
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一级new issues market
一级场上市公司数据库primary market database
一级场数据库primary market database
一级证券primary securities market
一般general market condition
一蹶不振的股sluggish share market
企业enterprise market
企业上listing of a company
封闭场交易closed market transaction
tape price
价上扬market advancing
价下跌sell off
价下跌market off
价下跌时买方的不合理索赔market claim
价与现金流比率price-cash flow ratio
价与账面价比率price to book value ratio
价制market price basis
价总值total market value
价总值total market capitalization
价攀升规则plus tick rule
价流量比P/C ratio
open market value
market cap
值加权平均market value weighted average
值加权指数market value-weighted index
值化market value basis
值增加market value added
值增加capital increment
值大的股big cap stock
值政策market value policy
值标准market value basis
值股息比price-dividend ratio 缩写P/D ratio
值萎缩shrinkage in market value
值计算公式formula for market value
值调整market value adjustment
值账面比price-book ratio 缩写P/B ratio
值配股market capitalization allotment
值销售比price-sales ratio
内短期通知贷款street loan
况不佳、不景气market inefficiency
况不稳定market uncertainty
况萧条、不景气hard times
场一揽子一套、一系列有关联的计划、安排market basket
场上大量高价收购market sweep
场上失去理智的火暴状态lunatic levels of exuberance in the market
场上扬market rally
场不健康market unhealthy
场不当行为market misconduct
场不当行为market malpractice
场不景气market stagnant
场不景气market off
场不法行为market misconduct
场不活跃market dull
场专家market maven
场业内人士market insiders
场业绩market's performance
场业绩委员会market performance committee
场业绩委员会纽交所的一个特别委员会market performance committee
场中介机构market intermediary
场中介监管的第3号工作小组Working Party 3 on Supervision of Market Intermediaries IOSCO (国际证监会组织)
场中介者market intermediary
场中性market neutral
场中性基金market neutral fund
场中立多空策略market neutral long-short strategy
场中间价middle market rate
场主力major investor
场主要股票market leaders
场乘数market multiple
场交易不旺big bad
场交易机制market trading mechanism
场人士market participant
场人气market sentiment
场人气market feeling
场人气不旺bearish sentiment
场人气见旺bullish sentiments
场从业人员market practitioner
场从业人员market participant
场付款票据bill payable in market
场价值market cap
场价值总计aggregate market value
场价值规则market value rule
场价格一览表market price quotation
场价格与账面价格之比market to book
场价格发现功能market price discovery function
场份额percentage market share
场份额加权指数market-share weighted index
场份额大但扩展慢的业务cash cow
场份额小但扩展快的业务cash dog
场份额杠杆market share leverage
场估值market valuation
场伸展度market reach
场低效market inefficiency
场低效率inefficiency in the market
场低落market easy
场作价制度market making system
场供需情况market tone
场倒数market reciprocal
场倾向market trend
场停滞market stagnant
场停顿market still
场先导股总收益summary return of market leaders
场免责market out
场公开程度market transparency
场关闭market out
场关闭market closure
场关闭日期market close date
场兴旺brisk market
场内套利intramarket spread
场内部各行业的利差intermarket sector spread
场内部部门利差intramarket sector spread
场冲击market impact
场冲击成本market impact cost
场准人指有关机构的审批market entry
场准人entry opening
场出清改变证券交易价以同时满足买卖双方clearing the market
场分割market cannibalization
场分割学说segmented market hypothesis
场分割理论market segmentation theory
场分化market fragmentation
场分析员market analyst
场分析家群体market thinker
场分类market breakdown
场分隔market fragmentation
场创新、市场发展措施market initiative
场动荡market turmoil
场化公司治理体系market-based corporate governance system
场化的发行定价机制marketized issuance pricing mechanism
场化运行机制market-based operation mechanism
场区划market segmentation
场区域market coverage
场区域market area
场占有率percentage market share
场占有率差异market share variance
场参与者market player
场参与者market body
场参指令market order go along participating
场反常现象market anomaly
场反应冷淡market reaction muted
场发展market advancing
场发展growth of the market
场变化movement of the market
场变更market correction
场吸脂策略提取精华,赚取最高利润的策略market-skimming strategy
场呆滞heavy selling
证券场周期market cycle
场回报market return
场回顾market reviews
场团体market body
场国际化优势market internalization advantages
场坚挺指市价上扬而绝无下跌之势market strong
场基本面分析师market fundamentalist
场基础设施market infrastructure
场基调market tone
场基金market fund
场增加值market value added
场外力量outside market dynamic
场外的共生变量extra-market covariance
证券场天性market instinct
场委托market order
场委托指令market order
场定价price discovery
场定价market determined price
场定价效率marketplace pricing efficiency
