
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
准备preparation for market The containment, protection, handling and presentation of goods for the market (对市场进行保护、处理和展示。)
劳动力labour market
city Term used generically today to denote any urban form but applied particularly to large urban settlements. There are, however, no agreed definitions to separate a city from the large metropolis or the smaller town (用来表示任何城市形式,特别是应用于大城市而使用的术语。然而,并没有一致的定义来区分大城市和小城市。)
中心city centre The central part of a city (城市中心区。)
交通urban traffic Movements of vehicles and people within a city (城市中的车辆和人员的运动。)
人口urban population The total number of persons inhabiting a city, metropolitan region or any area where the sum of residents exceeds a designated amount (居住在城市、都市区的总人口,或居民总和超过指定数量的地区的总人数。)
供水urban water supply The distribution of water, including collection, treatment and storage, for use in a town, city or municipal area, and used generally for domestic and industrial needs (用于一个城镇、城市或市区的水的分配,包括收集、处理和储存,一般用于家庭和工业需求。)
供水管理municipal water management Municipal water management deals with aspects of water supply and water technology concerning planning, processing, building and producing. It also concerns the problems of waste water collection, sewage disposal, waste water treatment in rural areas, water economising measures, water body quality management (处理有关规划、加工、建造和生产等供水和水技术的城市水务管理。它还涉及污水收集、污水处置、农村地区污水处理、节水措施、水体质量管理等问题。)
供水系统municipal water distribution system Any publicly or privately organized setup in which water is processed at a central plant and delivered to homes and businesses via water pipes (任何公立或私人组织安装的系统,水在中央工厂处理并通过水管向家庭和企业传送。)
urbanization The state of being or becoming a community with urban characteristics (作为一个或成为一个带有城市特色的社区的状态。)
化集中urban concentration A process in which an increasing proportion of a country's population is concentrated in urban areas (国家越来越大比例的人口逐步向城市地区集中的过程。)
压力urban stress A state of bodily or mental tension developed through city living, or the physical, chemical, or emotional factors that give rise to that tension (由于城市生活,或物理的、化学的、或情绪的因素引发紧张而形成的一种身体上或精神上的紧张状态。)
发展urban development Any physical extension of, or changes to, the uses of land in metropolitan areas, often involving subdivision into zones; construction or modification of buildings, roads, utilities and other facilities; removal of trees and other obstructions; and population growth and related economic, social and political changes (大都市地区土地用途的自然扩展或变更,往往涉及到地区的细分,建筑物、道路、公用设施和其他设施的建造或改造,树木和其他障碍物的清除,人口的增长和相关的经济、社会和政治的变革等。)
发展文本urban development document A written or printed text furnishing proposals or procedures for the improvement of living conditions, especially housing, for the inhabitants of a city or densely populated area (改善城市生活条件的文本,主要包括为城市或人口密集地区的居民提供住房的建议和程序等内容。)
发展法urban development law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to regulate public services and the competing claims of residential, commercial and industrial interests in municipal areas generally characterized by moderate to high population density (政府机构制定的具有约束力的规则或规则体系,用来在以中高人口密度为特点的城市地区,规范公共服务和住宅、商业和工业利益的竞争性要求。)
噪音urban noise Noise emitted from various sources in an urban environment (城市环境中各种来源所释放的噪声。)
增长模式pattern of urban growth The combination of acts, tendencies and other observable characteristics that demonstrates a municipal area's progress or state of development, including its population trends (一系列条例的组合,在这些条例的作用下城市区有了可见的改观,包括人口。)
定居urban settlement A collection of dwellings located in an urban area (位于市区的住宅集合。)
废料municipal waste The combined residential and commercial waste materials generated in a given municipal area (在某城市范围内产生的住宅和商业废料。)
建成区built-up area Area which is full of houses, shops, offices and other buildings, with very little open space (建满了房屋、商店、办公室和其它建筑的地区,空地很少。)
