
上市公司调查持股权的权力listed corporation's powers to investigate ownership
上市后的收购交易post-listing acquisition
上市后表现令人失望的股票stock performed disappointingly after listing
上市披露的信息listing particulars
上市规则的执行enforcement of listing regulations
不兴旺的市场slow market
不包括短期国库券的证券市场market less treasury bills
不受市场限制的订单market not held order
不受监管的资本市场exempt market
不可预测的股票市场unpredictable stock market
不容忍股市上投资人的任何违法行为zero tolerance of investors5 illegal behaviors in stock market
不明朗的市场mixed market
不景气的市场recessed market
不稳定的市场证券价格波动大的市场unsteady market
不稳定的市场unstable market
不稳定的市场unsecured market
与上市股票挂钩的票据listed equity linked instrument
与证券上市有关的非经营性活动non-operating activities related to the securities listing
两地上市的企业dual-listed company
两地发行的首次公开上市dual-listed IPO
严峻压力下的货币市场money markets under severe stress
中断的市场discontinued market
主要的和潜在的市场区域principal and potential market areas
买人时的市场价格buying market price
买卖价格差额巨大的市场wide market
交投活跃的市场active market
交易不活跃的市场depressed market
交易债务工具的期权市场option market for debt instrument
交易商同业的政府债券市场interdealer market for government bond
交易所全天营业的盘市full-business-day seston
交易清淡的市场dead market
交易驱动的调节市场order-driven automated market
介绍上市情况的文件introduction documents
从市场角度看投资者必备的素质market perspective of qualities necessary for investors
从股票未上市的附属公司所得的股利dividend from unquoted subsidiary
从货币市场导出的from money markets
以交易订单为导向的自动调节市场order-driven automated market
以市价计价的押金mark-to-market margin
以市价计算效益的机制mark-to-market mechanism
价格下跌的市场down market
价格无起伏的市场sidewise market
价格横向移动的市场sidewise market
价格说明市场的一切price discounts everything
价格趋跌的市场falling market
价格驱动的市场quote-driven market
传统的国际金融市场经营货币借贷、外汇买卖、证券交易、黄金买卖等传统的国际金融业务的场所traditional international financial market
低于上一轮市价的股价轮次down round
低于市场价的费率below market rate
低价打人市场的手法penetration pricing
低市盈率时的情况with low PE ratio
低市盈率股票的收益low ratio returns on stocks
低迷的市场recessed market
作为资本市场投资工具的股票stock as capital market instrument
供应紧张的市场tight market
依赖于商业票据市场的投资银行investment bank relied on commercial paper market
依靠市场参与者的积极合作relying on active co-operation of market participant
保持市值的策略market value policy
信息不充分的市场uninformed market
信息不畅的市场uninformed market
信息公开透明的市场informed market
信贷市场的动荡credit market wobbles
修正后的总市场价值revised aggregate market value
债券上市的核准bond listing verification and approval
健康的市场market healthy
公众对证券市场的信心public confidence in market
公司债券的发行、上市及交易corporate bonds' issuance, listing and trading
公布的市价quoted market price
公开上市交易的投资基金publicly traded investment fund
公开上市交易的资产publicly traded assets
关闭的交易市场closed trading market
关闭的股市stock market closed
典型的熊市气氛typical bearish mood
减轻股市的冲击cushion impact of stock market
出人预料的市场contrary market
分割的市场segmented market
初级自营商的造市商机制market maker mechanism of primary dealers
利率互换的市值market value of interest rate swaps
利率市场中的收益率曲线yield curve in interest rate market
制裁市场上的非法行为crack down on illegal behaviors in market
前一个收市的期限length of pre-closing
动荡的市场unsettled market
动荡的市场价格变化频繁的市场uneven market
华尔街的金融市场Wall Street market
卖风笼罩的市场heavy market
即将上市的股票share pending listing
厌恶风险的市场market becoming averse to risk
参差的市场spotted market
取消上市资格的公司delisted company
受企业欢迎的上市地点subject of enterprises to welcome the listing
受情绪影响的股市market influenced by sentiment
受操纵的市场gray market
受管制的市场controlled market
受股市影响的风险Beta risk
变化莫测的股市prism of stock market
可按市价转成股票的信用债券debenture convertible to stock at market price
可比的市盈率comparative P /E ratios
可积累的拍卖市场优先股cumulative auction market preferred stock
可能下跌的市场heavy market
可能大量抛售股票的市场heavy market
合理化的市场监管规则rationalized market regulation
合理的市场价格sound market value
合理的市场规则rationalized market regulation
同等强度的牛市和熊市技术分析equal strength of bulls and bears
向政府提交加强上市监管事宜的意见submission to the Government to enhance the regulation of listing
向法院申请破产公司的退市程序delisting procedures for the companies applying to the court for bankruptcy
因市场不当行为而需承担的民事责任civil liability for market misconduct
在市场上占支配地位的公司dominant company
在美国上市的股票US-listed share
均衡市场的风险价格equilibrium market price of risk
城市经营的银行municipal bank
增强上市公司的吸引力strengthen attraction of listed company
大幅度下跌的市场graveyard market
大股东占用的上市公司的非经营性资本listed companies' non-operational capital occupied by major shareholders
大量交易额的市场broad market
证券大量抛售的市场liquidating market
完美的资本竞争市场perfectly competitive financial market
实价超过市价的行情overbought market
对上市公司的公开谴责public censure to listed company
对于上市公司有效透明的监管机制effective transparent regulatory mechanism for listed companies.
