
Terms for subject Business containing 市价格 | all forms | in specified order only
与当前市场价格持平level with the current market
买卖价格差距较大的市场wide opening, wide market
二级市场次要市场价格secondary market price
价格下跌的市场falling market
价格高出市场price out of the market
低于市场价格的基础价值value less than market price basis
农村集市价格rural market prices
农村集市贸易价格rural market prices
市价格market penetration price
参照世界市场价格reference world market price
参照国际市场价格base on prevailing international market prices
双重市场价格dual market price
同一产品统一市场价格的实行implementation of unified market prices for each kind of products
均衡市场价格equilibrium market price
城市消费品价格指数index number of the prices of city consumer goods
工业股票市场价格market prices of industrial shares
市场价格变动change in market value
市场价格回升recuperate of market prices
市场价格报告与信息系统market price reporting and information system
市场价格报告员market reporter
市场价格结构mechanism of price ascertainment in the market
市场扩张价格expansionist price
市场扩张价格expansion price
市场批发价格wholesale market price
市价格幅度opening range
批发市场价格wholesale market price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值at market prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
市价格market clearing price
现行市场价格going market price
用市场价格表示的国民收入national income at market prices
闭市后价格after hours price
市价格调查black market price survey