扩张urban sprawl The physical pattern of low-density expansion of large urban areas under market conditions into the surrounding agricultural areas. Sprawl lies in advance of the principal lines of urban growth and implies little planning control of land subdivision. Development is patchy, scattered and strung out, with a tendency to discontinuity because it leap-frogs over some areas, leaving agricultural enclaves (市场条件下城市地区向周围农村地区进行低密度扩张的物理模式,扩张是以城市开发为主线推进,意味着对土地划分控制的较少规划。开发是零碎的、分散的、缓慢的,有不连续的倾向,因此它跨越过了一些地区,造成了农业上的飞地。)
政策urban policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which seeks to improve or develop cities or towns through land use planning, water resource management, central city development, policing and criminal justice, or pollution control (政府、企业或其他组织采取和奉行的行动方针,其目的是通过土地使用规划、水资源管理、中心城市的发展、治安和刑事司法,或污染的控制来改善或发展城市或城镇。)
景观urban landscape The traits, patterns and structure of a city's specific geographic area, including its biological composition, its physical environment and its social patterns (城市中特定地理区域的特点、模式和结构,包括它的生物组成、物理环境和社会格局。)
栖息地urban habitat The resulting effects and interrelationships of human population concentrations, the built environment, and the biophysical environment (人口聚集、建筑环境和生物物理环境之间的相互关系,以及由此产生的影响。)
污染urban pollution Pollution of highly populated areas mainly deriving from motor vehicles, industrial plants, combustion and heating plants, etc. (人口稠密地区的污染,主要来源于汽车、工厂、燃烧和供热设备等。)
污染物urban pollutant
污水urban wastewater The liquid wastes deriving from domestic, commercial and industrial activities of an urban settlement (城市居住区中家庭的、商业的和工业活动产生的液体废物。)
流动资源, 无需定义。urban flows resources, No definition needed
环境卫生urban sanitation The renovation or redevelopment of the decaying areas of cities by the demolition or up-grading of existing dwellings and buildings and a general improvement in environmental conditions (通过拆除或更新现有的住宅和建筑物以全面改善环境条件,对城市的衰败地区的翻修或重建。)
生态urban ecology Concept derived from biology: the city is viewed as a total environment, as a life-supporting system for the large number of people concentrated there, and within this people organize themselves and adapt to a constantly changing environment. Regarded as the same as human ecology (来自生物学的概念:城市被视为一个整体环境,一个集中的大众生命支持系统,在其中人们自我组织和适应不断变化的环境。它被等同于人类生态学的概念。)
生态图urban ecology charter A graphic representation of a city area or other densely populated region, portraying the location of groups or select types of people in their environment through various geographic techniques (一个城市地区或其他人口稠密地区的图形化表示,通过各种地理学技术描绘环境中的群体或选择特定类型人群的位置。)
生态系统urban ecosystem Towns and cities viewed as ecosystems, having an input of matter and energy, recycling within the system, and an output of matter and energy into the surroundings (城镇和城市被视为生态系统,包括物质和能量的输入,在系统内循环,以及物质和能量输出到周围环境。)
用水urban water Water destined for private and public use in a town (城镇中用于私人和公共用途的水。)
研究urban study The study and theory of building and other physical needs in cities or predominantly urban cultures (有关城市建设和城市物质需要,以及占主导地位的城市文化的研究和相关理论。)
社区urban community Body of people living in a town or city (住在城镇或城市的人群所组成的社群。)
管理urban management The administration, organization and planning performed for cities or towns, particularly the process of converting farmland or undeveloped land into offices, businesses, housing and other forms of development (对城市或城镇执行的管理、组织和规划,特别指将农田或未开发的土地转化为办公室、企业、住房和其他开发用途的过程。)
结构urban structure The built-up components, the street system and the facilities which make up an urban unit (构成一个城市单元的组件、街道系统和设施。)
绿地urban green The complex of private and public gardens in an urban area (城市区域中私人和公共花园的集合。)
行动计划urban action program A planned, coordinated group of activities or services intended for improving urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities and aesthetic surroundings (为提供健康和安全的居住条件、有效的交通和通信、足够的公共设施和优美的环境,改善城市中心的一组有计划、协调的活动或服务。)
规划urban planning The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for the future lay-out and condition of a city or town (对于城市或城镇的未来布局和环境的设计活动、组织或准备工作。)
规划和发展urban planning and development The activity or process of preparing for the future arrangement and condition of an urban center, particularly the development of its physical lay-out, which would include the construction, reconstruction, conversion, alteration or enlargement of buildings and other structures, and the extension or use of undeveloped land (为城市中心的未来安排和环境做准备的活动或过程,特别是物理布局开发,其中包括建造、重建、变更、房屋和其他建筑物的改建或者扩建,以及未开发土地的扩充或使用。)
