
Terms containing 已定的 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.下述条款将被解释为双方业已商定的义务The following terms will be interpreted as matured obligations of both parties
econ.为了符合我们扩大业务的愿望,我们已决定接受你方为代理人In conformity with our desire to enlarge business, we have decided to accept you as our agent
interntl.trade.买定已付定金,已付定金的购买purchased and paid a deposit
econ.他们已给了我方相当关的定单They have given us an order of considerable size
consult.以工程量表示已经确定的工程活动applying quantities to sequenced activities
econ.公司已决定推迟兑付所有的发票The company has decided to delay payment of all invoices
commer.列入已定运费表内的货物closed cargo
econ.卖方和买方已经就下文确定的一切产品的价格达成协议The seller and the buyer have agreed on the prices of all products identified as follows
dril.在一块油田能定的井位已钻完farm out
adv.基调已定的广告keyed insertion
adv.基调已定的广告keyed advertisement
gen.大局已定的样子an air of finality
gen.对不起,您的信用卡已经止付。根据银行规定要取消Sorry, your credit card has stopped paying. According to the regulations of bank, it must be cancelled
tech.已使用固定资产的费用cost of used fixed assets
tech.已使用过的固定资产used fixed assets
gen.已判定的共振resolved resonance
econ.已发出计算机部件的购买定单,部件详情见所附定单A purchase order has been issued for the calculating machine parts as described on the enclosed order sheet
manag.已备案的协定notified agreement
econ.已备案的协定a notified agreement
desert.已定价值的生态系统组成部分valued ecosystem components
gen.已定局的事情a bird in the hand
proj.manag.已成定局的裁决finality of verdict (the award)
econ.已拨定的利润appropriated profit
econ.已拨定的材料appropriated materials
tech.已指定用途的款项money appropriated
tech.已接受而尚未运出的定货总数backlog of orders
el.已标定的中子通量功率calibrated neutron flux power
econ.已核定的应付债款audited claims payable
commer.已检验符合商品交易所期货合同规定品质的存货certificated stock
gen.已注定的败局a lost cause
manag.已测定的日给率measured day rate
securit.已清算确定的债务额liquidated debt
busin.已确定的不可变易的交易firm deal
interntl.trade.已确定的信用证established of L/C
securit.已确定的国际惯例established international practice
econ.已约定的booked (或已订约的)
IMF.已经稳定的经济体mature stabilizer
securit.已获得的定期利息time interest earned
fin.已规定用途的资金pledged funds
fin.已规定用途的资金obligated funds
fin.已规定用途的资金committed funds
tech.已评定的收入measured income
econ.已鉴定的价值the appraised value
avia.已鉴定的制造接收项目certified manufacturing acceptance program
anim.husb.已鉴定的品种identified variety
econ.我们可明确认定,合同中规定的各项要求均已达到We can conclusively presume that the requirements specified in the contract have been satisfied
econ.我们已寄出200吨糖将于规定日期运到的通知We sent you the notification that the shipment of 200 tons of sugar would reach you at the date specified
commer.我们已指定该地区的独家代理人We've already appointed the sole agent in this territory
econ.我们高兴地告诉你方,董事会已通过一项与中国丝绸公司达成长期协定的决议We are glad to inform you that the board of directors passed a resolution to reach a long-term agreement with China National Silk Corporation
cosmet.我确定我们的价格已经是最优惠的了。在其他地方,这个品牌的新款香水价格近几年来涨了不少I am sure our prices are the most favorable. Elsewhere prices for brand new perfumes have gone up tremendously in recent years
avia.提前量已测定的射击predicted shooting
econ.新牌产品开始上市的日期已定The launch date of the new brand product has been decided
econ.有关你要求赔偿损害的起诉已超过了法定期限The suit brought by you for damages has passed the statute of limitations
econ.根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favour, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
econ.根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favor, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
fin.法定期限以后归回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
fin.法定的、已发行的、认购的、实缴的资本authorized, issued, subscribed, paid-up capital
econ.真正的难题是扩大原始市场,而不是仅在规模已经确定的市场中抢占较大份额The real challenge is to expand the primary market rather than simply fight for a larger share in a fixed size market
gen.确定吗?我的朋友告诉我说成都那边已经有飞机降落了,为什么你们的航班还不起飞?Are you serious? My friend told me that some flights have landed in Chengdu airport already. Why can't your flight depart?
gen.立体结构上已确定了的sterically defined
econ.2000英镑已由买主付给卖主指定的代表2000 pounds have been paid by the purchaser to the designee of the seller
interntl.trade.行使已经判决确定的权利enforcement of claims established by judgement
tech.边界四址已定的土地data tract
securit.追踪已确定的风险track identified risk