
Terms for subject Commerce containing 市场价格 | all forms | in specified order only
一般市场价格ordinary market price
上涨的市场价格rising market prices
市场价格出售sell at market prices
伦敦市场价格暴跌The market prices slumped in London
公道的市场价格fair market price
合众国际社证券市场价格United Press International Stock Markets
大量报盘使得市场价格下跌Heavy offerings contributed to depressing prices in the market
大量购买很大程度上影响了市场价格Considerable buying affected the market prices to a large extent
市场价格上涨rise in market prices
市场价格与收入政策market prices and incomes policy
市场价格在下跌The market prices are receding
市场价格在回升The market price is picking up
市场价格大幅度波动Prices in the market are fluctuating widely
市场价格猛涨Prices on the market jumped
市场价格突然下跌The market prices have suddenly fall en off
市场价格通常随季节不同而变化Market prices usually vary with the season
市场大幅度价格波动使得交易相当困难The wide price fluctuation in the market rendered business rather difficult
抢购引起市场价格急剧上涨The panic buying triggers off a sharp advance in market price
按当时市场价格on-the basis of prevailing market price
此时大量到货将压低市场价格Large arrivals at this time would depress the market prices
每日市场指示价格缩写为DMIPdaily market indicator price
目前市场情况可能让人误以为价格将下跌The present market situation may mislead one to think that the prices are going down
稳定市场价格stable market price
统一市场价格uniform market price
谣传市场价格将上涨The rumour is current that the price will go up
购进过多而价格偏高的市场overbought market
零售市场价格retail market price