
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing 差率 | all forms | in specified order only
参考差错率reference error
反常差错率abnormal error rate
差错概率probability of error
差错概率error probability
差错率error ratio
平均差错概率average probability of error
平均差错率average error rate
残余差错率residual error rate
残留差错率residual error ratio
残留误差概率residual error probability
比特差错率bit error ratio
比特差错率bit error rate
漏检差错率residual error rate
漏检误差率undetected error rate
漏检误差概率undetected error probability
犯第一类差错的概率type I risk
犯第二类差错的概率type II risk
相对频率偏差relative frequency departure
码组差错率block error rate
码组差错率block-error probability
纤心偏心率误差core eccentricity error
自动频率微调剩余误差automatic frequency fine control residual error
误差出现率rate of occurrence of errors
账单差错概率billing error probability
长途电话费率差时间rate period
长期比特差错率long-term bit error
频率参差frequency staggering
频率容差frequency tolerance