
Terms for subject Business containing 市 的 | all forms | in specified order only
市的合格证券securities eligible for market operation
市的外国证券foreign securities listed
不稳定的市场volatile market
不稳定的市场spotty market
不稳定的股票市场queasy stock market
世界市场的瓜分division of world market
丧失控制市场的能力lose ability to control the market
买卖价格差距较大的市场wide opening, wide market
产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领先地位The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place
以当前的市场情况为根据base on the ruling market
以按类别计算的总成本或总市价低者为准lower of total cost or total market by group
价格下跌的市场falling market
低于市场价格的基础价值value less than market price basis
作为市场经济特征的竞争competition as a feature of the market economy
公司市场上可能达到的需求量company market potential
兴旺的城市boom town
分层次流动的劳务市场labor market with a hierarchical mobility
判定股市趋势的专门知识technical position
参加共同市场的成员common marketeer
发达的市场经济developed market economics
发达的市场经济国家developed market economy countries
可上市的有价证券的低市价lower market for marketable equity securities
可上市证券的低市价lower market for marketable equity securities
可按市场波动而增减的报盘offer subject to market fluctuation
同一产品统一市场价格的实行implementation of unified market prices for each kind of products
呆滞的市场sluggish market
坚挺的市场行情strong market
大量成交的市场heavy market
实际的市场actual market
对市场的影响effect on the market
在有大量买主的市场上少数厂商对市场的垄断complete oligopoly
已公布的欧洲货币市场贷款publicized Eurocurrency credit
市价低于成本的存货item of inventories of which market value is lower than cost
市场的扩大extension of market
市场预测的可靠性dependability of market forecast
成交旺盛的市场指买卖兴隆acting market
成本与市价孰低的规则rule of cost or market
成本价与市价按低价的存货计价法指一种存货计价方法,即对库存商品或产品,其成本低于市价, 按成本价计算,如高于市价,则按市价计算的一种计算法cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation
成本或市价原则对毛利的影响effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin
我们的市场分析预测智能防盗门的市场很活跃,因此我们成功的概率也比较大Our market analysis has predicted an active market for the intelligent anti-theft locks. I'm sure we stand a fair chance to win
我方能供应各种电缆绝缘件。我们的产品在国际市场很受欢迎We can supply cable insulators of all types and sizes. Our products are much admired in the world market
投资未上市股份的股息dividend from unquoted investment
持货证券,股票以待涨价的市场long of the market
按市价变动增减的报价offer subject to market fluctuation
按市价折换成股票的债券debenture convertible to stock at market price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值at market prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
断续中断的市场discontinuous market
无限制的市场作用free working of market forces
有巨大潜力的市场market of tremendous potentiality
有组织的金融市场如证券交易所organized financial market
期望股市下跌的经纪人bearish stock market operator
未开发的团体旅游市场untapped group marked
未来的市场prospective market
流动性大的市场liquid market
海外市场上市的外国证券foreign securities listed in overseas market
清淡的市况easy market
灵敏的市场反应能力agility to react to market conditions
狂热的市场feverish market
生意清淡的市场thin market
用市场价格表示的国民收入national income at market prices
看涨的行市strong market
租赁财产的公允市价fair value of leased property
稳定的市场firm market
紧缩的金融市场tight money market
繁荣兴旺的市场booming market
繁荣的市场交易prosperous trade
经由股票市场的外国投资foreign investment via the stock market
经纪人间的交易市场broker's market
职业市场的员工"供给"job market personnel "supply"
股利率与证券市场价的比率dividend price ratio
股票未上市的附属公司的股息dividend from unquoted subsidiary
艰难的市场exacting market
范围在缩小的市场shrinking market
行情上涨的市场long market
行情下跌的市场bearish market
行情坚挺的市场价格平稳的市场firm market
行情看好的市场improved market
行情看涨的市场bullish market
证券交易所沟通买卖双方的第三市场经济人block trader
证实市场趋势的预测confirm the prediction in regard to the trend of the market
资金供应的高度非市场化allocation of funds instead of supplying them through market channel
进入市场的优惠条件preferential assess
门市出售的商品goods sold over the counter
货主间协商限制销售量的市场restricted market
非本意的公开市场政策involuntary open market policy
预料中的市场indicated market