
Terms containing 巴黎 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.交通拥堵在大都市里是个很普遍的现象,不过老实说,巴黎的交通形势已经糟糕透顶了Congestion is typical in most metropolitan cities, but to be honest, the traffic situation in Paris now is becoming ridiculous
econ.保护工业产权巴黎公约Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883年)
interntl.trade.保护工业产权巴黎公约Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
shipb.《保护工业产权巴黎公约》Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
interntl.trade.保护工业产权的巴黎公约Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property
China, polit.保护工业产权的巴黎公约1967年斯德哥尔摩修订文本Paris Convention for the Protection of industrial Property as Amended at Stockholm in 1967
gen.原定于当地时间下午 7:30 到达,但是我们要迫停伦敦,巴黎天气很糟糕We are due in Paris at 7:30 p. m. local time, but we're going to London as the weather in Paris is bad
mil."巴黎""Paris" (号战列舰)
mil."巴黎""Paris" (教练机(法))
econ.巴黎Paris (法国首都)
archit.巴黎Paris (的)
busin.巴黎不夜城City of Light
racing巴黎一莫斯科一北京汽车越野赛Paris-Moscow-Beijing Motor Rally
tradem.巴黎世家Balenciaga (时装巴黎世家服装一向精于裁剪和缝制,被喻为革命性的潮流导向。比利时王后、温莎公爵夫人、摩洛哥王后等都指定穿着这种时装。)
textile巴黎Parisian cilk
interntl.trade.巴黎交易所Paris Bourse
securit.巴黎交易所股票价格指数Paris Bourse's index of share price
org.name., securit.巴黎交易期权市场法国Paris Traded Options Market
commer.巴黎俱乐部Paris Club (指十国集团 (Group of Ten), 即:美国,英国,法国,意大利,荷兰,比利时,西德,瑞典,日本,加拿大等,1961年12月组成)
fin.巴黎俱乐部Paris Club (又称"十国集团" (Group-10),成立于1961年11月,是一个讲坛性质的松散的非正式国际组织,由于其经常在巴黎克莱贝尔大街的马热斯蒂克旅馆聚会,故称"巴黎俱乐部")
UN, econ.巴黎俱乐部Paris Club
securit.巴黎俱乐部20 国债权人定期在巴黎举行的会议Paris Club
UN, econ.巴黎俱乐部债务的进一步免除write-offs of their Paris Club debts
UN, econ.巴黎俱乐部的协议记录Paris Club Agreed Minutes
IMF.巴黎俱乐部秘书处Paris Club Secretariat
landsc.巴黎公园Paris park
gen.巴黎公社the Paris Commune
gen.巴黎公社the Commune (of Paris)
UN巴黎公约Paris Convention
UN巴黎公约Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources
econ.巴黎公约1883 年首次通过的保护工业产权基本权利的主要国际协定Paris Convention
busin.巴黎出口统筹委员会Coordinating Committee for Export Control
org.name., securit.巴黎券商公会40种股价指数Paris CAC40 General Index (法国)
textile巴黎刺绣用细白线在棱纹地上绣缎纹针迹Paris embroidery
textile巴黎刺绣用细白线在棱纹底上绣缎纹针迹Paris embroidery
textile巴黎刺绣Paris embroidery
IMF.巴黎办事处Paris Office
tech., fr.巴黎协和广场place de la Concorde
IMF.巴黎协议Louvre Agreement
IMF.巴黎协议Paris Agreement
UN, h.rghts.act.巴黎原则Paris Principles
UN, h.rghts.act.巴黎原则Guidelines on the protection and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups
tech.巴黎合金Parisian alloy
econ.巴黎同盟Paris union
commer.巴黎同盟Paris Union (即保护工业产权国际同盟)
commer.巴黎商会Chambre de Commerce de Paris
commer.巴黎商会Paris Chamber of Commerce
econ.巴黎国民银行Banque Nationale de Paris
busin.巴黎国民银行Banque Nationale de Paris
commer.巴黎国民银行Banque Nationale de Paris (Paris, 巴黎)
gen.назв.комп. 巴黎国民银行Banque Nationale de Paris
tech., fr.1858~1868年法国巴黎国立图书馆Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
commer.巴黎国际博览会Foire Internationale de Paris
econ.巴黎国际财产保护协会Paris Convention for the Protection of International Property
gen.巴黎圣母院Notre Dame de Paris
tech.巴黎圣母院Notre Dame de Paris (法国)
tech., fr.12~13世纪法兰西巴黎圣母院Notre-Dame de Paris
tech.巴黎圣母院Cathedral of Notre Dome
tech., fr.巴黎圣母院Notre-Dame de Paris
gen.巴黎圣母院Notre Dame
gen.巴黎圣母院是一座哥特式的大教堂Notre Dame in Paris is a Gothic cathedral
gen.巴黎塞纳河的右岸区云集着许多著名品牌的专卖店Many famous brand stores gather in the right bank of Seine river area
el.巴黎大学法国University of Paris
commer.巴黎工业产权保护同盟Convention of the Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property
tech.巴黎市政厅hotel de ville
