
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 市价格 | all forms | in specified order only
买卖双方价格坚挺的市场two-way market
买卖双方价格坚挺的市场two-sided market
二级市场价格secondary market price
价格可能回升的市场oversold market
市价格start-up price
劳务市场价格market price of service
商品市场价格market price of goods
大众价格市场popular-priced market
实际市场价格actual market price
市场通行价格quoted market price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at market prices
操纵证券市场价格rigging of price
棉花交易所市场价格stock market quotations cotton
涨停板,价格上涨,在一般市场上已停止出售pricing out of the market
租赁市场价格rental market price
租金市场价格rental market value
市价格off-the-book quotation
市价格black mart price