
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 市 的 | all forms
不活跃的市场narrow market
不活跃的市场inactive market
不活跃的市场slack market
不活跃的市场thin market
与伦敦同业市场拆放利率的差价spread over LIBOR
从市场筹资的能力access to the market
全球一体化的金融市场globally integrated financial markets
即将成为新兴市场国家的国家pre-emerging market country
呆滞的市场narrow market
呆滞的市场slack market
呆滞的市场inactive market
呆滞的市场thin market
在全球范围内融合的金融市场globally integrated financial markets
基于市场的方法market-based approach
多元化的金融市场broad financial market
市场上的可对冲性offsetability on the market
市场价格的对等值market price equivalent
市场借款的国家market borrowers
市场导向的债务减免market-based debt reduction
市场导向的增长market-led growth
市场导向的政策market-oriented policy
市场导向的政策market-friendly policy
市场挂钩的贷款条件market-related terms lending
市场敏感的信息market-sensitive data
市场敏感的信息market-sensitive information
市场敏感的数据market-sensitive data
市场敏感的数据market-sensitive information
新兴市场国家稳定的资本流动和公平的债务重组原则Principles for Stable Capital Flows and Fair Debt Restructuring in Emerging Markets
有深度的金融市场deep financial market
混乱的外汇市场状况disorderly exchange market conditions
狭窄的市场slack market
狭窄的市场narrow market
狭窄的市场inactive market
狭窄的市场thin market
紧张的劳动力市场tight labor market
计算的市场利率calculated market rate
计算的市场利率calculated market interest rate
货币市场共同基金的份额MMMF shares
货币市场共同基金的份额money market mutual fund shares
进入市场的能力access to the market
非市场单位的偶然出售incidental sales by nonmarket establishments
非洲保险市场会议的保险准则CIMA Code
非洲保险市场会议的保险准则Insurance Code of the Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets
顺应市场的政策market-oriented policy
顺应市场的政策market-friendly policy
饱和的市场filled market
饱和的市场saturated market