对市况的掌握程度market savvy
对市场上的非法行为采取严厉措施crack down on illegal behaviors in market
对市场原则的承诺commitment to pro-market principles
对市场的了解程度market savvy
对市场绝对正确的迷信religious belief in the infallibility of market
对市场趋势的看法outlook for the market
对股市不利的消息unfavorable news for stock market
将要上市的公司would-be-listed company
左右市场的势力market power
差价大的市场wide market
已上市交易的空壳公司trading shell
已倒闭的上市公司failed company listed
已建立的证券市场established security market
已成熟的证券市场established security market
已注册的竞争做市商registered competitive market maker
市价下跌时买方的不合理索赔market claim
市价跌落的市场falling market
市值大的股big cap stock
市场上失去理智的火暴状态lunatic levels of exuberance in the market
市场中介监管的第3号工作小组Working Party 3 on Supervision of Market Intermediaries IOSCO (国际证监会组织)
市场份额大但扩展慢的业务cash cow
市场份额小但扩展快的业务cash dog
市场内部各行业的利差intermarket sector spread
市场化的发行定价机制marketized issuance pricing mechanism
市场外的共生变量extra-market covariance
市场对证券的评级market rating
市场接受大宗交易的能力depth of market
市场敏感性的market sensitive
市场时机的把握market timing
市场机制的原则、纪律discipline of the market mechanism
市场的定价机制market pricing mechanism
市场的微观结构microstructure of the market
市场的波动性风险market volatility risk
市场的资源配置功能resource allocation function of the market
市场的进一步动荡further market convulsions
市场积极的一面constructive side of the market
市场行情的信息information of market condition
市场见顶时进行的交易deal written at the top of the market
市场达到失去理智的火暴状态market reached lunatic levels of exuberance
市场进人的可能性probability of market entry
带有逆向选择的市场market with adverse selection
平息市场的焦虑soothe the market's nerves
平息证券市场上的疑虑allay concern in securities market
平稳的市场market stable
平衡的市场equilibrium market (供求处于平衡状态的价格区域)
建立在预测基础上的市场market-based forecasting
开发上市业务的海外资源developing overseas resources for listing
开放市场上的价值open market value
开放透明的市场transparent market
引领市场走势的股票bellwether stock
总的市况general market condition
总的市况general market
想要上市的公司would-be-listed company
成熟的市场sophisticated market
成熟证券市场的司法经验legislative experience from mature securities market
执行上市规则的目的listing enforcement objectives
执行证券市场的法规enforcing the rules and laws governing securities markets
扰乱资本市场的风险risk disrupting the capital markets
技术性走强的市场technical strong market
抑制疯涨的牛市damp a raging bull market
投机者对市场价格的冲击speculator's impact on price
投资者市场操作的参考market operation reference for investors
投资证券的市场价值market value of investment securities
抛售股票的市场bearing a market
按市价折算的债券debenture convertible at market price
探讨债券市场的发展道路explore the development route of bond market
接近恐慌的市场near panic market
控制市场的能力market power
提前偿还的市政债券prerefunded municipal note
提振低迷的股市supporting the flagging stock market
搜集有关市场罪行的证据gather evidence related to market crime
摩根士丹利国际投资的新兴市场自由指数Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Free
收市后的交叉时段off-hours crossing sessions
收市后的交易post-market trading (常规的交易市场收市后进行的交易)
收市后的表述和保证的确认confirmation of representations and warranties as of closing
收市后的调整late adjustment
收盘/收市后的变化after hours change
放弃了监管市场的责任abdicate the responsibility of regulating markets
政府保荐的企业证券市场government-sponsored enterprises securities market
新修改的上市规则newly amended listing rules
新生/刚起步的市场nascent market
无上市股发行的市场listless market
无价格确认的熊市逆转形态技术分析bearish reversal patterns with no price confirmations
无效率的市场inefficient market
无明显趋势的市场spotted market
无秩序的市场disorderly market
最佳资源配置的市场作用market's function of optimal resource allocation
有价债券跌至市场价格的补贴allowance for reducing marketable bond to market
有关上市规则执行的公告Listing Enforcement Announcements
有关股市的最直率的言论outspoken comments on stock market
有卖无买或卖多于买的市场情况sellers over
有组织的证券交易市场organized securities exchange
有问题的证券市场toxic securities market
期货市场的假定/前提premises of futures market
未上市的期权unlisted option
未上市交易的空壳公司non-trading shell
未上市证券的市场unlisted securities market
未在证券市场挂牌的证券outside security
正式市场结束后的交易kerb trade/trading
求得公平市场价值的市场法market approach to fair market value
活泼有生气的市场swimming market
活跃的市场liquid market
活跃的股票市场active market
流通市场监管的第2号工作小组国际证监会组织Working Party 2 on Regulation of Secondary Markets IOSCO