设施urban facility Supply of essential services to the community, e.g. electricity, gas, water (为城市社区提供的基本服务,如电、气和水。)
设计urban design A plan, outline or preliminary sketch of, or for, a city or town (一个城市或城镇的规划、大纲或初步草图。)
重建urban renewal A continuing process of remodelling urban areas by means of rehabilitation and conservation as well as redevelopment. Urban renewal programmes are generally undertaken by public authorities and concern those parts of the city which have fallen below current standards of public acceptability (通过恢复和保护以及重建的手段,重塑城市地区的一个持续过程。市区重建计划一般是由城市的政府部门来承担,城市重建主要针对那些已经低于公众可接受的现行标准之下的城区。)
大都metropolis A term applied loosely to any large city, but specifically to that city in a country which is the seat of government, of ecclesiastical authority, or of commercial activity (一个不严谨地用于任何大城市的术语,但特指在一个国家政府或教会当局或商业中心所在地的城市。)
内贫民区inner city 1. Part of a city at or near the centre, especially a slum area where poor people live in bad housing. 2. City centres of many industrialized countries which exhibit environmental degradation. The numerous and highly competitive activities entailing land use overwhelm the limited space and create a situation of overcrowding, functional incompatibility and cultural degradation. Inner city areas have a high level of commercial specialization, a large number of offices and a sizeable daytime population. At the same time, city centres generally remain a sort of ghetto for a permanent, low-income population living in run-down housing and enjoying little in the way of public services and civic amenities. The concentration of service industries inevitably entails the replacement of traditional housing and shops by office blocks, the provision of basic utilities at the expense of civic amenities and the provision of major access roads which eat up urban space. Structures of historic originareoften unable to meet modern requirements and, notwithstanding their value, frequently face demolition (1. 城市中在市中心或接近市中心的部份,尤指穷人居住的贫民区。2. 许多环境恶化的工业化国家的市中心区。数量众多且高竞争性活动带来的土地过量使用,会侵占有限空间,造成过度拥挤、各种功能无法互相协调,及文化衰退。市中心地区具有高度商业化特性,拥有许多办公室和可观的日间工作人口。同时,市中心通常一直为贫民区,有着一群固定的低收入人口,居住在年久失修的房屋中,很少享受到公共服务和都市化的舒适。随着服务产业的集中,办公大楼不可避免的取代传统住宅及商店,基本公共设施的提供相对的牺牲都市舒适度,而主要联络道路也侵吞了都市空间。)
urban area Areas within the legal boundaries of cities and towns; suburban areas developed for residential, industrial or recreational purposes (在城市和城镇的法律界限内的区域,郊区发展为住宅,工业或娱乐用途。)
区老化urban decay Condition where part of a city or town becomes old or dirty or ruined, because businesses and wealthy families have moved away from it (由于企业和富裕的家庭已经搬离,一个城市或城镇的一部分变得破旧或肮脏或被毁坏。)
market Place of commercial activity in which articles are bought and sold. Also purchase and sale. In a limited sense market is the range of bid and asked prices reported by brokers making the market in over-the-counter securities. Also the demand for any particular article (进行物品买卖的商业活动的场所。也指购买和销售。一种狭义上的市场是指出价和向股票经纪人询问价格,进行有价证券场外交易所进行交易。也指任何具体商品的需求。)
场价格market price The price actually given in current market dealings; the actual price at which given stock or commodity is currently sold in the usual and ordinary course of trade and competition between sellers and buyers (在当前的市场交易中给出的实际上的价格;特定股票或商品按照通常交易过程的卖方和买方竞争和交易当前出售的实际价格。)
场因素factor market Significant elements or reasons for an outcome in the buying, selling, and trading of particular goods or services (在购买、销售和特定货物或服务交易中的影响结果的重要因素。)
场形式market form The organizational form or structure of the trade or traffic of a particular commodity (组织形式、交易结构、或某一商品的流动。)
场研究market study The gathering and studying of data to determine the projection of demand for an item or service (数据的收集和研究,以确定某一个项目或服务的需求预测。)