场实务market practice
场实践market practice
场审查market audit
场容量market volume
场宽度breadth of market
场宽度指数breath of market index
场宽度理论breadth-of-market theory
场对证券的评级market rating
场导报美国证券监管机构的证券市场状况分析通报market letter
场展望outlook for the market
场展望market views
场干扰market noise
场平均值market average
场广度股价浮动百分比market breadth
场广度breadth of market
场庄家market maker
场庄家制度market making system
场底部market bottom
场延伸market extension
场开放liberalization of market
场强化方式market intensification mode
场彩排market rehearsal
场影响market impact
场微型结构market microstructure
场心理psychology of the market
场心理学psychology of the market
场总交易量total market turnover
场总成交额total market turnover
场总貌market overview
场恐慌症market jitters
场悬挂理论market overhang
场惯例market practice
场惯例market norms
场惯例market convention
场感觉market feeling
场成熟程度market sophistication
场执业人员market practitioner
场扩充market extension
场扩大market expansion
场扩容market expansion
场扩张型兼并market-extension merger
场承兑market acceptance
场技术分析师market technician
场技术基本建设market technology infrastructure
场技术基础设施如建立股市的网络系统market technology infrastructure
场投资组合market portfolio
场折扣率market discount rate
场报价market quote
场报价market price quotation
场拍卖优先股market auction preferred stock
场拍卖利率优先股market auction rate preferred stock
场挂钩指令pegged-to-market order
场指令market order
场指令MKT order
场指数存单market-indexed CD
场接受大宗交易的能力depth of market
场推广MKT penetration
场推销资料marketing materials
场措施market practice
场操作market operations
场操控market manipulation
场操纵market abuse
场操纵manipulation of market
场操纵行为market manipulation
场放松管制liberalization of market
场效率测试market efficiency test
场敏感信息market-sensitive information
场敏感性的market sensitive
场数据传递market datafeed
场数据供应商market data vendor
场数据提供market datafeed
场数据系统纽约证券交易所关键的国际通讯网Market Data System
场整体表现market's performance
场整合market integration
场整理market correction
场时机成本market timing cost
场时机把握者market timer
场时机的把握market timing
场时机选择market timing
场智库market thinker
场机制mechanism of market forces
场机制的原则、纪律discipline of the market mechanism
场杂音market noise
场权重market weight
场权重倾斜于某类股market weight exposure to
场板块按发行人行业进行证券分类market sectors
场板块利差intramarket sector spread
场板块差价intermarket sector spread
场概况market reviews
场概览market overview
场横扫market sweep
场比率股息率和市盈率等比率都可称为市场比率market ratio
场比重market weight
场沉闷market dull
场波动market swing
场波动幅度指数market volatility index
场流通量market liquidity
场消化market absorption
场涨落market swing
场深度证券交易中,因价格变化产生的总成交量market depth
场深度depth of market
场清淡bearish sentiment
场清算market clearing
场清算收益market clearing yield
场渗透MKT penetration
场渗透份额market penetration share
场渗透比率market penetration share
场演练在路演之前,投资银行与股票发行人要组织预先演练market rehearsal
场濒临崩盘边缘market reaching the verge of meltdown
场热点market focus
场牌价market quote
场牛气攀升bullish sentiments
场特征分析character of market analysis
场特征分析法character of market analysis
场特色market niche
场状态market tone
场独霸market dominance
场玩家market player
场用户market user
场的定价机制market pricing mechanism
场的微观结构microstructure of the market
场的波动性风险market volatility risk
场的资源配置功能resource allocation function of the market
场的进一步动荡further market convulsions
场监督market surveillance
场监管regulation of market
场监管机制market's regulatory mechanism
场监管机构market regulatory structure
场监管机构market regulator
场监管者market regulator
场盘整market correction
场知晓market savvy
场种类market category
场积极的一面constructive side of the market
场稳定基金market stabilization fund
场稳定性market stabilization
场空方short of the market
场等级market scale
场简介market profile
场管理机构market operator
场管理框架market regulatory structure
场类别market segmentation
场紧急状态market emergency
场纷杂market mix
场组合证券market portfolio
场细分market breakdown
场经纪人market specialist
场结算水平market-clearance level
场统一market integration
场缝隙market niche
场老手market maven
场自动按时操作装置market timer
场自由化liberalization of market
场自相残杀market cannibalization
场舆论一致market consensus
场舞弊market abuse
场范围market scope
场范围market coverage
场萧条market drop
场萧条market stagnant
场萧条big bad
场行业market sectors
场行为market conduct
场行情market quote
场行情market information
场行情差价market difference
场行情模型market line
场行情的信息information of market condition
场袭击market raid
场要求回报率计划market RRR required rate of return schedule