流通性好的市场liquid market
海外上市公司的上市程序listing process for overseas issuers
涨落不定的行市fluctuating market
涨跌兼有的市场mixed market
涨速快的股市fast-rising stockmarket
混乱的市场disorderly market
潜在的市场庄家potential market maker
牛市是从忧患之墙攀登上来的股市名言bull market climbs a wall of worry
狂泻的市场sagging market
疲软的证券市场sick market
盈利的倍数、市盈率earnings multiple
石油股票的市场价格market prices of oil shares
确定市场的变化趋向ascertain the trend of the market
稳定市场的券商stabilization agency
稳定的市场stable market
稳定股票市场价格的操作operations for stabilizing the stock market price
竞争不充分的市场imperfect market
符合市场实际的方式market sensitive approach
等候上市的股票share pending listing
管理证券上市的规则rules governing the official listing of securities
系统性的市场稳定systemic market stability
繁荣的市场boom market
组织有序的市场organized market
经营有效的市场operationally efficient market
给未上市的企业融资financing for unlisted company
统一的债券市场uniform bond market
维护证券市场的秩序maintain order of the securities market
缓解市场的担忧allay the market's fear
市的转机turning point for stock market
股价剧烈波动的市场fluctuating stock market
股价大跌的市场great bear market
股份不上市的closely held
股份不流通的市场close market
股市中的大户pit trader
股市经纪人的探子bird dog
股本市场主导的融资体制equity market-based financial market
股票在交易所正式交易前进行买卖的场外市场gray market
股票市场外的交易市场curb market
股票的市场价格market value of shares
脱离市场行情的指令away from the market order
膨胀的市盈率bloated P/E
良好的股市环境benign stock-market climate
获得高于市场平均数的收益beat the market
萧条的市面交易量较少,买卖价差较大的证券市场slack market
萧条的股市sluggish share market
蓬勃稳健的市场robust and vibrant market
行情正常的市场market healthy
行情疲软的市场soft market
行情看涨的股票市场buoyant stock market
行情看涨的股票市场bullish market
行情看跌的股票市场bearish market
表现最差的股市worst performing market
被保障的市场投资guarantee market investment
被卖空的证券市场现价short market value
被市场广泛接受的widely accepted by the market
被授权的期货交易所/市场recognized futures exchange/market
被认为失效的市场market deemed to fail
被认可的证券市场recognized stock market
要求出示有关上市公司记录和文件的权力power to require production of records and documents concerning listed corporations
规范上市公司董事的交易行为regulate the trading behavior of listed companies' directors
解救市场时吸纳的股份rescue shares
计划上市的公司company planning to go to listing
证券市场的一体化建设integrity construction of securities market
证券市场的法制建设law and rules construction of securities market
证券市场的轧平交易level (securities market)
调整后的市值adjusted market value
调整证券和期货市场的法规laws governing the securities and futures markets
调查上市公司所有权的权力power to investigate ownership of listed corporation
账面价值与市场价值的比率book to market ratio
货币市场隐形的合约利率money market implied contract rate
货币市场隐形的远期利率money market implied forward rate
贷款的市场价值market value of a loan
资产的市场价值market value of assets
资本市场中的不法和犯罪行为illegal and criminal behaviors in capital market
资本市场的改革与创新reform and innovation of the capital market
资本进人市场的途径market access channel for capital
资金紧张的金融市场silver market
跟踪中国 A 股市场表现的交易所交易基金ETF tracking the perfonnance of the China A-share market
跟踪印度股市表现的交易所交易基金ETF tracking the India stock market
运作良好的市场market healthy
近期的股市动荡recent wobbles of stock market
进人市场的概率probability of market entry
连续上市的标准continuous listing standards
适者生存的市场功能market function of survival of the fittest
逆市而动的股票contramarket stocks
通胀率调整后的市值最低水平inflation adjusted capitalization minimums
通过手机短信提醒投资者有关股市的风险short message of mobile for reminding investors risks of stocks market
造市商的责任market maker obligation
重组或改制后上市的企业firm reorganized or restructured listing on stock market
金融市场很少交易的外币exotic currency
销售一空的市场sold out market
闭市期间的交易out of hours trading
防止进人关闭的交易市场prevention of entry into closed trading markets
阻止股市的急剧下跌steep slide in the stock market
阻碍证券市场的发展drag on the expansion of securities market
非上市证券组成的一个独立的市场discontinuous market
非公共目的市政债券private purpose municipal bond
当正式市场关闭后非正式商品市场发生的交易kerb dealing
非经济合作及发展组织国家的证券市场non-OECD stock market
非金融类的上市公司non-financial listed company
预测的市场indicated market
预计的市场indicated market
香港上市的股票Hong Kong-listed shares
高估值的股市highly valued stock market
高增长及新兴股份的市场market for the high-growth and emerging stocks