
Terms for subject Economy containing 市中心 | all forms | in specified order only
以工商业比较发达的大城市为依托的全国经济中心national economic networks with the advanced industrial and commercial cities as their centers
英国位于城市商业中心的分行storefront bank
发挥中心城市的作用extend the role of key cities
市中心有几幢房子要卖There are several properties for sale in the centre of the town
市内各中心区商店inner-city stores
市场商业中心market center
我公司还在市中心设立一个门市部,直接向公众零售我方产品Our company also has a department in the centre of the city to retail our goods directly to the public
既然市中心的租金昂贵,我们可考虑在郊区租办公室Since rents are high in the centre of the town, we can consider renting an office in the suburbs
此产品的广告牌已竖立在一些大城市的中心地带Advertising signs of this product have been put up in the centre of some big cities