场见顶时进行的交易deal written at the top of the market
场观点market views
场规则regulation of market
场规则market regulation
场规则marketplace rule
场规则market discipline
场规定market requirement
场规模size of the market
场规模breadth of market
场规模差别market size variance
场规模指数breath of market index
场计算法market scale
场设施market facility
场证券market security
场询价通过电话了解行情checking the market
场调整market correction
场调节职能market mechanism
场谷底market bottom
场资本额market capitalization
场走势market's momentum
场超额收益率market excess return
场趋势market tone
场趋势分析market trend analysis
场转换价格market conversion price
场转移shift of market
场达到失去理智的火暴状态market reached lunatic levels of exuberance
场过剩market overhang
场过剩反应market overhang
场过敏症market jitters
场运作market operations
场运作机构market operator
场进人的可能性probability of market entry
场违规market abuse
场追踪market tracking
场造市者利差market marker spread
场部门market sectors
场重点marketing emphasis
场重组融资创新手段innovation of market restructuring and financing
场重要参与者central player
场间价差intermarket spread
场间价差互换intermarket spread swap
场间利差intermediate spread
场间套作交易intermarket spread trading
场间套利exchange arbitrage
场间套购利差buying the intermarket spread
场间差价掉期intermarket spread swap
场间担保品cross collateral
场间监督信息系统intermarket surveillance information system
场间结算公司intermarket clearing corporation
场间风险管理委员会intermarket risk management committee
场静止market still
场顶部指在一定时期市场指标最高点market top
场预期market expectation
场预期分析法market anticipation approach
场预期型投资者market anticipation investor
场预期方法market anticipation approach
场领导者market leaders
场风格market style
场风险position risk
场风险制度market risk regime
场风险前端控制front control of market risk
场风险定量与定性披露quantitative and qualitative disclosure about market risk
场风险溢价market risk premium
场龙头股总收益summary return of market leaders
政债券municipal investment trust
政债券期货与长期国债期货间利差municipals-over-bonds MOB spread
政债券发行人municipal issuer
政债券投资信托municipal investment trust (MIT)
政债券投资者保证公司municipal bond investors assurance Corp.
政债券指南municipal bond guide
政债券指数期货municipal bond index futures
政债券期权municipal bond options
政债券期货municipal bond futures
政债务市场municipal debt market
政公债基金municipal bond fund
政可转换证券municipal convertible (bond)
政投资信托municipal investment trust
政收人债券municipal revenue bond
政改造融资债券municipal improvement certificate
政期权municipal options
政期货municipal futures
政机关municipal corporation
政票据municipal note
政证券规则制定委员会Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
盈率price/ earnings ratio
盈率price earnings ratio
盈率price earning ratio
盈率Price-earning ratio
盈率market multiple
盈率倍数PE multiples
盈率倍数P/E multiple
盈率增长比率P/E growth ratio
盈率收益增长比率P/E growth yield ratio
盈率效应P/E effect
盈率范围price-earnings ratio ranges
盈率计算Price/Earning calculations
道疲软bearish market
market place
market opening
买人opening purchase
价格opening price
价订单opening order
分配时段open allocation session
前交易最高价pre-market high
前交易量pre-market volume
前定价机制pre-market pricing mechanism
前指数反映纳斯达克市场上100只股票开盘前交易的指标pre-market indicator
前指数反映纳斯达克市场上100只股票开市前交易的指标pre-market indicator
前时段pre-opening session
前最低价pre-market low
前最后销售pre-market last sale
前竞价时段pre-market opening session
前议价时段pre-opening session
和收市指令market at open or close
报价规则opening quotation rules
敲钟股市开市ring the bell
订单Market On Opening
订单market on opening order
鸣钟股市开市bell tolls
开发上业务的海外资源developing overseas resources for listing
开放场上的价值open market value
开放场收购操作open market purchase operation
开放场积累open market accumulation
开放场账户open market account
开放透明的transparent market
开盘market on opening
开盘或收盘market at open or close
开盘随订单at the opening
持仓费用型carrying-charge market
持有carrying market
持续continuous market
持续熊sustained bear market
持股过久失去overstand one's market
最佳资源配置的场作用market's function of optimal resource allocation
最新场消息market updates
最新上公司信息latest listed company information
最活跃上股票名单most active list
退withdraw its listing from the Stock Exchange
退listing termination
退公司exit company
退公司delisted company
退困境dilemma of delist
退建议delisting proposal
退delisting day
退机制delisting mechanism
退程序delisting procedure
退风险警示delisting risk alert
销售场价差selling the intermarket spread
销售一空的sold out market
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