space巴黎-布尔歇国际航空航天展览会Paris Le BOurget Salons Internationaux de L'Aeronautique et de L'Espace (法文)
org.name., securit.巴黎指数Paris Index
textile巴黎时装Paris mode
textile巴黎时装博览会Paris Collection
textile巴黎时装发布会Paris collection
textile巴黎时装款式Paris mode
commer.巴黎是世界时装中心Paris is the world's fashion capital
textile巴黎服式Paris mode
securit.巴黎期权交易市场巴黎证券交易所附属机构Marche des Options Negociable de Paris
fin., fr.巴黎期权交易所Marche des Option Negociables de Paris
commer.巴黎条约Paris Treaty
tech., fr.1861~1875年法国巴黎歌剧院Opéra, Paris
tech.巴黎歌剧院the Paris Opera
tech.巴黎水泥Parisian cement
tech.巴黎水泥Paris cement
geogr.巴黎:法国Paris, France
mycol.巴黎法规Paris Code
textile巴黎滚条斜纹绸Paris binding
comp.name.巴黎炼钢和轧钢公司Alpa-Acieries et Laminoirs de Paris SA
archit.巴黎Paris white
tech.巴黎Paris white (粉)
cosmet.巴黎的一些大型企业禁止员工在上班时间使用味道浓烈的香水In Paris, some big enterprises have enforced bans on the use of heavy perfumes during work time
earth.sc.巴黎盆地磁异常magnetic anomaly of the Paris basin
tech.巴黎石膏plaster of Paris
tech.巴黎石膏Paris plaster
textile巴黎硬挺斜纹布Paris binding
gen.巴黎、米兰、纽约、东京深受奢侈品购物者青睐Paris, Milan, New York, and Tokyo are favored cities for luxury goods buyers
tech.巴黎Paris violet
tech.巴黎gentian violet
textile巴黎法国制全丝薄绸gaze de paris
textile巴黎gaze de paris
textile巴黎线迹Paris stitch
textile巴黎细横棱绸Paris cord
el.巴黎统筹委员会Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls
el.巴黎统筹委员会Coordinating Committee for Export to Communist Areas
econ.巴黎统筹委员会Coordinating Committee
interntl.trade.巴黎统筹委员会Coordinating Committee for Export Control
interntl.trade.巴黎统筹委员会Co-ordinating Committee for Export Control
fin.巴黎统筹委员会Coordinating Committee on Export Control (简称"巴统组织",1949年11月在美国的提议下秘密成立,是一个西方国家对社会主义国家实行禁运和贸易限制的国际组织。随着国际形势的变化,该组织于1994年4月1日宣告解散)
commer.巴黎统筹委员会亦用 Co-ordination Committee for East-West-Trade PolicyCo-ordination Committee for Export Control
earth.sc.巴黎统筹委员会Coordinating Committee for Export Controls
econ.巴黎统筹委员会巴统、 多边出口控制统筹委员会Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls (CoCom)
interntl.trade.巴黎统筹委员会对中华人民共和国列的禁运货单Chincon list
busin.巴黎统筹委员会对中国所列的禁运单Chincom List
busin.巴黎统筹委员会对中国禁运货单Chincom List
interntl.trade.巴黎统筹委员会新列的禁运货单Cocom list
commer.巴黎统筹委员会禁运货单COCOM List
textile巴黎绢丝绒velours de paris
gen.巴黎Paris gauge
tech.巴黎绿copper aceto-arsenite
tech.巴黎绿imperial green
tech.巴黎绿urania green
chem.巴黎绿green emerald
chem.巴黎绿Schweinfurt green
tech.巴黎绿emerald green
agric., chem.巴黎绿copper acetoarsenite
textile巴黎绿king's green
textile巴黎绿黄光绿Paris green
textile巴黎绿黄光绿色Paris green
textile巴黎绿黄光绿色king's green
agric.巴黎绿杀虫剂,C₄H₆As₆Cu₄O₁₆copper acetoarsenite
agric.巴黎绿杀虫剂,C₄H₆As₆Cu₄O₁₆Paris Green
agric., chem.巴黎绿Paris green
ecol.巴黎绿Mitis green
econ.巴黎联合银行Banque de l'Union Parisienne
gen.назв.комп. 巴黎联合银行Banque de 1'Union Parisienne
econ.巴黎联盟Paris Union
textile巴黎股垫cul de paris
org.name., securit.巴黎股票交易所法国Paris Stock Exchange
org.name., securit.巴黎股票期权市场法国Marche des Potions Negociables de Baris
avia.巴黎航空货运国际交易所Bourse Internationale de Fret Aerien de Paris
textile巴黎花边point de paris
commer.巴黎荷兰银行Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas (Paris, 巴黎)
gen.назв.комп. 巴黎荷兰银行Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas
bot.巴黎莴苣Paris chicory
textile巴黎深蓝色Paris blue
textile巴黎Paris blue
textile巴黎Parisian blue
agric.巴黎显技Paris blue
tech.巴黎蓝颜料Paris blue pigment
securit.巴黎证交所40只股票指数CAC 40 index
busin.巴黎证券交易所Paris Bourse
fin., fr.巴黎证券交易所Bourse de Paris
securit.巴黎证券交易所Paris Bourse
fin.巴黎证券交易所股票价格指数Paris Bourse's Index of Share Price
securit.巴黎证商公会指数CAC 40 index
auto.巴黎-达喀尔汽车拉力赛Paris-Dakar rally
met.巴黎金属Paris metal