场经济market economy A mixed economy that relies heavily on markets to answer the three basic questions of allocation, but with a modest amount of government involvement. While it is commonly termed capitalism, market-oriented economy is much more descriptive of how the economy is structured (一种混合经济,依赖于市场对三个基本问题的定位,但政府参与的数额有限。虽然它通常被称为资本主义,以市场为导向的经济对经济是如何构成的更具有解释性。)
场营销marketing A related group of business activities whose purpose is to satisfy the demands for goods and services of consumers, businesses and government. The marketing process includes estimating the demand, producing the product, pricing the product to satisfy profit criteria, and promoting and distributing the product (一组相关的商业活动,其目的是为了满足对商品和消费者、企业和政府服务的需求。营销过程包括需求的评估、生产的产品、满足利润准则的产品定价以及产品的推销和分配。)
场调查market research The systematic gathering, recording, computing, and analysing of data about problems relating to the sale and distribution of goods and services for certain time periods (关于商品的销售和分配及特定时段的服务的问题的系统的收集、记录、计算和数据分析 。)
场运输commercial traffic The operations and movements related to the transportation and exchange of goods (有关货物的运输与交换活动。)
公共建筑工程public works
政供热网络municipal heating network System of heating all houses in a urban district from a central source (as from hot springs in Iceland or by cooling water from a power station) (通过中央热源(如冰岛温泉或电站冷却水)而供热市区内所有房屋的系统。)
政垃圾倾倒场municipal dumping Place where a town's refuse is disposed of after it has been collected (一个城市处理垃圾的地方。)
政工程municipal engineering Branch of engineering dealing with the form and functions of urban areas (处理城市构架和功能的工程分支。)
政当局municipality A town, city, or other district having powers of local self-government (镇、市或其他有权力的地方自治政府。)
政水municipal water
政环卫municipal cleansing The aggregation of services offered by a town or city in which streets and other public areas are kept clean, such as through trash pick-ups, street sweeping and decontamination of water, soil and other natural resources (由一个县镇或城市提供服务的集合,其中要保持街道和其他公共场所的清洁卫生,如捡拾垃圾、清扫街道及水、土壤和其他自然资源的净化。)
政环卫服务municipal cleansing service Removal for treatment or disposal of those residues that can be regarded as waste including removal of litter from public places, public thoroughfares or the countryside (可作为废物的残留物,包括从公共场所、公共道路或农村清除的垃圾的处置。)
政环境政策municipal environmental policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action regarding the protection of natural resources in local settings, cities or towns (关于城市或城镇的本地环境中自然资源保护的指导程序、哲学理念或行动过程。)
政环境规划municipal environment plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of a city or town's natural or ecological resources (城市或城镇的自然或生态资源管理的有规划的和系统的方法。)
围绕大停车场的郊商店区shopping centre
镇级别municipal level The jurisdiction, position or status of city, town or local government (城市、城镇或当地政府的司法管辖权、地位或身份。)
废材料scrap material market The trade or traffic in discarded or leftover materials that can be reused in some way (能用某种方式重用丢弃的或剩余的材料的贸易。)
欧洲内部internal European market
环境environment market
生态ecomarketing The buying, selling, advertising, shipping, and storing of goods in compliance with ecological principles (遵守生态规则的商品买、卖、广告、运送及储存。)
能源energy market The trade or traffic of energy sources treated as a commodity (such as fossil fuel, electricity, or solar radiation) (作为商品交易或者运输能源(如化石燃料,电力或太阳辐射)。)
发展规划planned urban development Any physical extension of, or changes to, the uses of land in metropolitan areas following certain preparations or designs (城市物理上的延伸或改变,在大都市地区设计和使用土地的若干准备。)
金融financial market A place or institution in which buyers and sellers meet and trade monetary assets, including stocks, bonds, securities and money (买卖者会面并交易货币资产,例如股票,债券,证券和资金的地点或机构。)
金融money market A financial market that trades Treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term financial instruments. This market is often used by businesses when they need short-term funds to bridge the gap between paying operating costs and collecting revenue from product sales. As such, the term "money" in money market indicates that businesses are using highly liquid instruments to raise the money need for operating expenses (交易国库券、商业票据和其他短期金融工具的金融市场。这个市场经常使用的业务是需要短期资金来弥补经营成本和收取产品销售收入的缺口。因此,所谓在货币市场的"货币"表示企业使用高流动性的手段来提高经营费用的资金需求。)