gen.巴黎铁塔Eiffel Tower
fin., fr.巴黎银行BNP Paribas (欧洲首屈一指的全球银行及金融服务机构,其核心资本规模在法国排行第一,在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第11位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第22位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第41位)
fin.巴黎银行同业拆借利率Paris Inter-bank Offered Rate
econ.巴黎银行同业拆放利率Paris interbank offered rate
securit.巴黎银行同业放款利率Paris interbank offered rate
securit.巴黎银行期货经纪公司BNP Paribas Futures
tech.巴黎骨炭Paris black
tech.巴黎骨炭animal charcoal
textile巴黎高级时装haute boutique
textile巴黎高级时装工联Chembre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne
textile巴黎高级时装店设计师组织Group Mode Creation (GMC)
textile巴黎高级时装联合会Chembre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne
textile巴黎高级服装店公会Chambre Syndicate de al Couture Parisienne
textile巴黎黄色Paris yellow
textile巴黎Paris yellow
tech.巴黎黄颜料Paris yellow pigment
tech.巴黎Paris black
tech.巴黎黑颜料Paris black pigment
expl.开往巴黎的列车a train bound for Paris
gen.我去了巴黎。那儿的美景让我着迷。你呢?I have been to Paris. I am fascinated by the beautiful scenery there. How about you?
gen.我在巴黎街头闲逛并去了凡尔赛皇宫I strolled in Paris and went to Versailles Palace
gen.我在巴黎购物时总得排老长的队,等得都快没耐心了There's always a long queue when I was shopping in Paris. I almost lost my patience
gen.我真的必须今晚到达巴黎,请你替我找其他的班机好吗?I really have to get to Paris by this evening. Would you please try to find any other available flight?
gen.打扰一下。我们什么时候到巴黎Excuse me. When do we arrive in Paris?
tech.19世纪法国拿破仑三世巴黎改建方案Napoleon III 's projected transformation of Paris
UN, polit.援助实效问题巴黎宣言Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Ownership, Harmonisation, Alignment, Results and Mutual Accountability
UN, polit.援助实效问题巴黎宣言Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
org.name.援助实效问题巴黎宣言: 自主决策、协调实施、目标一致、追求实效、共同负责Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Ownership, Harmonisation, Alignment, Results and Mutual Accountability
org.name.援助实效问题巴黎宣言: 自主决策、协调实施、目标一致、追求实效、共同负责Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
gen.11 月 22 日黎巴嫩独立日Independence Day (Lebanon)
econ.4月4日去巴黎的航班没有空舱There is no room left in the liner to Paris on April 4
fin., fr.泛欧巴黎交易所Euronext Paris
securit.泛欧交易所巴黎公司法国Euronext Paris
mil."海巴黎奥尔""Sea Balliol" (教练机(英))
geogr.的黎波里:黎巴嫩Tripoli, Lebanon
agric., chem.碱性巴黎绿Paris green
org.name.粮农组织驻黎巴嫩代表处FAO Representation in Lebanon
fin., fr.纽约-泛欧巴黎交易所NYSE Euronext Paris
gen.联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
UN, account.联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队特别账户Special Account for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
gen.请稍等。是的,先生。您明天去巴黎的109航班机已确认无误Hold on a second, please. Right, sir. You are booked and confirmed on flight 109 to Paris tomorrow
tech.1853~1869年法国豪斯曼改建巴黎规划Haussmann's projected transformation of Paris
geogr.贝鲁特:黎巴嫩Bayrut, Lebanon
geogr.贝鲁特:黎巴嫩Beirut, Lebanon
org.name., securit.长江巴黎百富勒中外合资Changjiang BNP Paribas Peregrine
gen.非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。如果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late
sport.黎巴嫩LIB (National Olympic Committee)
avia.黎巴嫩中东航空公司Middle East Airlines
polit.黎巴嫩共和国the Lebanese Republic
anim.husb.黎巴嫩大香肠Lebanon bologna sausage
univer.黎巴嫩谷学院Lebanon Valley College
avia.黎巴嫩跨地中海航空公司Trans Mediterranean Airways
fin.黎巴嫩镑Lebanese pound (Lebanon)
commer.黎巴嫩镑Lebanese Pound
lat.黎巴嫩雪松Cedrus libani
desert.黎巴嫩雪松cedar of Lebanon
biol.黎巴嫩雪松Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani Laws.,松科)
biol.黎巴嫩雪松cedar-of-Lebanon (Cedrus libani Laws.,雪松科)